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Bjorknasschool …or Björknässkolan as we call it in Sweden. Björk means birch.. Birchtrees are very common in all of Sweden.

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Presentation on theme: "Bjorknasschool …or Björknässkolan as we call it in Sweden. Björk means birch.. Birchtrees are very common in all of Sweden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bjorknasschool …or Björknässkolan as we call it in Sweden. Björk means birch.. Birchtrees are very common in all of Sweden.

2 Information about our school  In Sweden you start school at the age of 7.  In Bjorknasschool we educate children from the age of 6 to 16.  The Bjorknasschool is located in Nacka just 15 minutes outside of stockholm.  Most classes start at 8.00 and finish at 14.00.  We dont have school uniforms. We wear our regular clothes.  We are a public school  There are about 900 students and150 employees

3 This is our prinicpal  His name is Leif Högström

4 ICT  All the students have their own laptop. We use them for all sorts of educational purpostes.  We like it a lot and we learna lot.  A lot of people come and visit us from all over the world to see how we use the computers.

5 After school  After school we have a club that we call ”Fritids”. If our parents cant pick us up when school ends we go there.

6 School counsil  We have a school counsil that meet every month. Two students from every class goes there. They help decide things around the school and make it better.

7 Food  In sweden there is a law that says that all schools must be free and all students have to get free lunch every day. If we come to school very early in the morning we even get breakfast.

8 We love to be outside and play!

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