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Pvoutput.Org Parameters

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1 Pvoutput.Org Parameters
A short discussion regarding power. Power is simply watts. Power used over time is energy. So, if a device consumes 1000 watts when it is turned on and the device is on for one hour, then it has consumed 1000watts/hour OR as the power company calls it 1Killowatt Hour or 1KWHr. That is energy NOT power. Please keep this in mind. Pvoutput accepts a number of input values including the extended parameters Among these are V1,V2,V3 and V4. V1 - Energy Generated V2 - Power Generated V3 - Energy Consumption V4 – Power Consumption This document will focus on V2 and V4 since these are the only values pvccupload and present to pvoutput.

2 Pvoutput.Org Parameters (Continued)
V2 – Power Generated. If pvccupload is configured to send “power generated” values to pvoutput it will do this in one of two methods: 1) Sma-spot is configured to collect solar power. Sma-spot interrogates a SMA inverter on a periodic basis and records this information to a data collection file. (This configuration is for SMA inverters only) OR 2) Ccterm is configured to monitor a clamp(s) attached to the AC power lines of an inverter. Ccterm collects these power generated values and records them to a data collection file (along with other configured clamp power values). In either case pvccupload reads these data collection file(s), sends this “power generated” value to pvoutput on a periodic 5 minute basis. It is important to note that this value is “power generated” not energy generated, nor exported values nor anything else. It is power. Pvoutput takes this value and records it. When the next V2 power value is sent, it is recorded. Now at this point pvoutput makes a calculation based on the time between the two recorded values and determines “Energy Generated”. This is your KWhr value. This continues throughout the day. It can be seen while Power Generated values can go up and down at any give 5 minute period, Energy Generated is always an increasing value (assuming of course the sun is shining).

3 Pvoutput.Org Parameters (continued)
V4 – Power Consumed. Pvccupload reads power information from a data file that is updated by Ccterm, averaged over a 5 minute basis and sends this power information to pvoutput every 5 minutes. The power value is collected from a clamp(s) attached to the switch panel. It is then sent to pvoutput as V4. As in the case of V2 the process is the same. When the next V4 power value is sent, it is recorded. At this point pvoutput makes a calculation based on the time between the two recorded values and determines “Energy Consumed”. This is your KWhr value. But this is where things get a bit tricky. Depending where the clamp(s) are attached and the configuration of the service panel (switch box) will determine if “power used” calculations are required by pvccupload. If the installation is a “standard” installation no power calculations are required and the value sent for V4 will be the direct (raw) value received from the clamp(s). However if you have an installation of the type that pvccupload was originally created for, power calculations will be required. At this point the calculated value replaces the direct (raw) value and is sent as the value for V4. This type of installation in the U.S. Is called a “back feed” installation. The solar power is attached to the switch box via a breaker. It is not attached via a separate switch box (service panel). (See attached diagrams at the end of this presentation.)

4 Pvoutput.Org Parameters (continued)
Other values and information presented by Pvoutput. For the purposes of pvccupload, all other values presented by pvoutput are revived (calculated) values. This includes “net” values. Net Energy, Net Power, Energy Export, Energy Import, and so on are derived values from the two basic values sent to pvouput, V2 and V4. V2 and V4 are the only values really needed by pvoutput. Other input parameters are available by pvoutput, but pvccupload and do not send them simply because they are not needed. If pvccupload is kept running 24x7 as intended, V2 and V4 are all that will ever be needed. Pvoutput parameters V7 through V12. These are the extended parameters. If your installation has additional clamps the power values collected by these clamps may be mapped to the extended parameters. Please remember these are “Power Used” values NOT “Energy Consumed”. There is no time relationship, only the power values averaged over a five minute interval. At this time Pvouput only records these values. It performs no other operations on these values, merely records them and presents them on the extended parameters graph.

5 CCTERM Sensor.ini configuration
The next series of slides present information on the proper configuration of the sensor.ini file. Ccterm reads this file when it starts. The sensor.ini file instructs Ccterm to “map” power values sent from the CC meter (and collected by Ccterm) to the appropriate Pvouput parameter. A thurough understanding of your specific electrical and or solar installation is essential. Ccterm has many configuration options so as to be able to accommodate a variety of installations. Pvccupload and Ccterm were originally developed to handle U.S. electrical installations which can be a bit more complex due to the nature of “split phase” configurations. More information regarding the proper configuration and operations of Ccterm may be found in the Ccterm document located in the downloads section.

