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New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT)
Three Required Trainings
New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT) Who are we? Terminology Requirements Basic Five (B5) The fundamentals of building an UnFranchise® Business. Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT) Demonstrated knowledge of the above content. Demonstrated knowledge of policy and procedures. TRAINER’S NOTES: We provide ongoing training for all areas of interest. We have sales support tools and training. A proven business plan with our Career Manual Growing visibility with our branded SHOP.COM sites Management systems with UFMS that allow you to measure and monitor your organisations activities. Merchandising and marketing tools with specialised training Ongoing training through our NMTSS Training is available for UFMS on
Trust • Performance • Integrity
2013 Torch Award Winner Trust • Performance • Integrity BBB of Central NC
• Identifies the latest market-driven products • Eliminates the burden of manufacturing
• Does not rely solely on the sales of any one product or service • Exclusive products and services • Access to multibillion-dollar markets
Customise a business based on your interests and goals
MARKET AUSTRALIA Customise a business based on your interests and goals TRAINER’S NOTES: Review the University concept of choosing a Major and Minor. Focus your education to that area of the business that you have interest or fulfills your goals. Examples: Health & Nutrition – Wellness Consultant Transitions – Weight Management Coach WebCentre – WebSite development Motives – Cosmetic consultant nutraMetrix – Working with Health Professionals Telecommunications Anti-Aging University concept
Hot Deals Exclusive Products and Services Hundreds of Partner Stores Social Networking
Earn up to 40 percent Cashback for purchasing Market Australia- branded products and those from our Partner Stores where you see the Cashback logo Earn ½ percent Cashback on eligible referral purchases
• Provides the power of social media and online shopping
• Combines high-tech with high-touch • Offers the ability to reach millions of customers • Matches people to products and products to people
The UnFranchise® Business Development System
The following information provides fundamental knowledge required to ensure Qualified Individuals can successfully attain Financial Independence by implementing TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students understand. We are looking for Qualified Individuals. Qualified Individuals are: - Looking for a vehicle to improve their current and/or future financial position - Good communication skills - Basic computer skills - Well connected - Financially qualified The UnFranchise® Business Development System
The UnFranchise® Business Key Terms and Definitions
Buy product at UnFranchise Cost and earn gross retail profit
SALES REPRESENTATIVE No cost Buy product at UnFranchise Cost and earn gross retail profit UNFRANCHISE® OWNER Subscription Fee-$129.95 Buy product at UnFranchise Cost and earn gross retail profit Participate in the Management Performance Compensation Plan and earn commissions *BDC - Business Development Centre
AU.SHOP.COM/YourName GLOBAL.SHOP.COM YOUR SUBSCRIPTION INCLUDES: UnFranchise® Business Account Career Manual Getting Started Guide UnFranchise® Magazine Preloaded MP4 Device Training and Seminar System Coaching and Mentoring by Experienced UnFranchise Owners
Business Development Centre (BDC)
Your place of business in the computer system at Market Australia. Identified by your nine digit UnFranchise I.D. followed by a three digit extension. Example: The banks for BV and IBV are located here. *BDC - Business Development Centre
BV Business Volume BV is the unit value (points) assigned to exclusive branded product IBV Internet Business Volume IBV is the unit value (points) assigned to any of our Partner Store Products
WAYS TO CREATE BV & IBV: Personal use UnFranchise AutoShip
Customer AutoShip Personal use UnFranchise AutoShip Retail sales Internet Marketing SHOP.COM One-to-One Marketing Social Media
PBV does not accrue in the banks of the BDC in which it is placed
Personal Business Volume (PBV) All BV is PBV for the BDC it is placed in. PBV does not accrue in the banks of the BDC in which it is placed Initially used to qualify a BDC Used for quarterly PBV requirements Used to exercise the Monthly Accrual Option Group Business Volume (GBV) All PBV flows up and counts as GBV in the banks of all Qualified BDCs it flows through. GBV is used to calculate Commissions and bonuses TRAINER’S NOTES: Make it clear to the class that we receive 100% of the GBV if you maintain a qualified BDC and satisfy your monthly and quarterly requirements. We will be reviewing those requirements later in this training.
