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CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People Workshop ‘STEER - A recipe for sustainability’ 1-2 July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People Workshop ‘STEER - A recipe for sustainability’ 1-2 July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People Workshop ‘STEER - A recipe for sustainability’ 1-2 July 2014 Brussels (BE) Raf Canters project lifespan 2007/10 - 2010/09

2 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 1. Project topic - main objectives WHAT? Developing and disseminating excellent mobility management measures for young people. GOAL? Encouraging school children (5-12), students (13-18) and their parents (18+) to use more sustainable modes (walking, cycling, public transport, carpool) when travelling to and from school (inform, teach and encourage using sustainable modes). AIM? 20% increase in the use of sustainable transport by primary school pupils for home to school trips and an increase of 10% for secondary school students.

3 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 2. Main output - outcomes Activities Review of EU best practice Development of campaigns –for primary schools –for secondary schools Training Implementation & Adaptation Communication Monitoring & evaluation Essence ‘Traffic Snake Game’ (primary schools) ‘Eco-Trip’ (secondary schools) Production of campaign set, educational materials, training and manuals for teachers in their own languages (and a user friendly website)

4 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 2. Main output - outcomes (2) Traffic Snake Game > 70.000 children 295 schools 9 countries / over 3 years 14% average increase of sustainable modes between ‘before’ and ‘during’ 8% average increase between ‘before’ and ‘after’ Eco Trip campaign +/- 13.000 children 66 schools 9 countries / over 3 years 12% average increase of sustainable modes between ‘before’ and ‘during’ 8% average increase between ‘before’ and ‘after’ Combined the children and students saved 1 million car kilometres over the 3-years, with matching CO 2 and PM reduction.

5 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 3. Activities after the project lifespan Phase 1 Partners and schools continued by own interest Partners did general communication | (some) schools played Phase 2 University partner and cities partner faded away | their schools became out of sight, not necessary out of campaigns M21 invested time to have minimal EU follow up New interested parties wanted to join TSG / Eco-Trip faded Phase 3: Other partners very divergent on investment/interest – data follow up an issue, without data what happens becomes a ? M21 took steps to set up a Traffic Snake Game Network

6 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 4. Actions that led to ‘afterlife’ impact Practical Translated materials, fit for target group Linking to educational system as it is but broad scope (mobility, energy, health, sustainable development) Reusable low budget campaign materials (any cost is a high cost for schools) Low political threshold (but still a threshold) Being able to call yourself a ‘prestigious’ award winner Overall A common campaign for primary schools that is transferable to all European countries and has INSTANT RECOGNITION Increase sustainable trips in ‘home to school’ traffic in the during and after the campaign: TANGIBLE RESULTS

7 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 5. Lessons learned/Key factors for legacy Easy does it: a relatively easy and hassle free campaign to implement at a school that leads to direct results that are physically there Educational without being Education project: fits curricula concerning Traffic Education, Health Education, Sustainable Development (ESD), … but in most EU countries, the change from Traffic Safety Education towards Mobility Education is an ongoing struggle both at the level of curricula as well as at the actual schools and their surroundings European: international, but embedded in a national, regional or local context (one size does not fit all, but the pattern allows enough variety to serve different needs) No free lunch: even a low budget campaign costs time and money, especially when you need or want monitoring, but without it’s hard to proof it’s money well spend… (convincing people needs some heart and soul)

8 CONNECT – Developing & Disseminating Excellent Mobility Management Measures for Young People 6. Continuation of legacy From CONNECT experiments in 9 countries partners as implementers 295 primary schools … into TSG Network 18 countries and growing partners as National Focal Points 1000-2250 primary schools phase 1


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