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ONTARIO SENIORS’ SECRETARIAT AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT September 17, 2015 Angela Andrews, Health Promoter, HKPR District Health Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "ONTARIO SENIORS’ SECRETARIAT AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT September 17, 2015 Angela Andrews, Health Promoter, HKPR District Health Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONTARIO SENIORS’ SECRETARIAT AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PLANNING GRANT September 17, 2015 Angela Andrews, Health Promoter, HKPR District Health Unit

2 Aging Well Committee Finding the Right Fit: Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide launched in August 2013 MAREP – Online Toolkit Seniors Secretariat – Age-Friendly Environmental Scan Provincial and National Conferences Various Online Presentations & Webinars Haliburton Aging Well Report (2010) LDCP Falls Prevention Project (2014/2015) 2

3 What is an Age-Friendly Community? a place where people of all ages and abilities can interact, participate and contribute a great place to live and visit a healthy place to live, work, learn and play Which leads to… …more visitors …healthier people …economic vitality …cleaner environment 3

4 8 Essential Dimensions of AFCs 4

5 A community where policies, services, settings and structures support and enable people to age actively by: Recognizing their wide range of capacities, talents and gifts Responding to their needs and preferences Respecting their decisions and lifestyle choices Protecting those most vulnerable Promoting their inclusion in, and contribution to, all areas of community life (accessibility) What is an Age-Friendly Community? Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors. (2007). Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide. p. 5. 5

6 AFC Projects Across Ontario Eastern Region City of Kawartha Lakes – Age-Friendly communities Haliburton County – Aging Well in Haliburton County Kingston – Age-Friendly Kingston Ottawa – Age-Friendly Ottawa Action Plan and Municipal Older Adult Plan Peterborough and Peterborough County – Are We an Age- Friendly Community? Sharbot Lake Region – Sharbot Lake Seniors Fitness Program Northern Region Dryden – Age-Friendly Network: Connecting Our Seniors Sault Ste. Marie – Age-Friendly Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury – Friendly to Seniors Sudbury Thunder Bay – Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health (CERAH) – Age-Friendly Thunder Bay Central Region Burlington – Burlington Age-Friendly Seniors Council (BAFSC) Town of Collingwood – Urban Design Manual and Active Transportation Plan Durham Region – Municipal Planning Halton Region – Elder Services Advisory Committee – Age- Friendly Communities Project Hamilton – A City for All Ages Hamilton – Hospital Elder Life Program City of Mississauga – Older Adult Plan Richmond Hill: York Central Hospital – The Hospital Elder Program (HELP) City of Toronto – Seniors Strategy Western Region Brantford and Brant County – Master Aging Plan Cambridge – Age-Friendly Cambridge Erie St. Clair – Community Agency Access Tool Grey Bruce – Grey Bruce Falls Prevention and Intervention Program London – Age-Friendly London Niagara Region – Age-Friendly Communities Initiative Petrolia – Boomers Extra Seniors Club and Age-Friendly Gazebo Port Colborne – Seniors Advisory Committee Waterloo – Age-Friendly Waterloo City of Welland, Niagara – Age-Friendly Initiative Windsor – Age-Friendly Windsor 6

7 Age-Friendly and The Ontario Public Health Standards Accountability Agreement : Fall-related emergency visits in older adults aged 65+ (rate per 100,000 per yr) Our baseline was 6775 per 100,000, and our target is to maintain or improve that rate. Ontario Public Health Units are required to address the prevention of injuries, including a requirement to “...influence the development and implementation of healthy policies and programs and the creation or enhancement of safe and supportive environments that address falls across the lifespan.” Age Friendly work is one project that helps us achieve the falls prevention outcome indicator. We look at falls as not one piece but many pieces from a seniors health and aging perspective. 7

8 Role of the Local Government Adopting an age-friendly approach means that a community will consider the needs of seniors in the development and implementation of local policies, programs and services. Local governments play an important role in building accessible, healthy, active and prosperous communities. A municipality’s services, programs, facilities, policies and planning processes help ensure residents have opportunities to make healthy choices where they live, work, learn, and play. 8

9 9

10 Community Collaboration An age-friendly approach does not require significant investment of new resources – small and incremental changes can make a big difference. Ultimately, when a community adopts an age-friendly approach to community planning, the whole community benefits. Collaboration is important. Creating a healthy community involves many organizations, institutions, governments and individuals. No single group can do it alone, it’s a shared responsibility. Healthy, Active Communities Roundtable (2008) 10

11 Why Haliburton? The County’s population is much older than Ontario’s population 1, 2 Significant increases in older adults in the County over the next 20 years 2 Most of the future population growth is anticipated among older age groups, with the most dramatic increases over the next 20 years among those 65 years and older: 2 65-74 is projected to increase by 83.1% 75+ projected to increase by 77.8% 1 HKPRD Health Unit (2006); 2 MoF (2013) 11

12 Overview of Grant The new Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant will offer a total of up to $1.5 million over two years. Funding will support local governments and community organizations to undertake strategic planning with a focus on seniors, which will lead to the development of local aging plans. Grants will be available for amounts up to $25,000 for small communities (populations under 20,000 residents) 12

13 Key Project Requirements Projects must include the involvement of seniors or organizations that represent seniors to ensure that planning activities include the views of seniors in the community. The local government must support both the grant application and more broadly, endorse the activities that lead to the development, implementation and evaluation of their local age-friendly community action plan. 13

14 Project Plan 14

15 Age-Friendly Master Plan Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to produce an Age-Friendly Master Plan to guide the development of services and/or infrastructure for our expanding older adult population in Haliburton County. This comprehensive guide will assist with collaborative planning for future needs, providing direction for multiple organizations, agencies and non-profit sectors who work with older adults. 15

16 Age-Friendly Master Plan Project The proposed project will follow the age-friendly community planning framework developed by the WHO, which includes a four-stage process of: (1) defining local principles (2) developing a custom needs assessment (3) developing an action plan (4) implementing and evaluating the action plan. We will build on the previous age-friendly communities planning work completed in 2009/2010. The Age-Friendly Master Plan will be a 3-year, multi-agency/stakeholder, comprehensive road map to address and improve upon the needs and priorities of seniors aging in Haliburton County. Development, implementation, and measured success of the Age-Friendly Master Plan will culminate in an application to the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities Communities. 16

17 Age-Friendly Master Plan Project Objectives 1.To build capacity among community members, decision makers and stakeholders to take ownership and lead the Age-Friendly Master Plan development process for Haliburton County. 2. To review the baseline data from the Aging Well survey conducted in 2010 with attention to previously identified priority areas. 3. Identify current priority areas through a community consultation process involving key stakeholders, decision makers, older adults and community planners. 4. Integrate age-friendly concepts and priorities into strategic plans and decision making among the private, public and community sectors 5. To create short term and long term goals for achieving the vision of an Age Friendly Haliburton. 6. Development of a county-wide Age-Friendly Master Plan 17

18 Questions? 18

19 Contact Information: Angela Andrews Health Promoter, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Department HKPR District Health Unit | P: 705-457-1391 x 3239 Thank You 19

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