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Texting transition Claire Craig and Neil Mayne. Overview and background The broader context of the work –My research: health promotion –LTA post: exploring.

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Presentation on theme: "Texting transition Claire Craig and Neil Mayne. Overview and background The broader context of the work –My research: health promotion –LTA post: exploring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texting transition Claire Craig and Neil Mayne

2 Overview and background The broader context of the work –My research: health promotion –LTA post: exploring how students negotiate transition points during their degree course –Year tutor –Role of IT: existing precedent –Drawing on skills and experiences of students

3 Enabling students to manage transition Good evidence to highlight benefits of supporting students during key transitional points on their course Literature: building resilience and enabling students to develop support networks Interested in ‘first point of transition’ – going to university Autonomy findings ‘feeling able to seek help’

4 The project Consultation with second year occupational therapy students: ‘what messages would you have found useful during that first semester?’ A series of statements were developed by the students Ethical approval was gained First year students were invited to participate in the project. Option to opt out: by texting word ‘end’ at any point during this time

5 Statements were sent every Monday morning for a total of eight weeks Some of the texts linked with course specific events (e.g. assessments) A short evaluation was undertaken at the end of the semester

6 Examples of texts Hope all is going well. Remember you are not expected to know everything at once. If you are unsure of something please ask. Best wishes Claire and Julie Check out the sports facilities at the university. Taking time to exercise can help to relieve stress and is important for good physical and mental health.

7 Results Did you find the text messaging useful No:4Yes: 53 Would you recommend the service to others no: 5Yes: 52

8 Suggestions for development They were nice but at the same time could have been more relevant to issues within the course Some messages were vague and could have had more specific information on them Felt supported although I would rather have talked - I didn't know if I could text back

9 Most helpful/unhelpful The one that said you are here because we believe in you as this came at a time when everybody seemed to be feeling the pressure. I know it was a time when I was doubting my ability and this helped me to remember how hard I'd worked to be here.

10 Sense of belonging I generally liked all the messages as they made me feel connected to the course

11 Encouraging statements Lovely texts: think of all the people who applied and you were chosen…you're not expected to know everything at once

12 The good luck for presentations/digital story telling messages because they related to what we were doing The most helpful ones were specific eg 'following your presentations

13 Not just what you say… I liked the overall tone of the text messages. You are obviously very insightful/perceptive as most texts seemed to pick up exactly how I was feeling.

14 Benefits of service They gave me a boost and gave me confidence to continue and not give up Very supportive and encouraging at times when things can be a struggle It confirmed that I was on the right course Made me feel positive and that I was able to continue the course

15 Negotiating difficult points of the course It supported me that I was feeling stressed/ overwhelmed It helped me to clarify that it is normal to feel under pressure and overwhelmed and to make sure we keep some kind of balance and look after ourselves

16 Source of motivation It was really nice to receive a motivational message and helped to keep my spirits up. Motivating and encouraging Motivational +++

17 Support – main perceived benefit I felt supported and liked that the department is in contact and available if needed It's good to know that there is support, especially during the start of university when there's a lot to take in Reassuring hearing from the tutors Feeling supported

18 Relationship with staff The message saying that we were chosen to be on the course made me feel valued Knowing someone cared Knowing that you care enough to provide such a service Support and encouragement, feeling in contact with staff and that they are aware of us as a year and understand the pressures we are under

19 Practical actions It motivated me to do things ie 'try to build exercise into your routine' etc The exercise one motivated me to get up and go to the gym that week

20 Messages you would like to send me… Thank you for all the lovely caring messages received Thanks for the texts Thank you for the support of a text each week. This has made me not feel like giving up. Thank you Thank you for the support Thank you for your help

21 Thanks for all the help and encouragement Claire! I really think you should continue with it!! Thank you for providing reassurance/inspiration in a fun way. Thank you, thank you so very much for caring

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