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KINECT WORLDS PAUL MCG. This will explain everything:

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2 This will explain everything:

3 -Kinect Retail Title -Preschool & young kids -Parents play too! -A game about communication -Explore planets and meet fuzzy aliens :) What’s the Game!?

4 HOW TO PLAY -Learn to communicate with and understand each people. -A dance game meets sound (Teletubbies, Clangers, et al) -First, greetings, simple words, names for things -Then use these to solve puzzles and make things happen. -Kids love nonsense and surprises -Key for language development, and even humour development!

5 MINI-GAMES -Unlock new mini-games as you play -Incentives and rewards -A change of pace from the main game -Music/dance based -Rituals, festivities -Alien Sports -Interactive ‘toys’, play -Multiplayer -Between kids or kids & parents/minders

6 AESTHETICS -Every world unique -Classic Children’s TV -Stop Motion: -Clangers, -Bagpuss -Puppets: -Thunderbirds, -Sesame Street

7 INSPIRATIONS & CONTEXT -Kinect -Dance Central -Milo & Kate -Once Upon a Monster -Voice -Hey You, Pikachu! -Seaman -Themes/Setting -The New World -The Little Prince -Pikmin


9 WHY KINECT? -Massive push from Microsoft, keeps 360 ‘fresh’. -Kids are a primary market. -No controller. WHY RETAIL? -Higher risk, but greater exposure. -The mainstream parent. -Budget Holiday 2012 push.

10 CHALLENGES -Atypical game design -Too complex for very young children? Parents! -Work with kids and parents -Advice from teachers and developmental psychologists -Not frustrating -Kinect recognition and feedback works well -When make you make a mistake, it’s fun! -Appealing to girls -Different landscapes/areas; non-competitive game -Keeping children engaged -Accompanied by stories, room for creativity.

11 WHY US, WHY NOW. -Modest game budget -Team size: 15 -> 20 -Time: 12 months -Budget: £400,000 -Educational games huge again. -Games can be positive! -TV & Games aren’t baby sitters: -Involve the parents. -Educational, toddler developmental. -Promote social and emotional development. -Promote tolerance. -Promote inquisitiveness, and learning. -Continuously challenge assumptions.

12 TRANSMEDIA POTENTIAL -Why: -Powerful -Long lasting -Facilitate story telling -Examples: -Television Series -Safe internet zones -Children’s Books -Physical Toys & Games

13 “Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact, it’s cold as hell.” - Elton John KINECT WORLDS THANK YOU!

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