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The Global Conference on DRR for Civil Society Community Resilience; Mutual Learning from Practices of Nepal Empowerment of Community Based Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Conference on DRR for Civil Society Community Resilience; Mutual Learning from Practices of Nepal Empowerment of Community Based Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Conference on DRR for Civil Society Community Resilience; Mutual Learning from Practices of Nepal Empowerment of Community Based Organization 16 March 2015 Sendai City Support Center, Japan Lalit Bahadur Thapa Program Officer Shapla Neer, Nepal Office 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

2 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

3 Geographic situation of Project area: 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

4 Name of the Project implemented in Nepal: Community Initiatives for Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Chitwan (CIDP) Project period: July 2011 to June 2016 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office Implementing Agency RRN. Supporting Agency Shapla Neer. Coordinating Agency SWC

5 Rationale of the Project: 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office Project area is highly vulnerable from water induced disaster mainly flash flood due to the sloppy and ecologically fragile geographical region of Churiya hill. The indigenous and migrated people have own practiced to cope with flood disasters but there were not opportunity to share each other. Majority of indigenous (Bote, Tharu, Gurung) and Dalit people are living at flood zone area. There were not enough support for disaster preparedness and management. Rationale

6 Overall goal and project purpose: Overall Goal: To reduce disaster risk through strengthening community based disaster preparedness to water induced disaster in the Chitwan district in various level by the collaboration between villagers and government. Project Purpose: To develop management capacity of villagers living in flood prone areas in terms of flood related information and local resources. 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

7 Good Practices for community resilience: 1. Analyzing situation of risk by the communities 2. Developing and revising community level Disaster Management Plan (DMP) by CBOs and household level emergency plan by families 3. Enabling access on DRR information through wall calendar, leaflets, trainings, exposure visits, settlement level evacuation drills, interactions 4. Approaching to the resources of local government, line agencies and stakeholders for small scale disaster mitigation infrastructure works, capacity building, etc. and also doing works in collaboration 5. Developing early warning information (EWI) sharing mechanism/ forming task forces at community level 6. Developing emergency/maintenance funds at CBO level for sustainability of works 7. Sharing locally adopted flood coping mechanisms in inter settlement 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

8 Good practices for community resilience 1. Analyzing disaster risk by the communities: Situation of hazard, vulnerability, capacity and risk have been analyzed, updated and shared in the community by Community Based Organizations (CBO) every year. 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office People were not aware about the level of flood risk Lack of opportunity to assess the risk in the communities Background (Before)

9 Tools applied for the risk assessment Participatory risk assessment tools Transect walk Social/resource mapping Hazard mapping Seasonal calendar Time line Problem tree analysis Venn diagram Wellbeing ranking Dialogue facilitation 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

10 Hazard map: Identify most vulnerable areas and make aware villagers about the level of risk. Objectives Indicate most vulnerable areas, safe place and safe routes after preparing social and resource maps (details are in next slides) Process followed

11 Hazard map preparation steps: Step-1 : - Organize villagers at the open space/ community building - Share objective of discussion to the participants by the facilitator 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

12 Hazard map preparation steps: Step-2: - Prepare social and resource map using local materials on active participation of villagers - Indicate man made structures (houses, wells, roads, irrigation cannel, temples, community building, school, health post, etc.) and natural structures (Rivers, streams, Jungle, lands, etc.) on the map. Also, collect demographic data as household indicated in the map. 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

13 Hazard map preparation steps: Step-3: Prepare hazard map by indicating most vulnerable area, safe place and routes on the social and resource map using appropriate local materials. On finalizing the hazard map, reflect the risk situation to the participants for more realization. Sketch the hazard map on the paper and can be developed as necessary for the dissemination. 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

14 Hazard map dissemination 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

15 Good practices for community resilience 1. Analyzing disaster risk by the communities: 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office Villagers (individual and community level) have objectively identified the risk (hazard, vulnerability and capacity) Outcomes (After)

16 Glimpse of community initiatives: 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office Bio-dyke at Ratani tole (Riu River)Safe shelter at Dhobaha tole Locally made house to cope with floodParticipating evacuation drill at Bote Tole

17 Glimpse of community initiatives: 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

18 Thank you 3/16/2015By: Lalit Bahadur Thapa, SN, Nepal Office

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