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Take your mind on a journey; explore your media center.

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Presentation on theme: "Take your mind on a journey; explore your media center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take your mind on a journey; explore your media center.

2 Media Aide: Mrs. Moran

3 This is your library and we encourage you to use it to complete school assignments and projects, to read, and to study. We are here to assist you in selecting personal reading materials and for locating resources for research. Throughout the year, we will have activities that promote reading and research. These activities are open to all students.

4 Activities & Celebrations: Learn at Lunch Teen Read Week National Library Week Reader’s Café Hispanic Heritage Month Native American Heritage Month Black History Month Poetry Month Women’s History Month

5  Helping students locate and use appropriate resources  Helping students become independent users of print and non-print materials  Helping students develop a lifelong love of reading


7 20 Magazines/Periodicals 20 Magazines/Periodicals


9 1 Newspaper Summerville Journal Scene

10 Start computer research with DISCUS

11 756 DVD’s/Videos (Students may not check these out.)


13 Twitter Blog


15 Media Center Hours Monday through Friday 6:45-3:30 Exceptions: faculty meetings, media center staff appointments or emergencies

16 Students enter and exit the media center through the main entrance You must wear your ID. No ID, NO service! Place book bags along the wall in the foyer area and proceed to the circulation desk. (Leave your valuables in your locker or keep them with you.)

17 Media Center Procedures If you come to the library from a class, you must have a pass. (no passes from substitutes) Sign in on the Red Folder. Fill in required information Sign out before leaving the media center and get a media staff member’s signature. A return time must be indicated on the pass if you leave before the bell.

18 If you come to the Media Center Before School, During Lunch or After School, sign in on the yellow folder. You do not need a pass. Sign out when you leave.

19 Checking Out & Renewing Materials Students must present an ARHS ID to check out materials. Books and playaways may be checked out for 10 school days and renewed twice, unless the items are on hold for another student. A student may have a maximum of 4 items checked out at a time. Only one playaway may be included in the total. Students should never check out items for another student. The student who checks out the items will be held responsible for any fines, damages or lost items. Students with outstanding fines or lost items may not check out additional items until their record is clear.

20 Overdue Fines & Fees for Lost Items Fines of $.05 per day are assessed for overdue items. A maximum fine of $5.00 per item will be charged. Students should pay all overdue fines in the media center and retain all receipts. The purchase price will be charged for lost items unless the replacement cost is considerably more. Students should pay in the media center and retain all receipts. Date due cards should not be altered, damaged or removed from the book. A $1.00 fee will be charged for loss or damage.

21 Media Center Rules No food, candy, gum, drinks (including water), or health & beauty aids in the media center. No socializing. Students are expected to read, study or complete class assignments. No more than 4 students at each table. No electronic devices (includes personal computers) in the media center. No hanging out in the book shelves in the back of the library. Media restroom is for Staff Use Only!

22 Swamp Fox Etiquette  Work quietly, and do not disturb others.  Return any books or magazines that you have pulled from the shelves to the Book Drop. Do not shelve them!  Help us keep the media center neat and clean. Throw away all trash!  Place chairs or computer stools neatly under the table before leaving.  Please do not put your feet on tables, sofas or chairs!  Form a line to check out books. Do not spread around the circulation desk.

23 Photocopying - coin-operated photocopier - does not make change for bills. -change for $1.00 bill available at circulation desk -Black and white photocopies are $.10 each. -Color copies are $.25 each. -See the media specialist for assistance with color copying.

24 Suggestion Box Your ideas are important to us! If you would like to recommend books or magazines to be added to the collection, complete a recommendation card. Drop it in the “Suggestion Box” at the Circulation Desk.

25 Using Media Center Computers: Rules and Procedures: Get to know them! 30 Media center computers 4 Search stations

26 Using Media Center Computers Important facts to remember: Must have a current Id around neck Must have a current, signed AUP on file Must sign up at the circulation desk to gain access to a computer Do not save important information on the computer. (Everything is deleted when computers shut down.) Do not make changes to the desktop or computer settings. Use the computers for school-related research, word processing or desktop publishing only.

27 Using Media Center Computers  Students accessing email, chat rooms, or sites unrelated to the classroom assignments will be logged out. A discipline slip may also be written.  Violation of the Dorchester District Two Internet Policy could result in loss of internet privileges for the remainder of the year and other disciplinary action.  The four search stations are dedicated to Destiny searches only. Do not use them for other purposes.  The Destiny online catalog is also available on the desktop of each of the research computers.

28 Saving to SchoolFusion Save the document to the computer desktop or to “My Documents” Go to the school web page: Login: (Under the calaendar on the left side of the page) Username: Your school ID number Password: Your school ID number ( Click “Login”) Click on “My Account” under the calendar Click on “Files” in the pop-up box Click “Add a File” Click “Browse” Locate your saved document either under “My Documents” or on the desktop Right click on the document name Click “Open” Click “Upload file"

29 Printing from the Computers Students may print from the computers to a printer at the desk. Copies may be picked up and paid for at the circulation desk. Black and white copies are $.05 per page. (Full page of b & w is $.20.) Color printing is available for $.50 per 1/2 page or less and $1.00 for more than 1/2 page to a full page of color. Students must select the color printer before printing. Students are responsible for all pages printed. Please seek help to prevent mistakes. If you print, you pay!

30 Destiny Online Catalog Use the online catalog to independently search for materials. Click the Destiny icon on the desktop or type in the URL- http://destinyn1 or access from Media web page. http://destinyn1 Search by author, title, subject, or keyword. Note the call number of the book. Check to see if book is available. If a book is checked out, you may put it on reserve at the circulation desk or in Destiny Quest (See media staff for assistance with setting up your Destiny Quest account). To access Destiny from home, click on the link on the media web page or go to and click on Ashley Ridge High School.

31 Twitter Blog

32 eBooks Three types of ebooks:  FollettShelf  Gale Virtual Reference Library  OverDrive

33 Start computer research with DISCUS.

34 The End Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to see you in the Ashley Ridge Library Media Center!

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