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Successful Telephoning II in English. Arrangements Asking for an appointment Can we fix an appointment? (dojednat schůzku) Can we schedule a meeting for.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Telephoning II in English. Arrangements Asking for an appointment Can we fix an appointment? (dojednat schůzku) Can we schedule a meeting for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Telephoning II in English

2 Arrangements Asking for an appointment Can we fix an appointment? (dojednat schůzku) Can we schedule a meeting for next week? (naplánovat schůzku) Could we fix a quick meeting for Monday? Can we set up a meeting for Friday?

3 Arrangements Finding a good time Is Monday convenient? How about Tuesday at 10? Does next Thursday suit you? What about the week after next? When would be good for you?

4 Arrangements Agreeing on a place Shall I come over to your office or do you want me to meet here? Where would be best for us to meet? Let’s meet in the conference room. Confirming OK, so that’s 10.30 next Wednesday in your office. Could you possible confirm the details in an e-mail? Great. Let me give you my mobile number in case there’s any problem.

5 Customer service Taking responsibility Let me help you with this. I’ll sort this out for you. (vyřešit, vyjasnit, dát do pořádku) Admitting the mistake There’s clearly been mistake. There must have been a mix-up. (zmatek, omyl)

6 Customer service Asking for deatails What seems to be the problem? Can I take your customer number, please, Mr Brown? Do you happen to have the invoice number, Ms Richards? Do you have the reference number? So, if I’ve understood correctly, you’ve received the wrong product?

7 Customer service Apologizing I’m very sorry about this, Mr Bannock. I understand your feelings. I really do apologize. I can fully appreciate (uvědomovat si, chápat) your frustration, sir. I do apologize for any inconvenience, Mr Sanders.

8 Customer service Asking the customer to wait If you’d just like to wait a moment. I’m just looking up the details in our system. If you could just bear with me (mít strpení) a second. Promising action I’ll get on to (postarat se o něco) this immediately and call you back. I’ll make sure your request is processed immediatelly.

9 Customer service Offering compensation I’ll send you a voucher for $100. Please accept a small gift to make up for all incovenience. Thanking the customer Thank you for letting us know about this. Thank you for bringing this to your attention. Thank you very much for your understanding.

10 Customer service Offering further help If you need to get in touch again, please ask for me. My name’s Jane. Let me give you my extension in case you have any further questions. It’s 567. Or just ask for Peter. TIP: Be positive. Instead of saying, “We can’t deliver before the end of May”, say, ”We can get these to you home at the beginning of June.”

11 Checking and closing Confirming and summarizing Let’s just go over that again. OK, so we’ve agreed that… Can I just confirm what we’ve agreed on? Can I just summarize? Can I just sum up where we’ve got to? I’ll send you an e-mail to confirm what we discussed.

12 Checking and closing Ending the call I think that was all. Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hope to see you soon. We’ll be in touch next week. Thank you. Bye. You’re welcome. Bye.

13 Good luck with Successful Telephoning

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