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Welcome to Ms. Benner’s Classroom 3 rd : Prasse 4 th -5 th : Jones 7 th Grade Math Teacher 2013 -2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Benner’s Classroom 3 rd : Prasse 4 th -5 th : Jones 7 th Grade Math Teacher 2013 -2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Benner’s Classroom 3 rd : Prasse 4 th -5 th : Jones 7 th Grade Math Teacher 2013 -2014

2 Bell work Write what goes in the box if a = -4 a + 8 = Yes, I can do this! 4

3 Math Course Description: Content to be Studied  Quarter 1 : Numbers and operations; Integers operations; Rational numbers; Simplifying Equations using Properties; Equations; Proportions  Instruction: Utilizing the Scope and Sequence, NGSSS Task Card and the C² Connection Card to guide and enhance classroom instruction aligned to NGSSSS and CCSSM. (See web site, Department→ Curriculum and Instruction → Math Home Page for more details about the course)

4 Grading Plan: 7 th Grade Regular Coursework will be weighted as follows:  First Nine Weeks: 2 nd 3 rd 4th  1. Assessments- 55% 60% 60% 65%  2. Classwork- 35% 30% 30% 25%  3. Homework- 10% 10% 10% 10%

5 Grading Plan: 7 th Grade Adv. Coursework will be weighted as follows:  First Nine Weeks: 2 nd 3 rd 4th  1. Assessments- 60% 65% 65% 70%  2. Classwork- 30% 25% 25% 20%  3. Homework- 10% 10% 10% 10%

6 Assignments  All assignments and homework must be done on time for full credit. Late assignments will not receive credit. Extra Credit will be offered during each of the nine weeks and should be taken advantage of when assigned.  Example: Web site completion (FCATEXPLORER), Textbook online…

7 Notebooks- Cornell notes!!!  Notes are an additional resource to help students understand a concept. Students must keep their notes and any additional worksheet received in class in their notebooks. If they are absent, they are responsible for getting notes from a friend or from the textbook. Teacher will provide any hand out passed in class. It will be graded as 10% of their grade. They will have note or notebook checks randomly.

8 Absent work:  It is the students’ responsibility to request work missed during an absence. Also, students will follow attendance rules in the Code of Student Conduct & Policy Guide.

9 Math Help  Math Help : If the student needs extra help in any assignment attempted at home. If further assistance is required appointments may be made based on my availability.  Homework Club!  Tuesdays 8:20-9:05 a.m.  Thursdays 4:20 – 5:00 p.m.

10 Holt Online Learning:  ******* Textbook on-line  Teacher web page and Esembler  ********  /  Http:// /Advanced Only Http://  Students received their usernames and passwords to use;; FCAT

11 Interesting web sites and resources          You tube for educational videos

12 AGENDA RULES FOR THE 2012-13 SCHOOL YEAR  Windy Hill Middle School’s Positive Behavior Support Team has adapted a new agenda initiative.  Windy Hill students are required to have their agendas in their possession every day and to maintain them.students  Our current agenda use will include:  · Students daily homework assignments  · Hallway passes  · Communication tool for teacher and parentsteacher  · Agenda Comments for minor discipline include but not limited to-  o Gum violation  o Minor tardy violations  o Agendas not signed with parent signature weekly  o Classroom disruption (minor)  o Students not on task during class  Parents please check the agenda regularly for notes from teachers, homework assignments, minor school discipline, etc

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