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Welcome to Parent Night

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1 Welcome to Parent Night 2013-2014
Amy delaTorre’s Classroom Information Welcome to OMIS Parent Night. As we embark on a new year, I feel there are procedures and expectations that once familiar will help the year run smoothly. I have a strong desire to meet your child’s academic needs. In addition, I feel that it is important to teach them how to become responsible citizens in their community. I am sure your child will work hard at home and at school in both of these areas. Working as a team, parents, teachers, and students, we are sure to have a successful fourth grade year.

2 OMIS Mission Statement
The mission of Oak Mountain Intermediate School is to transition fourth and fifth grade students from early childhood to early adolescence by promoting responsibility, independence, character development, and academic growth This truly is a unique purpose because we have less than 2 years to prepare your child for middle school.

3 Vision Statement The vision of Oak Mountain Intermediate School is to become an exemplary model amongst nationally recognized schools of excellence. CLAS Banner School

4 Schedule ELA block 8:00-10:20 MWTh 8:00-11:05 TF
Social Studies 1:20-2:00 Science 2:00-2:40 Specials: T/F Music and Art 8:05-8:50; M-Computer Lab/Science Lab 12:40-1:20; T-Library 9:05-9:50; Lunch 11:52-12:18; and PE 1:20-1:55 We will also have Guidance once a month and library lessons as scheduled. Please note that the school opens at 7:05. Students should not be at school before this time. Students are not to be dropped off to walk across the parking lot. All students should be dropped off in the carpool line or parents need to park in a parking space and escort their child/children to the front doors. This is for their safety. Students may enter the classroom at the 7:40 bell to begin morning work, however, they are not tardy until after the 7:50 bell. After that time you must walk them into the building and sign them into the front office.

5 Classroom Responsibilities
The following is a list of the Classroom Responsibilities. I have already discussed these with the classes and they know our expectations and responsibilities in our classroom. I exercise courtesy and respect towards all students and expect the same from them. Your child should be able to explain this policy to you as well. Be respectful of all people. Always do your best work. Be prepared for class at all times. Keep work areas clean. Talk at appropriate times and in appropriate voices.

6 Consequences If a student chooses to act irresponsibly, he/she must sign the Responsibility Notebook. The student signs on the first offense. The first sign is considered a warning. If he or she signs a second time in the day, the student fills out a log report that is to be initialed by a parent and returned the next day. If a student signs for missing homework, he or she has silent lunch that day and it results in an automatic log report. Signing more than two times in a day may result in a parent phone call. *Severe or chronic behavior may result in an office referral and the parents will be called (or note home).* *The above steps can be skipped if deemed necessary by teacher and/or administration.*

7 Conduct Grade/Progress Conduct
Conduct grades and progress conduct grades are determined by the amount of times a student signs, as well as log reports. 0-3 Log Reports/signs = Satisfactory (S) 4-5 Log Reports/signs = Progressing (P) 6+Log Reports/signs = Not Progressing(N) Conduct Sheets will be sent home in the Red Progress Folder each Friday. These should be signed and returned by Monday.

8 Anti-Harassment Policy
click on Parents then Bullying/Harassment or click on  This link provides parents information concerning bullying, the Bullying Hotline Number and  The Shelby County Reporting Form. The definition of bullying is also provided.

9 Progress Sheet & Graded Paper Packets
Weekly folders will be sent home most Fridays to keep you informed of your child’s progress academically as well as behaviorally. Please sign and return the folder WITH THE PAPERS by Monday.

10 Parent Communication The students have a section of the binder for papers to be returned to school. This will also house any forms that should be returned. The back pocket of the binder is used for any papers that should be kept at home. I can be reached by at Please understand that you may not get an immediate response. However, if I have not gotten back to you before the next morning, please me again or call and leave a message with the office. My filter may have gotten you! You may also refer to the classroom blog for information. I’ll post the weekly newsletter there, as well as announcements, comments, and study material, when applicable.

11 Birthdays We love to celebrate birthdays. You are welcome to send a healthy snack to school to celebrate your child’s birthday. The snack will be served at the end of lunch as a dessert. Please note that we do not allow floral deliveries, balloons, or limo rides. At the intermediate level we enjoy celebrating birthdays. Birthday cupcakes may be delivered during lunch through the office. Parents are not allowed to deliver the items to the room. These items must also be pre-portioned. I will not be able to cut cakes or giant cookies into equal parts. This must be done before delivery. Please adhere to the nutrition guidelines for Shelby County before bringing birthday treats. And please remember that we have several students with food allergies. We appreciate your attention to keeping all of our students safe.

12 Conferences I encourage parents to schedule conferences with me whenever they feel we need to discuss their child’s progress either academically or behaviorally. Please leave me a message with Julie Brane in the office at , and I will contact you to set up a conference. You may also contact me via to schedule a conference. My conference time this year is 1:20-1:55 Tuesdays and Fridays If this conference time does not work, please contact me via or leave a message so we can work on a more convenient time or schedule a phone conference. We want you to be involved in your child’s education. Parents are key to our success. You have the opportunity to help through our Parents of the Month program. If you have not already signed up to help and you are interested in being involved please send me an stating how you would be willing to volunteer your time. I appreciate all of the help everyone has already offered.

13 Absences Please send a written excuse of illness or verification of doctor/dentist visits for each absence. Please write your child’s full name on the excuse and sign with your full name. This helps the office tremendously. We must turn these in to the office so the absence can be counted as excused. It will be considered unexcused after THREE DAYS with no verification. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for specific details on make up work policies. Please give special attention to prior permission for family trips/travel and the emergency clause. **Make sure to read the Attendance Policy!

14 Absences For assignments that were due on the day in which the student was absent, provided that the due date was previously communicated prior to the students’ absence, the student should be prepared to turn in the assignment upon returning to school.

15 Cell Phone Use Cell phones brought to school must be stored in a backpack. Cell phones MUST be turned off during the day. Please do not turn your child’s cell phone on and place it in the backpack before school. The phone may be turned on when the child gets off the bus in the afternoon. The school is not responsible for attempting to recover lost or stolen cell phones.

16 Field Trips Field trips are planned during the year. A permission slip will be sent home before each trip. Please send back the permission slip and money due as soon as possible. If you would like to chaperone a trip please write this at the top of the permission slip. We are limited to 5 chaperones per class on field trips. We are currently working on scheduling the Montgomery field trip. We will also have a field trip in the spring.

17 Meal Charges Please make sure your child has money for meals daily. Funds are not allotted for “charges”. Please remember to WRITE YOUR CHILD’S NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER ON ALL CHECKS AND INCLUDE ALL CASH IN AN ENVELOPE WITH THE CHILD’S NAME AND LUNCH NUMBER. Please do not bring in any outside food (such as McDonald’s) into the lunch room for your child to eat. You are invited to eat lunch with us any time during the school year.

18 Homework I assign homework in order to reinforce concepts that are discussed and practiced in class. I also want students to practice responsibility and time management when working at home. I do not feel like I give a lot of homework; however, there may be nights in which it is heavier than others. Please know that if your child does not finish his/her class work, it is also included in their homework load. Therefore, homework will essentially be doubled. “OMIS Late Work Grading Policy” will be enforced with homework assignments we collect. For Fourth Grade students there is a reduction of 25% each day it is late. This does not apply to absences. Usually your child will have reading and a math page but may also have unfinished class work to complete.

19 Please Sign and Return the following Completed Paper Work :
Dismissal Plan-yellow OMIS Late Work Policy-pink Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form-white

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