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The mystery of the Aztec By Ben. The mystery 10,000 of year ago a king in Mexico fighting with the hunter but he got caught. Then you must to cross the.

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Presentation on theme: "The mystery of the Aztec By Ben. The mystery 10,000 of year ago a king in Mexico fighting with the hunter but he got caught. Then you must to cross the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The mystery of the Aztec By Ben

2 The mystery 10,000 of year ago a king in Mexico fighting with the hunter but he got caught. Then you must to cross the river, cave and a castle. Now the mystery is locked I need you to unlock it after the village will be extended Hurry this is only our chance !!!!!!!!!!!!! More information

3 Click on the 3 of this picture down there. If you went wrong the king will die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did Aztec people live ? Mexico England America

4 SORRY Play again Oh no you have wrong. Sorry the king have been killed by the hunter even the village is now extent

5 Correct Well done you had cross that awful river and save the king of the village. Now you are going to cross a cave to get near to the king. Good luck !!!!! Next mission

6 Sorry Play Again Oh no you have wrong. Sorry the king have been killed by the hunter even the village is now extent

7 Now you have to cross the cave Do Aztec people have sun god ? Yes No

8 Sorry You are wrong so you know what happen to the king and even the village. Now let try better Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!! Play Again

9 Good job You are right well-done. Now you are going to the next mission is castle so I hope you past this mission the n you will see the king have been tided up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!! Next mission

10 Now it your last mission so good luck Does children punishment have chili burning in the fire ? Yes No

11 More information about Aztec people Aztec people had many gods but the main one was the sun god. They live in Mexico and they believe in god like they killed a man and get there heart to bring to the god. Also they have many bad punishment like burn chili and put children face to it and put chili then rub to children face. The Aztec people have a lot of good medicine but they don’t have like us but they could found other to drink Go back

12 Sorry You are wrong so you know what happen to the king and even the village. Now let try better Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!! Play Again

13 Now answer Do they have medicine like us ? Yes No

14 Correct Good job now you have save the village and the king. Let go home and celebrate. Go home

15 Let celebrate. Everybody let celebrate.

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