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Your use of Ordnance Survey mapping – is it legal? Richard Mortara Local Government & Emergency Services Contracts Manager 8 November 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Your use of Ordnance Survey mapping – is it legal? Richard Mortara Local Government & Emergency Services Contracts Manager 8 November 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your use of Ordnance Survey mapping – is it legal? Richard Mortara Local Government & Emergency Services Contracts Manager 8 November 2006

2 Presentation content Intellectual Property and Copyright Mapping provision to Local Government Internal Business Use Display and Promotion Terms Contractors/Agents Partnerships Get-a-map™ Things to remember

3 Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright (1) IP allows people/businesses to own their creativity and innovation in the same way they can own physical property The IP owner has rights (IPRs) to control and also be rewarded for its use Examples of IP include: Trade Marks – for brand identity Patents – for inventions Database Right –for databases in which substantial investment has been made Designs – for product appearance

4 Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright (2) AND Copyright – for original artistic and literary works (includes maps) – Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (amendments 2003) Sui generis – you create it, you own it (it is, because it exisits) You can say how it is used Enables you to benefit from it - charging Use without permission = Breach Crown Copyright is owned by OPSI Crown Copyright exists for 50 years from end of year of publication

5 Mapping provision to Local Government Licensed through a collective agreement Current arrangements end 31 March 2009 Wide range of mapping scales available in product portfolio Entitlement to National coverage Licence permits certain uses of the data MSA members permitted to share data amongst themselves

6 Internal Business Use Use solely and explicitly to fulfil the mapping requirements for the administration and operation of the Authority’s business Use in reports and submissions to thirds parties (where such activities relate to the administration and running of the Authority’s business…), provided such reports and submissions do not carry advertising in respect of third parties. Use by a third party on the condition that the Mapping Products and/or Data can only be used by the third party, on signing a Contractors Licence, to meet the Authority’s business/administrative requirements To fulfil statutory obligations where the statue requires mapping to be used to deliver the information

7 Display and Promotion (1) Acknowledgements are always required and each individual image using the Mapping Products and/or Data must contain the appropriate database right, copyright and/or Trade Mark acknowledgement/s Area (and scale) of mapping used must be appropriate for the level of information being displayed. The use of the Mapping Products and/or Data shall be to support the Authority’s business activity Watermarking required on mapping which viewed at a scale of 1:10,000 or greater – must cover at least 10% of the map area delivered to the recipient. (this clause is under review) No financial gain and can be made from use of the mapping

8 Display and Promotion (2) No restriction on plot sizes for MSA/PGA members and contractors – A3 size limit for other users Data on the web must not be displayed in Vector format – use JPEG, PDF formats (review of guidance in progress) Mapping older than 50 years, should still be acknowledged! Where work is done for a 3 rd party, the clients licence number must be used if they are a licence holder No banner advertising on pages where mapping data is used.

9 Example – what’s good. Authority business information Watermark Copyright acknowledgement

10 What about this one? Might not be Ordnance Survey mapping, but appropriate acknowledgement still required! Sensible scale/area coverage Business Information = location of a safety camera

11 What about this one? Correct acknowledgement Static image Watermarking not required on OS StreetView Business information

12 Your views? Q – Is this based on Ordnance Survey mapping? Acknowledgement of cartographer Copyright of Council

13 One more for consideration Note this has a ‘based upon’ acknowledgement -

14 Partnerships/Data sharing Data must be of same geographical area and be derived from the same product/s Can pass data to any other body under contractor terms Can share data with any body who has an OS digital data licence for the same products covering the same area Other bodies must not get any commercial benefit

15 Use of electronic maps outside of the GIS - a summary Electronic mapping can be used as follows: In reports, supporting the Authorities business In presentations, supporting the Authorities business In e-mails - but must be ‘protected’ so vectors cannot be extracted On web services, subject to the Display and Promotion conditions of use In ‘hard’ format subject to D&P conditions of use Do consider ‘Competitive Use’ issues

16 Competing activities (summary) Can include Tourist brochures ‘where’s my nearest?’ Transport/routing information Free ‘local maps’ We have to licence ‘like for like’ use the same way We are often challenged by our Licensed Partners Mapping on the web………… Services which are mandatory or permissible under statute for no Financial Gain permitted (acts must state mapping is required to support the provision of the service)

17 Get-a-map™

18 Things to remember The licence to use mapping is held by the Local Authority Use to support the operation and administration of the authority permitted Agents/contractors should only be supplied with data, having signed the contractor licence. Any use of Ordnance Survey mapping (hard and ‘e’ formats) must fulfil all the T&Cs for Display and Promotion Any work which has mapping based upon that from Ordnance Survey – must be appropriately acknowledged

19 Any last questions? Copies of the MSA Portfolio are available for you to take away for reference

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