What you pay for products and services. Suggested Retail Price –
UnFranchise Cost – What you pay for products and services. Suggested Retail Price – What the company suggests for retailing products, goods, and services based on fair market value. An UnFranchise Owner may charge more or less than Suggested Retail Price All prices are GST inclusive when applicable On all AU.SHOP.COM orders, Market Australia collects and remits GST For one-on-one orders GST is dependent on whether you are registered for GST or not Pricing does not change TRAINER’S NOTES: Use example of product or service UnFranchise Cost & Suggested Retail Price. (SRP). Pentaxyl – Advanced Skin Care treatment - UnFranchise Cost = $52.00 - Suggested Retail = $72.50 - BV = 47 Profit is Income earned. Do NOT de-value your products and service by selling for less than SRP other than for promotional campaigns. Strongly encourage selling at SRP: - Net retail profit covers overhead of operating your business. - Selling for less, deters/obstructs the opportunity for your sales organisation to attract customers - It hampers building long-term income ($2,100 - $3,600/wk) for short-term income (pennies). Selling for more than SRP increases the chances of losing a customer and damaging a relationship. It is about selling more products (multiple) to repeat customers.
Accumulate 200 BV to qualify your Business Development Centre (BDC) which opens both your left and right BV and IBV banks. Once your Business Development Centre has been qualified, it will begin to accrue Business Volume (BV) and Internet Business Volume (IBV).
Qualification Date (Q-Date)
Start Date The date when an application is entered at Market Australia and an Independent UnFranchise Owner is created in the database. Used to determine your Start Month (when you will renew each year) Acts as the Q-Date for Sales Representatives Qualification Date (Q-Date) An UnFranchise Owner’s Q-date is the Friday of the week in which the UnFranchise Owner’s initial BDC became Qualified. This is the date for which both monthly criteria and quarterly requirements are based This date will never change as long as an UnFranchise Owner remains Active TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students know their start date and Q-date. If possible have them list on Getting started guide. If not, make this a homework assignment to complete.
Quarter Periods: For Qualified UnFranchise Owners
Based on the UnFranchise Owner's Q-date; also called a “three-Q-date period.” For Sales Representatives And Unqualified UnFranchise Owners Based on the Start date; also called a “three-start-date period.” Periods: Begins on the Saturday following an anniversary date Ends on the Friday following an anniversary date three months later The next quarter begins the next day (Saturday) TRAINER’S NOTE: Have students mark-off their calendar Q-date quarters for 1 years in advance.
Personally sponsor and place one qualified UnFranchise® owner in your left and right organisations.
Active Independent UnFranchise Owner
There are three requirements to remain “Active”: Have a current UnFranchise Owner Sales Report (Form 1000) on file At least two retail receipts totaling $200 in sales must accompany the Form 1000 Must submit his/her own retail sales and Form 1000 every quarter by 11:59 p.m. ET Friday (the end of their Quarter). All retail sales must conform with all guidelines in the Career Manual (i.e. AU.SHOP.COM is the only place our products can be sold online) Must have their own customers, and make their own retail sales Have placed minimum quarterly PBV amounts 150 PBV in any of your BDCs Have a current subscription (Annual Renewal Form) Renewal of your subscription is required each year by the end of your Start Month The month in which your Start Date falls is your Start Month Auto-Renewal can be setup to automatically renew your subscription each year at the beginning of your Start Month TRAINER’S NOTES: Discuss difference between Active and Activation Review this slide carefully. These are some of the most important requirements to understand. Form This has a training module available on away or combine sales with other UnFranchise Owners 23
MPCP Management / Supervisory Responsibilities
UnFranchise Owners are paid commissions for managing, training, supplying, supporting, and motivating their organisations to produce retail sales volume. Management / Supervisory responsibilities under the MPCP guidelines are listed in Chapter 12 Sec 1. Failure to perform the management responsibilities is grounds for corrective action by the company. TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students understand their Management Responsibilities as a Sponsor. Many are too quick to activate without understanding they have responsibilities. Take the time to understand those responsibilities first. General: I am responsible for managing, supervising, training and motivating my downline organisation. I am responsible for fully understanding the Management Performance Compensation Plan and Marketing Plan, Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, and to adequately teach and train my organisation the same. I am responsible for accurately representing the Market Australia Management Performance Compensation Plan and Marketing Plan, Policies and Procedures, Rules, and Regulations in my downline organisation and to all prospects solicited or recruited by my downline organisation. Failure to do so could result in loss of commissions, punitive enforcement action by the Company and/or termination. This may be accomplished through training meetings, training materials, CDs, DVDs, newsletters, attendance of company meetings, direct contact, or any method in the Career Manual.
