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Legacies of Ancient Civilizations By: Alice Chudnovsky & Fiona Shampine Egypt - pyramidsGreece - ZeusRome - Colosseum Middle Ages - Feudalism.

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2 Legacies of Ancient Civilizations By: Alice Chudnovsky & Fiona Shampine Egypt - pyramidsGreece - ZeusRome - Colosseum Middle Ages - Feudalism

3 Geography of Egypt The geographical legacy of Egypt has endured over time. The Egyptians used the Nile River for drinking, farming, fishing and traveling. The floods of the Nile River left a layer of silt which provided suitable land for farming. The Mississippi River is like the Nile River because it is used for the same purposes, and it also floods yearly. The Nile River The Mississippi River

4 Politics of Greece The political legacy of Greece has endured over time. In Greece’s democracy, all citizens shared in the ruling power. Thus, all citizens had an input as to the decisions being made by their government. The term democracy is “rule by the people”. Greece had a direct democracy, meaning: every citizen could vote on every issue. In the U.S. we also have a democracy: a representative democracy. This means that we still have the opportunity to have an input on decisions made by our government. But, unlike Greece, we vote on representatives to represent us on voting issues. Democracy Symbol U.S Voting Booth

5 Economics of Greece (Athens) The economical legacy of Athens, Greece has endured over time. The Athenian economy was based solely on trade. Athenians produced many goods and traded them with other countries for items Athens lacked. U.S. also produces many goods and trades them all over the world. Trade Symbol

6 Economics of Greece (Sparta) The economical legacy of Sparta, Greece has endured over time. Sparta’s economy relied on farming and conquering other people and their goods. Sparta discouraged trade. Since Sparta didn’t have enough land to feed its entire population, Sparta used all people as military to provide themselves needed amounts of goods from the “war trophies” got from lands they conquered which they also used for extra farming land. Even now in the U. S., some of our economy relies on farming. Farming Symbol Conquering Symbol Spartan Helmet

7 Social Relationships of the Medieval Times The social legacy of the Medieval Times has endured over time. Wealthy merchants lived in huge, two-floor houses. The second level was serving the purpose of the family’s house quarters. The first level was given over to the business, including offices and storerooms. Poor people had a two or three families to a small hut. Rich people had a room (or floor) serving every purpose. Poor people slept, ate, talked, and worked in the same room. Right now in the U.S. there are also apartment buildings with shops taking up the first floor and workers with their families living on the second.

8 Culture of Athens, Greece The cultural legacy of Greece has endured over time. Athenians liked to travel. They were eager to spread their own ideas and to learn from others. They encouraged artists from other parts of Greece to come and share their knowledge of art and architecture. Athenians “traded” knowledge with other countries. They were eager to spread their own religion and to receive other useful knowledge back. Now in the U.S. we also trade knowledge. We invent something and trade with other countries for their inventions. Athenian Drama Masks U.S. Trading Symbol

9 Culture of Sparta, Greece The cultural legacy of Greece has endured over time. Spartans were suspicious of outsiders and their ideas. Spartans valued strength and simplicity. Sparta discouraged trade. It made all of its citizens military. U.S. has the strongest military in the world because we have a large country that needs lots of protection. Spartan Warriors U.S. Military Symbol

10 History of Rome The historical legacy of Rome has endured over time. Many historians say, Rome perished, but lived on. This means that even though Rome physically perished, it left lots of legacies behind. For example, lets take our modern football stadium. You think that architects invented it in our era? Well, HA! You’re wrong. Ancient Romans invented the Coliseum, which was the ancestor of our modern football stadium. Roman Coliseum Modern Football Stadium

11 Q: How has the study of ancient civilizations impact my life today? A: First of all, it has taught us on our ancestors’ mistakes First of all, it has taught us on our ancestors’ mistakes Second of all, it shows us to be grateful for the comforts we have as opposed to the people of ancient times. Second of all, it shows us to be grateful for the comforts we have as opposed to the people of ancient times. Third of all, it educated us about crucial parts that make up a civilization, and the evolution/development of a society Third of all, it educated us about crucial parts that make up a civilization, and the evolution/development of a society

12 Thanks for Watching! We hope you learned something useful!

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