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Introduction to Mapping

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1 Introduction to Mapping

2 What is Curriculum Mapping
Process that helps teachers keep track of what is actually taught throughout the year.

3 Purposes/Benefits of mapping
*improving the learning needs of all students *correlating community-based outings with upcoming curriculum-based content * using alternative assessments. * improved communication among all teachers in the school (Koppang) PURPOSES *aligning instruction to the written standards; * developing integrated curriculum units; * providing a baseline for the curriculum review and renewal process; * identifying staff development needs; and * most important, providing communication among teachers.

4 Types of Maps annual/monthly/unit
Annual Maps- Organized by months or marking periods Provide overview of curriculum: Lists topics by subjects Can include concepts,skills and assessments Sample:Curriculum Map Unit/Monthly Maps Organized by monthly or weekly units Includes: Essential questions Concepts Standard based skills Assessments and resources Sample :

5 Mapping Process

6 Map Units Content is the essential concepts and topics covered during a month. Examples: Cultural diversity, water cycle, Hamlet, local government systems, bicycle safety.

7 Map Skills Skills are key abilities and processes students will develop related to specific content. Examples: reading a map, writing a play, analyzing non-fiction text, and writing persuasive essays, matching words and pictures.

8 Essential Questions Essential Questions focus a broad topic of study
Essential Questions challenge students to solve problems, synthesize information, and ask questions. They address “why” or “how” rather than only “what”. They focus on the application of knowledge rather than the acquisition of it. Examples: Which is more important, water or air? Should children be allowed to ride a bike without a helmet? What if Shakespeare were a woman?

9 Map Assessments Assessments are the products or performances that demonstrate student learning. Each content – skill strand on a curriculum map should have a corresponding assessment Examples: web page, bicycle safety brochure, research paper, puppet show, board game, PowerPoint presentation

10 Aligning to State Standards
Each concept and skill should meet the state standard for that area. Concepts and skills should be grade level appropriate State StandardsState Board of Education: Academic Standards

11 Critical Inquiry Questions-
Are we teaching what is tested? Are we teaching the topic the way it is to be tested? Is there an area that we need to teach more? Are there any gaps in the curriculum?- Standards not met, prerequiste skills not learn

12 Curriculum Mapping Continuous Process- takes time
Need to rewrite and revise curriculum Need to Integrate Information Skills into Curriculum Need to create Authentic Assessments

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