People lead to people *Green indicates personally sponsored UnFranchise® Owner
Sponsor The Independent UnFranchise Owner who introduced you to the business as indicated on your application. An UnFranchise Owner should never sign an application or any agreement for another UnFranchise Owner Creating false UnFranchise businesses or using deceptive practices to get people to sign-up can be grounds for corrective action. Placement Where a BDC is located in the Market Australia genealogy. Specified on the application by the new UnFranchise Owner’s Sponsor Also referred to as linkage A BDC may only be placed on the left or right side of another BDC where no BDC currently exists (open placement). TRAINER’S NOTES: Check UFMS graphic Genealogy Report for “open placement” in the line in which you are building. Call upline/downline UnFranchise Owners who are building in that area of the organisation to make them aware of your intentions. 26
Sponsorship vs. Placement
Example: You personally sponsored Tom, Sue and Matt. Although Matt is personally sponsored by You, notice his placement is on the left side of Dr. Jones’s Business Development Centres
Retail sales, customers ordering through your websites, personal use, new UnFranchise® Owners and word-of-mouth advertising
Dollars earned for accrued GBV & GIBV totals in Activated BDCs.
Commission Dollars earned for accrued GBV & GIBV totals in Activated BDCs. If a given GBV or GIBV level is reached on the left and right of a BDC which is not Activated, that Commission is forfeited An UnFranchise Owner must be Qualified, Active, and Activated to be eligible to earn any commissions Management Performance Compensation Plan Internet Business Volume Compensation Plan (IBVCP) TRAINER’S NOTES:
Monthly BV Accrual Option
Gives UnFranchise Owners the ability to continue to accrue GBV month to month (12-month rolling accrual) Must maintain a subscription to the UFMS Must assign a minimum amount of PBV to their BDC-001 each month UnFranchise Owner – 50 PBV Coordinator – 100 PBV Executive Coordinator and Higher – 150 PBV TRAINER’S NOTE: This is a option to exercise the Monthly accrual. You will not be notified of a possible Flush for Monthly Accrual. UFMS and PBV are required for GBV accrual, this does not affect GIBV. Not accruing GIBV month to month does not affect accruing GBV.
Monthly IBV Accrual Option
Gives UnFranchise Owners the ability to continue to accrue GIBV month to month (24-month rolling accrual) Must maintain a subscription to the UFMS Must assign a minimum amount of PIBV to their BDC-001 each month to accrue GIBV Level 1 (UnFranchise Owner who has not received any IBV commission) – 10 IBV Level 2 (UnFranchise Owner who has received $300 IBV commission) – 20 IBV Level 3 (UnFranchise Owner who has completed one commission cycle and received $600 [5000/5000] IBV commission) – 30 IBV TRAINER’S NOTE: This is a option to exercise the Monthly accrual. You will not be notified of a possible Flush for Monthly Accrual. UFMS and PBV are required for GBV accrual, this does not affect GIBV. Not accruing GIBV month to month does not affect accruing GBV. 31
UnFranchise AutoShip (Transfer Buying)
A standing order that is shipped monthly automatically, to satisfy the criteria of the Monthly Accrual Option. Saves you time and stress Paid for by bank draft (direct debit) or credit card. Set-up two weeks prior to Q-date. Can be changed as needed (no later than Friday before the Tuesday that it invoices) Everything that you use monthly, arrives without you even thinking about it, so never run out! TRAINER’S NOTE: This is a option to exercise the Monthly accrual. You will not be notified of a possible Flush for Monthly Accrual. UFMS and PIBV are required for GIBV accrual, this does not affect GBV. Not accruing GIBV month to month does not affect accruing GBV.
