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The Cricket in Times Square Lesson 23. If you do something forlornly, you do it in a way that shows you feel sad and lonely. After her guests left, Aponi.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cricket in Times Square Lesson 23. If you do something forlornly, you do it in a way that shows you feel sad and lonely. After her guests left, Aponi."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cricket in Times Square Lesson 23

2 If you do something forlornly, you do it in a way that shows you feel sad and lonely. After her guests left, Aponi looked around forlornly at the empty house. forlornly

3 People might fidget, or move around restlessly, when they are bored or nervous. At the movies, Patrice and Frankie annoy everyone when they fidget and wont sit still. fidget

4 A person or thing that is pathetic is sad or helpless. You usually feel sorry for pathetic people or things. The drenched kitten looked pathetic. pathetic

5 When you have resolved to do something, you have made up your mind to do it. John resolved to learn to drive by his sixteenth birthday. resolved

6 If an animal is scrounging, it is looking around trying to find food. The hungry dog was scrounging through the garbage for food. scrounging

7 If you describe someone as noble, you think that person is honest and unselfish. Thad did a noble deed when he shopped for his elderly neighbor after the ice storm. noble

8 Someone who is stingy doesnt like to spend money or share what they have. Karly thinks her brother is stingy because he wont give her money when the ice-cream truck comes around. stingy

9 If you think someone is guilty of doing something wrong, you have a suspicion about him or her. When Brents lunch money was missing, he had a suspicion that his sister had raided his backpack. suspicion

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