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ANNOUNCEMENTS. “I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:

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2 “I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:

3 It’s Friday, December 5 What’s For Lunch?  Cheesy Breadsticks  Chicken Burger  Turkey Canadian Bacon or Cheese Pizza  Deli Sandwiches

4 So what’s happening this week? Friday – Regular Schedule Dance 3-5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next Week Is Spirit Week Monday – Mid-quarter Grades posted Tuesday – Orchestra Field Trip Basketball here Wednesday Choir Club Soccer Club Gymnastics Orchestra Concert 7:00 Thursday Friday – Pep Assembly Basketball here

5 Basketball News 12-4-14  Tough night for our wolves.  Varsity and JV both suffering losses.  We’ll get ‘em next time.  #gowolves

6 Common Tech Violations – Reminder #5: Laptop Use, Care, and Classroom Routines Is it OK to carry my laptop in my backpack? No. Laptops come in a very nice, secure case. You need to keep them in that case at all times. In the hallway remember to Keep your laptop zipped up in the KSD case at all times. Always use the handle, strap, or two hands to carry the laptop. No swinging! Never leave the laptop unattended for any reason. Log-off or lock the computer before you change classes. Can I allow someone to use my laptop to start or maintain a business? NO! Using district property for financial gain (such as Uber) is not allowed under the Acceptable Use Policy.

7 Common Tech Violations – Reminder #5 (cont): KSD reserves the right to confiscate the property (laptop) at any time. KSD may remove a user’s access to the network without notice at any time if the user is engaged in any unauthorized activity. For more information, please review the KSD One-to-One Handbook which was emailed out to everyone November 23 rd and can be found on our website. Or you can see Ms. Lynch-Allen or Mrs. Grad.

8 SPIRIT WEEK next week Monday: Sparkles & Sports Day Tuesday: Neon & 80’s Wednesday: Pattern & Sweater Thursday: Crazy Hair & Crazy Socks Friday: Blue/Green Day

9 GOOD LUCK Tomorrow At the Kentlake High School competition! Come support the girls! Competition starts at 1p - $6.00 with ASB GO SPARKS!

10 Clothing & Textile Drive Contest Start collecting now to bring in bags of old clothes, shoes, towels, blankets, etc. in March The 6 th period class for each grade that brings in the most bags will get a cupcake & ice cream party! You will get to Duck Tape Mike to the wall! If we reach our goal of 5,001 pounds you will see some teachers doing & wearing crazy stuff!

11 “Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.” -Michel de Montaigne QUOTE OF THE DAY – 12/5/14

12 Have a Great Day!

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