6 Definitions CC – Current Cost Ltd
Meter – The display unit by Current Cost. This is the device that receives transmitter and/or IAM data and transmits the data to a PC via a USB/RS232 interface. Probe – The device that clamps on to a power cable and then attaches to a transmitter. It supplies electrical current data to the transmitter. Clamp – Different name for Probe. Transmitter – The device that sends probe information to the Meter. The transmitter uses the 433MHz SRD radio band. Three (3) Probes may be attached to a Transmitter. Sensor – Different name for Transmitter. IAM – Individual Appliance Monitor. This device plugs into an outlet. The appliance is then plugged into the IAM. The IAM sends appliance electrical current data to the Meter. The IAM uses the 433MHz SRD radio band. An IAM consumes one Sensor slot and one probe position in the configuration. An IAM may have only one probe.

7 CCTERM - Sensor.ini Configuration Instructions
CCTERM maps CC (Current Cost) sensors and probes to PVOUTPUT parameters Mains (Whole House) (Power Consumed) probe(s) are mapped to parameter V4 Power Generated is mapped to V2 Other configured sensors/probes are mapped to parameters V7 thru V12 Various types of power monitoring available One (1) Meter with up to 10 sensors may be configured. Each sensor may have one to three probes attached. However PVOUTPUT has only 6 additional Extended Data parameters available (V7 thru V12) Two configuration files: ccterm.ini, sensor.ini. Sensor.ini is explained in this document. Ccterm.ini is explained in the ccterm document.

Probe 0 Probe 1 Probe 2 Sensor 9 Sensor 0 Sensor 1 . 4:M-1.0,4:M-1.0,7:D-1.0; Sensor 0 Sensor 1 . Sensor 9 8:D-1.0,9:S-1.0,10:S-1.0; PVOUTPUT Add Status Service Parameters V2 – Power Generated V4 – Power Used V7-V12 – Extended Parameters PROBE TYPE M=MAINS (WHOLE HOUSE) D=TWO POLE – ONE PROBE A=TWO POLE – TWO PROBES T=THREE POLE THREE PROBES S=SINGLE POLE – ONE PROBE POWER CORRECTION FACTOR 1.0=NO CORRECTION 1.XX=POSITIVE CORRECTION 0.XX=NEGATIVE CORRECTION

The sensor.ini file consists of ten (10) rows of sensors with three (3) probes each. Each sensor row relates to a senor (transmitter) with row zero (0) being sensor 0 and then continuing to row nine (9). A CC meter may accommodate up to 10 sensors (0 through 9). All ten rows must be present in the sensor.ini file, even if the sensors are not physically present. CC physically numbers sensors as zero through nine, and probes one through three. The sensor.ini file numbers the sensors 0 through nine as implied by the row position in the file, however the probes are numbered 0 through 2 in the sensor.ini file. Each row is comprised of three probes that maybe attached to the sensor. On the bottom of a sensor are three 3.5mm sockets and are numbered 1,2 and 3. This corresponds to position 0,1 and 2 in the sensor.ini row respectively. Within each row, each probe is configured to output to a given PVOUTPUT service parameter. All three probe positions must be configured in the file even if not physically present. For example (refer to the previous graphic): For row 0 (sensor 0) and probe 0 (or probe 1 as defined by CC), the probe is configured to output to PVOUTPUT service parameter number four (4). The type is “M” meaning “mains power”. The type is a “logical” type, not a physical type of probe. All probes are physically and mechanically the same. “M” means the probe is attached to the mains (power line(s)) feeding the service panel. The logical type of probe determines what type power calculations CCTERM uses when updating the sensor.txt data file. Following the logical type is the power corrections factor. If a given probe is consistently providing incorrect values, the value may be adjusted by a correction value. More on this later. A detailed explanation of the logical probe types is provided in this document. If a given probe is not physically present, the PVOUTPUT service parameter number is set to zero (0). This means the physical probe is not present. Please examine the sensor.ini file that is included with the application installation file in the downloads section.

10 Sensor/Probe Logical Types
TYPE – M. MAIN(s). The mains power is mapped to pvoutput parameter V4. Mains power is normally captured by Sensor 0 with probes 0 and 1 (and 2 for three phase). Or one probe for non U.S. Installations. TYPE – D. TWO POLE WITH ONE PROBE Doubles the power reported by one probe. This is a trick of sorts. Two pole circuits (a 240V circuit using two 120v legs) may be a balanced circuit. The current in both legs are generally the same. This is particularly true for appliances such as water heaters. So, using one probe on one leg and multiplying by two will give the total power consumed. This does not exactly hold true for appliances such as electric dryers. While the heating elements are balanced between the two legs, the drum/blower motor is a 120v device. The power drawn by the motor will be on one of either of the two legs of the two pole circuit. This some what unbalances the load and one leg will indicate a higher power than the other. The real reason for type D is it saves money and space on the number sensors and probes needed. If you can't live with the slight inaccuracy of type D, use type A. TYPE – A. TWO POLE WITH TWO PROBES This solves the problem presented by type D. Using two probes, power is measured on both legs and then combined for the total. This is as accurate a measurement that can be obtained.

