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Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting

2 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Changes Environment HR Health & Safety Student Exit Survey AOB Agenda

3 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Changes Ben - 3 month assignment Jess – Polden/Mendip/Quarry Debbie – Eastwood Welcome to Kinga Krzysztofinska Good luck to Wojciech Swiderski Goodbye to Andrzej Chlebowski

4 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environment

5 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001 The surveillance visit will take place on the 26 th + 27 th January Its to ensure that we are still providing a system or frame work which is committed to reducing our environmental impact

6 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

8 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

9 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

10 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

11 Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO14001

12 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Snow + Ice

13 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Guidance on staff attendance during periods of major transport disruption or severe weather conditions 1.The University will be open unless a specific message is made on the University website, local radio, official recorded message line or if it is to close early via a message from the Vice-Chancellor or nominated Deputy. To ensure that staff know whether to start travelling to the University a decision will be made and communicated as early as possible at the start of the day 2.Where a member of staff is unable to get to work or is likely to be significantly delayed, they must inform their line manager at the earliest opportunity, and, if appropriate, give an indication of their expected time of arrival. 3.Where a member of staff arrives at work late due to major transport disruption or severe weather conditions they will not be required to make up the lost time and will not suffer any loss of pay. In most instances it will be acceptable for a day’s annual leave to be used, and, if the full year’s leave entitlement has already been exhausted, it will be acceptable for a day to be brought forward from the next leave year.

14 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Zero waste Zero waste is initiative in which we are looking for kitchen groups that have been identified to commit to not having a General waste bin within their kitchen. This has never been attempted before and is being led through the environmental matters group. It is aimed at actively reducing the amounts of general waste and increasing the recycling with each kitchen. If you can think of a kitchen that would be a good choice for this trial, please let your AAOC know.

15 HR Accommodation & Hospitality Services

16 Annual Leave Requests for taking more than 12 working days annual leave at any one time should be made by 31 January each year, stating both the length of holiday requested and any special factors, e.g. you are going on honeymoon. Managers will then review these requests and approve annual leave wherever possible. Where, due to holiday requests, staffing levels would be too low we would encourage teams to discuss it collectively with their managers and find a resolution. If that is not possible, managers would make a decision based on the circumstances of the situation. Included in this would be how annual leave over previous peak periods was allocated.

17 Health and Safety Signing in and out Accommodation & Hospitality Services

18 Blog Accommodation & Hospitality Services

19 Blog Updates

20 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Blog Updates

21 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Where can you find it?

22 Student Exit Survey Accommodation & Hospitality Services


24 Wouldn't have changed a thing about first year accommodation; we have had so much fun in Westwood, Cotswold!! I don't remember what my preferred choice was but I was very happy with what I got. I am happy about the room. But I've not been told that my side of Thornbank cannot receive sunshine at all. I enjoyed my stay in john wood court, however i did not enjoy sharing a room. The person i share with cant be a more obnoxious, rude and annoying person

25 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

26 Meeting people from other backgrounds Having a place to stay. Not having to buy furniture, bedding (though buying sheets was annoying) etc. when I am only in the country for the year. I love that there is housekeeping service cleaning the common kitchen and my room though the latter is not too often, but I like it. Cleanliness and standard of cleaning service. Nice well lit thornbank building. Drawback = kitchen space small. The view out my window. The layout of my room

27 Accommodation & Hospitality Services


29 The Housekeeping staff who cleaned the kitchen area were brilliant. The person who delivered post and took out the recycling was really friendly Very nice teams One of our housekeepers was an angel (the irish one) Friendly and frequent Mostly very kind Recycling was great! Cleaning was good Room cleaning service was good

30 Accommodation & Hospitality Services The cleaning staff weren't very friendly and occasionally didn't do a thorough job. They were really noisy and didn't seem to care if we were working etc. they would sit on the stairs and shout down the phone for hours. They were fast to fix any problems we reported with the bathrooms but they were not pleasant. Compared to other kitchens in other accommodations etc the cleaning of our kitchen was less thorough. Only when we had a different cleaner did we realise the quality was a lot better, They spent up to an hour in the kitchen just talking very loudly(and in the hallway) which was very disturbing when I was trying to revise. Some members of housekeeping who cleaned the bedrooms were not as good.

31 Accommodation & Hospitality Services


33 The cleaners have been very noisy. Especially noticeable during the revision/exam periods; we've had to put up signs asking them to be quiet so we can study. Late night noise from fellow students Cleaners on their phones cleaners talking extractor fan in kitchen (when the fuse was in...) Construction starting too early on a weekend the noise of the builders when they were resurfacing the road outside of E32

34 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

35 Many thanks to Wendy(Polden Level 1 housekeeper) The man who delivered mail to Wolfson, and he took the recycling out I do not remember her name but she's responsible for checking electronics and things routinely in Conygre. Cleaning team for quarry The Irish housekeeper - I don't remember her name, but she was great. Wendy, who cleaned Norwood is fabulous and we love her. Our cleaner Jenny was always very friendly and nice to talk to. Rachel Morton Anna Anne T on level 4 Quarry has been a superb cleaner The lady that delivers post to Quarry and Mendip (I am really sorry, I don't know her by name, but she is always so friendly to everyone - which was great when I didn't know anyone) Lyn and Rachel for putting up with us all year! Sorry we have been such a pain!! Marlene (Cleaning staff Wolfson Level 5) was excellent The woman who visited our house to check bins/washing etc was very friendly and kind and was fair, always explaining what things needed doing and why (house: Q3) - The woman who cleaned Q3's downstairs kitchen was very friendly, an extremely hard worker and always worked with a smile on her face! The bald guy and the lady with the blond dreds in Eastwood, always smiling and chatty.

36 Accommodation & Hospitality Services AOB

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