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Tools of the Totalitarian. #1 Nationalist and Socialist Ideology We have come For the good And to renew the holy oath Blazing flames hold us together.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools of the Totalitarian. #1 Nationalist and Socialist Ideology We have come For the good And to renew the holy oath Blazing flames hold us together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools of the Totalitarian

2 #1 Nationalist and Socialist Ideology We have come For the good And to renew the holy oath Blazing flames hold us together Into eternity May the times Bring what they will, We are a young people ever ready No one shall take this faith From those who are dedicated to Germany When we pass on, Something new will come Today and forever more.

3 Marx: Classless Society Hitler: Aryan Paradise Mussolini: Second Roman Empire #2 Utopian Goals Justified abuses, sacrifices and brutalities

4 Workers of the World Unite!!! #3 Universalism System and goals will spread globally

5 #4 Leader Principle Hierarchical lines of command Unquestioned obedience Cult like following 'I swear by God this sacred oath: I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath.' Il Duce! Der Furher!

6 #5 Propaganda Used new mass media Emotive symbols, political art, glorification of ruling party, heroic images, aggrandizement of national myths. Pretentious portraits of leaders Shameless demonization of undesirables, opponents, real and invented

7 Soviet Unions official newspaper, Pravda Napoleon Selects all books and curriculum in French Lycees Catholic Churchs Index of Prohibited Books #6 Preventive Censorship Control all sources of information Suppress unwanted information Prefabrication of desired information

8 VERSUS #7 Ideological Enemy Needed to legitimize its own malice against undesirables Helps develop emotional upheaval

9 #8 Militarism Magnification of external threat or an invented threat Collectivism Rearmament top economic priority High social prestige Offensive plans labeled and described as defensive

10 # 9 Collectivism Activities to strengthen collective bonds, and weaken family bonds or individuality Youth movements, party rituals, military parades (group uniformed)

11 Not through speeches and majority rule are the great questions of the day decided…but by blood and iron. – Otto von Bismarck I am the constitutional making power. –Napoleon Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are…more exclusive, tyrannical, and destructive than one. – Benito Mussolini #10 Contempt for Liberal Democracy Despised humanitarianism Despised the belief in compromise, co- existence, and commercialism

12 " Well, when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to this personal service contract; with a big band leader. And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it. Now, Johnny is my father's godson. And my father went to see this band leader, and he offered him $10,000 to let Johnny go. But the band leader said no. So the next day, my father went to see him; only this time with Luca Brasi. And within an hour, he signed a release, for a certified check for $1,000. My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Luca Brasi held a gun to his head and my father assured him that either his brains, or his signature, would be on the contract. -- Michael Corleone # 11 Gangsterism and Coercion Similar to organized crime protect people from violence totalitarians created perpetual and habitual terrorization of party members, victims, and opponents manipulated the law, black mail, extortion secret police eliminated opponents and undesirables

13 #12 Moral Nihilism Ends justified the means No moral considerations

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