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Psyched out Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Stressed outLet’s play defense.

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2 Psyched out Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Stressed outLet’s play defense What’s my trait?PotpourriThat nasty pervert Final JeopardyJeopardy

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4 Question Answer Stressed out - 100 ANSWER: The rats who did not have this were most likely to develop ulcers when exposed to shock. Question: What is internal locus of control?

5 Question Answer Stressed out - 200 ANSWER: These white blood cells are responsible for fighting viral infections and cancers (must have FULL name). QUESTION: What are T lymphocytes?

6 Question Answer Stressed out - 300 ANSWER: This stress hormone, released by the adrenal glands and stimulated by the cerebral cortex, was not originally recognized by Selye. QUESTION: What is cortisol?

7 Question Answer Stressed out - 400 ANSWER: This was the syndrome that Hans Selye said resulted from stress. QUESTION: What is the general adaptation syndrome?

8 Question Answer Stressed out - 500 ANSWER: This scientist identified the fight-or-flight response in the early 20 th century. QUESTION: Who is Cannon?

9 Question Answer ANSWER:This defense mechanism underlies all of them – it’s the “Mac Daddy” – mainly because most of us don’t want to face reality and shove it under the surface. QUESTION: What is repression? Defense mechanisms - 100

10 Question Answer Defense mechanisms - 200 ANSWER: Using this defense mechanism, Mr. Jones lost his job and wanted to move back home, even though he is 45 years old. QUESTION: What is regression?

11 Question Answer Defense mechanisms - 300 ANSWER: Freddie says that all drivers are crazy, even though he weaves in and out of traffic to try to get home more quickly, using this defense mechanism. QUESTION: What is projection?

12 Question Answer Defense mechanisms - 400 ANSWER: When her teacher yelled at her, Myrtle kicked someone in the hall on the way to her next class because of this defense mechanism. QUESTION: What is displacement?

13 Question Answer Defense mechanisms - 500 ANSWER: A religious leader hides his doubts by claiming to be 100% certain of his faith, using this defense mechanism. QUESTION: What is reaction formation?

14 Question Answer Traits - 100 ANSWER: The Eysencks identified traits as being unstable/stable and this. QUESTION: What is introvert/extravert?

15 Question Answer Traits - 200 ANSWER: These traits represent this common delineation of personality: emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness. QUESTION: What is the Big Five?

16 Question Answer Traits - 300 ANSWER: William Sheldon identified endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs because he was most concerned about this trait. QUESTION: What is body type?

17 Question Answer Traits - 400 ANSWER: This personality test was unique because it was developed empirically. QUESTION: What is the MMPI?

18 Question Answer Traits – 500 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! ANSWER: This theorist developed a 16 trait analysis that explores multiple dimensions of personality. QUESTION: Who is Cattell?

19 Question Answer Potpourri - 100 ANSWER: This humanistic theorist believed that people are constantly seeking self-actualization. QUESTION: Who is Maslow?

20 Question Answer Potpourri - 200 ANSWER: This term describes a culture that believes that individuals should focus on group goals rather than individual ones. QUESTION: What is collectivism?

21 Question Answer Potpourri - 300 ANSWER: The tendency to accept more responsibility for your successes than for your failures is known as this. QUESTION: What is the self-serving bias?

22 Question Answer Potpourri - 400 ANSWER: Martin Seligman is known for his research in positive psychology, emphasizing this problem that results from an external locus of control. QUESTION: What is learned helplessness?

23 Question Answer Potpourri - 500 ANSWER: Barney does not like chemistry, but he has chosen it as his major in college to prove that he is as smart as his father, a Nobel prize winner. He has always competed with his father. Freud would suggest that Barney had not resolved this stage and this complex. QUESTION: What is the Oedipus complex in the phallic stage?

24 Question Answer Freud - 100 ANSWER: Freud believed that newborns were completely controlled by this part of the unconscious. QUESTION: What is the id?

25 Question Answer Freud – 200 DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! ANSWER: Freud used these three methods to help his clients uncover unconscious thoughts. QUESTION: What are hypnosis, dream analysis, and free association?

26 Question Answer Freud - 300 ANSWER: This represents Freud’s belief that girls develop unconscious sexual desires for their fathers and resent their mothers. QUESTION: What is the Electra complex?

27 Question Answer Freud - 400 ANSWER: Freud predicted that unresolved childhood conflict would result in this. QUESTION: What is a fixation?

28 Question Answer Freud - 500 ANSWER: These Freud followers were, respectively, interested in birth order and the collective unconscious. QUESTION: Who are Adler and Jung?

29 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: This term applies to the cycle of behaviors, thinking, and environmental influences that influence personality, according to socio-cultural psychologists. QUESTION: What is reciprocal determinism?

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