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Ancient Egyptian Government.

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1 Ancient Egyptian Government

2 Pharaohs People of Ancient Egypt were ruled by a king, or Pharaoh.
The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a god in human form. Therefore he was considered both king and god.

3 Pharaoh’s Responsibility
The Pharaoh had many responsibilities: Make trade profitable Prevent wars Prevent disasters (such as disease and dead crops)

4 Dynasty When a pharaoh died, the throne was passed to his son.
This happened each time a pharaoh died, leading to a series of rulers coming from the same family, or a dynasty. A dynasty would end only if there was no heir (male child) or if control was taken through battle.

5 Famous Pharaohs Menes Ramses II Tutankahmen Hatshepsut

6 Menes Menes is considered the first pharaoh, originator of the first dynasy. He is credited with uniting upper and lower Egypt into one country. He is referred to as a direct descendent of the god Horus.

7 Ramses II Known as Ramesses the Great
Regarded as greatest, most celebrates, most powerful pharaoh Ramses was responsible for building many monuments and buildings, as well as expanding the territory of Egypt.

8 Tutankahmen Better known as King Tut, this pharaoh is regarded as the “boy king” (as he became king at 9 and died at 20) He is best known for the discovery of his tomb and the many treasures that were found inside.

9 Hatshepsut Queen Hatshepsut was one of the few female pharaohs of Egypt, and the most successful of those. Her reign was full of peace and wealth.

10 Empire Throughout the reign of the various pharaohs, Egypt gained more power and wealth by conquering lands. Because Egypt consisted of many lands it was considered an empire. An empire means many different lands all under one control, in this case that of the pharaoh.

11 Social Structure of Egypt

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