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Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Utility Savings Initiative Planning for a Sustainable Future Kathleen Stahl, State Energy Office, NC Department of Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Utility Savings Initiative Planning for a Sustainable Future Kathleen Stahl, State Energy Office, NC Department of Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Utility Savings Initiative Planning for a Sustainable Future Kathleen Stahl, State Energy Office, NC Department of Administration Sharron Rogers, NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources Duane Knecht, NC Central University Environmental Compliance Assistance for Colleges and Universities

2 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Air Pollution’s Impact on Health Focus: North Carolina  EPA studies show:  1/3 to 1/2 asthma in NC due to air pollution  Every summer in NC, air pollution causes an extra 240,000 asthma attacks, 6,300 emergency room visits, and 1,900 hospital admissions (Source: Clay Ballentine, M.D., Asheville, NC)

3 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 “Energy efficiency, although not specifically an energy source, is projected to have reduced national energy needs by 31% between 1975 and 1999” State Energy Plan.

4 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Leading by Example: Utility Savings Initiative Total Utilities State Agencies, Universities (electricity, fuels & water) = $257 million  Goal 4% annual reduction for 5 years = 20% avoided costs  On Target: $15 million estimated avoided costs after first two years  Comprehensive energy training program for over 2,600 state employees  Communication: Key to Success

5 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Utility Savings Initiative Legislative Support  Governor’s Efficiency Commission  Governor’s Memo July 17 th, 2002  GS 143-64.12 Energy Policy & Life Cycle Cost Analysis  GS 143-64.17 Energy Savings Contracts for Governmental Units

6 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005  Designated “Utility Manager”  Top management support with mandate  Track usage & cost data  Target facilities for improvement  Create accountability for actions  Conservation Awareness Teams  Initial Plans and Mandates August 2003 and revised annually  Regional workshops for all agencies/universities Strategic Energy & Water Plans

7 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Conservation Awareness Teams = Sustainability Teams Behavioral Changes  Switch off Lights  Thermostat settings (70° / 76°)  Personal equipment › Computer monitors & PC’s › Personal appliances  Conserve Water › Report Water Leaks › Use less

8 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Performance Contracting State Government and Universities  North Carolina Museum of Art - $ 4.9 million – construction begins 10/1/05  Downtown Government Complex – $ 18.7 million – final contract negotiations in progress  UNCG – $ 4.6 million – Investment Grade Audit contract negotiation in progress  A&T – Application completed – RFP delayed due to move in at beginning of school year  DOC – 5 proposal presently being reviewed – Proposals range from $ 6 to $ 12 million dollars

9 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Avoided Costs for Electric estimated from average rate of increase ’99-’02: $9.4 million

10 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 USI Environmental Impacts Reported Electrical Usage Results Fiscal Year 01-02 Baseline to FY 03-04  reduced 3.11 kWh per Square Foot › 271 tons NOx avoided › 677 tons SOx avoided › 121,264 tons CO 2 avoided

11 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 USI Partners  EPA Energy Star  DOE: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Best Practices, Special Projects, National Labs  Universities:  NC State › Industrial & Cooperative Extension Service and Assessment Center, and NC Solar Center  NC A&T’s CERT: Center for Energy Research and Technology  ASU Energy Center  UNC Charlotte Lighting Lab, College of Architecture

12 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Partners ( continued) Utilities: Electricity, Natural Gas, Water Nonprofits and Local Government  Local Council of Governments: Triangle J, Land-of-Sky, Centralina  Waste Reduction Partners, Land-of-Sky  Clean Cities  NC GreenPower  NC Sustainable Energy Association  NC Cooperative Extension Service

13 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Long Term Water Plans Sharron Rogers, NC Project Green (Sustainability Teams) Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance Award winning website Water plan guidelines, templates, samples

14 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Why create a water efficiency plan?  August 2002, Gov. Executive Order 26 Water System Protection  "all state government agencies discontinue 'non-essential' water use until further notice"  "all such agencies immediately develop and begin implementing long term, financially feasible conservation measures."  October 2002, House Bill 1215, directed state agencies to reduce water consumption by 10 %

15 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 NC’s Efforts for Water Conservation  ID and stop all non-essential water use  Create long-term water use reduction plan  Inform and educate staff  Provide for continuous improvement  Periodically report on Plan progress  Annual progress report = Strategic Energy & Water Plan (SEWP)

16 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 NC Sustainable Energy Conference March 28-29, 2006 Multiple tracks Pre-session Efficiency Sustainability Buildings Renewables Energy Champions Expo Hall NCSU McKimmon Ctr.

17 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 GIS Mapping NC Renewable Resources Maps which correlate ozone non-attainment areas and renewable energy resources  Wind map  Small hydro  Biomass- vegetative  Poultry litter  Swine waste  Landfill gas  Government properties and industry

18 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 NC Arboretum : 1 st State High Performance Building 15 State Pilot Projects HPB Guidelines based on LEEDS rating system 10,400 sf building interior space $286 per month energy bill first 6 mos.

19 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Sustainable Energy Education at North Carolina Community Colleges  Asheville-Buncombe TCC  Beaufort County CC  Cape Fear CC  Central Carolina CC  Haywood CC  Mayland CC  Pitt CC  Wake Technical CC

20 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Energy & Water Management Key to a Sustainable Future  Designate an Energy & Water Manager  Develop and Implement a Strategic Energy & Water Plan  Track Utility Accounting- Cost and Usage  Approve budgets and expenditures for energy & water projects under maintenance, R&R, Loan funds  NC must consider Performance Contracts to fund energy & water measures  Use Life Cycle Cost analysis and High Performance Building Guidelines

21 Chapel Hill Sept. 14, 2005 Contact Information Kathleen Stahl State Energy Office, N.C. Department of Administration 919-733-2230-telephone, 1-800-662-7131 (NC only) Sharron Rogers NC Project Green (Sustainability Teams) Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance 919-715-6526 Water plan guidelines, templates, samples Duane Knecht, PE NC Central University Director of Physical Plant and Facilities

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