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OPEN HOUSE Spanish 4 Honors BIENVENIDOS Room 317 Mrs. Heather Puchta

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1 OPEN HOUSE Spanish 4 Honors BIENVENIDOS Room 317 Mrs. Heather Puchta

2 College Credit Options & AP  The deadline is October 1 st for SUNY Oswego, and October 30 th for Adelphi SUNY OSWEGO – 3 credits – Sept. – June SPA 201 Adelphi – 3 credits Fall semester & 3 credits Spring semester AP Exam will be administered in May of their 12 th grade year. College credit will depend on their exam score of 3, 4 or 5. All Colleges accept College credit differently, please look into the Colleges your child is thinking about attending.

3 GRADES  15% Speaking topics  85% Everything else (quizzes, journals, listening activities, speaking activities, reading activities, writing activities etc.)  SIS GRADEBOOK –you are able to see the grades online. Be sure the District Office has your email address on file

4 If a student is absent…  All missed work will be in the absent folder.  If they missed a quiz, there will be a green slip of paper in the absent folder telling them that they have 1 week to take it or receive a zero.

5 PODCASTS  On my teacher webpage, I have some sites for the students to go to and listen to native speakers on a regular basis.  Please encourage them to do this 1-2 times a week. This is training their ears!  Timewarner CH 16 is good for them to listen to for 8-10 minutes at a time.

6 EXTRA HELP  I am available on Weds. & Thursdays from 2:10 – 3pm  is my email. Contact me anytime!

7 VIDEO  http://www.i-catcher- hi.php?ID=41 http://www.i-catcher- hi.php?ID=41

8 COSTA RICA I’m organizing a trip to Costa Rica in July, 2016. There is information on my website, under the Costa Rica tab.

9 GRACIAS  Thank you so much for coming tonight!!!  I understand how busy everyone is and for you to take time out and come tonight means a lot! THANK YOU AGAIN!!! MUCHAS GRACIAS.

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