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Social Theory It’s an elephant!. What is Theory? A system of orienting ideas, concepts, and relationships that provides a way of organizing the observable.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Theory It’s an elephant!. What is Theory? A system of orienting ideas, concepts, and relationships that provides a way of organizing the observable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Theory It’s an elephant!

2 What is Theory? A system of orienting ideas, concepts, and relationships that provides a way of organizing the observable world. Provides a conceptual framework for interpreting facts Story of The Elephant and the Blind Man from Jainism

3 Conceptual Orientations Structural functionalism Symbolic interactionism Conflict theory

4 Structural Functionalism It all evens out Structural functionalism Society is like a biological organism in which all the various parts must work together to function Reworked by Merton Society as a whole composed of parts that work together Equilibrium is key to a functional society

5 Structural Functionalism Early Theorists August Comte Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim Robert Merton

6 Structural Functionalism Functions The consequences of social phenomena for other parts of society or for society as a whole What is it’s purpose? How does it help society? Dysfunctions Any consequence of a social system that disturbs or hinders the integration, adjustment, or stability of the system.

7 Structural Functionalism Manifest function The intended function or consequence of some thing or process in a social system. Latent functions The unintended and/or unrecognized function or consequence of some thing or process in a social system. Can be positive or negative (dysfunction) Apply to China’s one child policy

8 Structural Functionalsim Criticism It ignores inequality that can generate tension and conflict Can be used to justify current conditions and inequality

9 Symbolic Interactionism It’s in the eye of the beholder Symbolic Interactionism Examines how people use symbols to develop and share their views of the world Focus on the individual as it interacts with society

10 Symbolic Interactionism George Herbert Mead The “I” and the “me” The human mind is a social product Max Weber The Protestant ethic Religion lead to the adoption of capitalism in America Erving Goffman Dramaturgical analysis Front stage/backstage

11 Symbolic Interactionism How would symbolic interactionists explain the rise in the U.S. divorce rate? Shifting beliefs about the purpose of marriage Romantic love Sanctions for divorce Role theory “Push” toward divorce

12 Symbolic Interactionism Ignores the “big picture” or macro level Can be too subjective Difficult to determine reliability and validity

13 Conflict Theory I am the 99% Society is composed of competing groups fighting for scarce resources Focus on inequality power, status, distribution of resources Action oriented aims to change society through critique and/or political action

14 Conflict Theory Weberian conflict theorists stress inequality and conflict based on class, status, power Marxian theorists emphasize conflict and inequality based on ownership of the means of production Feminist conflict theorists believe gender inequality is the basis for all other forms of inequality

15 Conflict Theory Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto Bourgeoisie vs. proletariat Control of economic resources key to oppression Advocated revolution to abolish private property Utopia – undefined Fredrick Engels The Communist Manifesto Believed private property responsible for women’s oppression

16 Conflict Theory Criticism Too political in orientation Not objective


18 Structural Functionalism & Research Structural functionalism Level of analysis Macro Research Orientation Positivist Objective reality Neutral observer Methods Quantitative Experiment Survey Existing Sources

19 Symbolic Interactionism & Research Symbolic Interactionism Level of analysis Micro Research Orientation Social construction of reality Subjective meaning Researcher is participant Methods Qualitative Participant observation Interviews Existing sources

20 Conflict Theory & Research Conflict theory Level of analysis Macro Research Orientation Patterns of oppression Unequal distribution of resources Researcher as activist Methods Quantitative and qualitative Survey Existing sources

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