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A collaborative partnership between the State of Kansas Department of Revenue – Property Valuation Division (KDOR/PVD), the Kansas GIS Policy Board’s Data.

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Presentation on theme: "A collaborative partnership between the State of Kansas Department of Revenue – Property Valuation Division (KDOR/PVD), the Kansas GIS Policy Board’s Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 A collaborative partnership between the State of Kansas Department of Revenue – Property Valuation Division (KDOR/PVD), the Kansas GIS Policy Board’s Data Access & Support Center (DASC), and Kansas County Clerks Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database

2 Data Access & Support Center DASC Established by the Kansas GIS Policy Board in 1991 Central repository of GIS databases of statewide/regional importance Designated as an National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) clearinghouse node in 1997 Located at the Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas Web site –

3 Database archival and distribution Database quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) Technical assistance Geospatial metadata development assistance Web application development and hosting Database development & integration State & Local Government Coordination Cartographic development Promotion of the Kansas GIS Initiative Development and maintenance of the DASC web site – DASC Services

4 Background – Prior to 2010 County Clerks submitted paper tax unit boundary maps to PVD Clerks also submitted database summary of tax units to KDOR/PVD Tax Unit database Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database

5 First version of statewide tax unit GIS file was compiled through various sources It was outdated and inconsistent – contained thousands of topological errors Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database

6 Data Gap & Overlap Errors Many errors along county boundaries

7 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database Data Attributions errors – Inconsistent – not all units had required 3 digit state tax unit code Standardization – maintaining FIPS Codes (state & county) TAXUNIT 068 161 20 31 42 7 32 110 Before standardization -

8 Phase 1 – 2009 Develop plan for all project phases Develop GIS database maintenance workflows Present at PVD training meetings with the County Clerks – Sept, 2009 ArcGIS training for PVD - Susan Williams & Melissa Crane Edit test counties, verify process, etc. Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database

9 Phase 2 -2010 Developing the 2010 baseline data - DASC and PVD worked together to acquire tax unit boundary updates from county clerks and update the statewide GIS database with this information This was done as a separate step from the 2010 Tax Unit Boundary Certification Tax unit updates were provided in paper or digital format Once the statewide database had been updated, we asked for county verification where needed Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database

10 Phase 2 -2010 Paper Maps

11 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database Phase 2 -2010 Paper Maps Edits: Mark up the map with markers/colored pencils XXX out incorrect boundaries and draw new boundaries in Double check each tax unit number, correct if needed Feel free to include additional print outs or documentation! Tax unit 110 is new area outlined in red.

12 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database Phase 2 -2010 GIS Data Jefferson County Submitted to DASC on 2/2/10 KDOR/PVD or DASC staff incorporates GIS data into statewide GIS file and makes any corrections needed along county boundaries

13 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database Phase 3 – 2011 Integrating the updates into Clerk’s annual tax unit filing process: Verification of Tax Units part of Certification process Eliminate need for Clerks to submit paper map to KDOR/PVD Link to DASC website with on-line map viewer

14 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database


16 Certification

17 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database 2 nd Certification or Verification

18 Kansas Statewide Tax Unit GIS Database Maintenance – Updated as new Certifications or corrections are submitted Data – Available for download on DASC website






24 Contact Information Eileen Battles Data Access & Support Center (DASC)

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