11 Sensor/Probe Types (continued)
TYPE – S. SINGLE POLE WITH ONE PROBE This is the basic single pole circuit. These come in two flavors from Current Cost. A single probe on a transmitter (a transmitter can accommodate up to three probes) or an IAM (Individual Appliance Monitor). The former are usually used in monitoring an individual branch circuit at the service panel. The latter is used for monitoring an individual appliance such as a refrigerator. The IAM will consume one of the 10 available sensor slots and use only one probe position (the first position). TYPE – T. THREE POLE USING THREE PROBES. Not very common in residential settings. Three pole (three phase) power is generally found in industrial settings but since Current Cost supports it, ccterm makes it available should you need it. (All three probes must be on the same sensor). A note about HVAC Units: In the U.S., Most HVAC (heat pump or air conditioner) units use two circuits. A 240V two pole for the compressor/condenser and a 120V single pole for the indoor blower/control unit. To obtain the most accurate power measurements, a type A (two probes) and a type S (single probe) will be needed. The type A is attached to the compressor circuit and the type S is attached to the blower/control circuit. However, the compressor is a balanced circuit and a type D could be used for the compressor and/or not use the type S and live with the slight inaccuracy of not reporting the blower power.

12 Additional Configuration Info
Power Correction Factor. Refer to the graphic. The power correction factor is applied to the raw power read from the individual sensors/probes. If a given probe reports consistently improper power values the power correction factor may be applied to raise or lower the reported power. It is simply a multiplier. A value greater than one (1) will raise the reported value by a multiplication factor equal to the part greater than one. Example: Raw watts reported – Apply power correction factor of 1.1 – X 1.1 =

13 RULES Mains must be on Sensor 0 and occupy the first two or three probe positions (or for non U.S. Installations, one probe at position 0). Main(s) must map to parameter V4 Type "A" probes must on the same sensor, be ordered consecutively and map to the same PVOUTPUT parameter. Example: 7:A-1.0,7:A-1.0,0:D-1.0; OR 0:D-1.0,7:A-1.0,7A-1.0 A zero (0) in the PVOUTPUT Parameter position means "DO NOT MAP" Type "T" probes (3 probes) must be on the same sensor and all map to the same PVOUTPUT parameter. Example: 8:T-1.0,8:T-1.0,8:T-1.0 Although CCTERM can map up to the 30 possible sensor(s)/probe(s) available via a CC meter, at this time, has 6 additional extended data parameters available. Using many transmitters and/or IAMs is not advisable. The transmission protocol used by CC is not very robust and when data packet collisions occur there is no retry capability. (This is based on information gleamed from the internet)

14 Back Feed Configuration
Mains From Utility Company Clamp(s) to Sensor/meter Param V4 rp Power out to Branch Circuits Extended Params V7-V12 Solar Power into Service Panel Circuit breakers For branch circuits In this configuration the clamp is attached to the mains for sensing power used. However since solar power is also attached directly to the panel, the CC clamp/meter can not determine the direction of power flow. Current in the mains can either be flowing into or out of the panel. Therefore algorithms must be applied to help determine direction of current flow. Back Feed Breaker Clamp Sensing Solar Current (or power Values directly from inverter using sma-spot) Param V2 Service Panel (switch box)

15 Standard Configuration
Mains From Utility Company Clamp(s) to Sensor/meter Param V4 rp Power out to Branch Circuits Extended Params V7-V12 Solar Connection Tap With Protective breaker Circuit breakers For branch circuits Again in this configuration the clamp is attached to the mains for sensing power used. However there is no question of the direction of current flow. Current is always flowing in one direction, into the service panel. No algorithms need be applied. Solar Power Feed. Clamp Sensing Solar Current (or power Values directly from inverter using sma-spot) Param V2 Service Panel (switch box)

16 Typical U.S. “Back Feed” Service Panel Configuration
Mains Clamp Mains Clamp Branch Circuit Clamp Branch Circuit Clamp Branch Circuit Clamp Solar Back Feed Circuit Breaker Branch Circuit Clamp

17 Sensor 0 with Three Probes (Clamps) Sensor 1 with Three Probes (Clamps)

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