UnFranchise AutoShip (Transfer Buying)
Insured Accrual Protection (Transfer Buying Rider) will automatically double or triple your order when your monthly criteria increases (you earn commissions) and there is not enough BV or IBV on it. This prevents a red flush. You can put as much as you want on your UnFranchise AutoShip Order. Anything over what is necessary based on your UnFranchise Level or IBV Level will be placed according to your Excess BV/IBV Placement settings. TRAINER’S NOTE: This is a option to exercise the Monthly accrual. You will not be notified of a possible Flush for Monthly Accrual. UFMS and PIBV are required for GIBV accrual, this does not affect GBV. Not accruing GIBV month to month does not affect accruing GBV.
BV & IBV commissions are calculated weekly
5,000 5,000 3,600 3,600 2,400 2,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 total BV from your left and right = $300 1,200 total IBV from your left and right = $300 2,400 total BV from your left and right = $300 2,400 total IBV from your left and right = $300 3,600 total BV from your left and right = $300 3,600 total IBV from your left and right = $300 5,000 total BV from your left and right = $600 5,000 total IBV from your left and right = $600
$600 bonus paid for demonstrating management and growth.
Management Bonus $600 bonus paid for demonstrating management and growth. In the same week that a BDC earns a Commission for reaching the 5000/5000 GBV pay out criteria, a BDC on the left side and a BDC on the right side each earn Commissions for reaching the 5000/5000 GBV pay out criteria. Also called a “Triple Flush” TRAINER’S NOTES:
Every time you and any BDC in your left sales organisation plus any BDC in your right sales organisation completes the BV commission cycle in the same week, you receive a management bonus of $600.
Re-Entry Gives an UnFranchise Owner the ability to place another BDC in their organisation. Earned when a BDC earns the commission for reaching the 5000/5000 BV pay level the first time Only awarded once per BDC There must be at least 5 UnFranchise businesses between your Re-Entry and your original BDCs, or it must be placed beneath a BDC that has reached 5000/5000 BV and is not your own TRAINER’S NOTES: USE NEXT SLIDE TO EXPLAIN Re Entries can only be submitted/placed by paper order form. Must qualify the Re Entry BDC with 200 BV at the time of submittal/placement. Must be placed below an Executive Coordinator OR at least five (5) BDCs below your BDC(s) you initially entered business with (i.e., 001 or 002 & 003) Must have RECEIVED commission for 5,000/5,000 pay out criteria prior to submittal/placement. Re Entry should be displayed on UFMS before placing new UnFranchise Owners off the BDC.
Open additional Business Development Centres to increase your commissions
200 BV
Building Share of Customer
10-15 Customers shopping regularly Offer existing customers more products/services through your AU.SHOP.COM site Match products to people, and people to products program allows customers to get paid for shopping Talking Points Building 10 to 15 Preferred Customers BV is created when you place an order for products from the Mall Without Walls™ You are trained and assisted on using and implementing each of the methods and techniques Have already developed Independent UnFranchise Owners with customers, now have customers use your SHOP.COM sites Provide Ultimate Online Destination through your SHOP.COM sites Build strong relationships with customers on a one-to-one basis Sustain dialogue and obtain feedback with and from Preferred Customers to identify what they want and need Sell existing customers more products/services (within the product line, within the store, within the Mall, within the Partner Stores) Increase profitability and security Selling more products to fewer people is more efficient and more profitable than the time honored mass-marketing rules of pitching products to the greatest number of people 39
Building Share of Customer
Principle #1: Selling more products to fewer people is easier Within the Market Australia Product Line Within the Market Australia Store Within the Market Australia Mall Within the Partner Stores Customer of Customer TRAINER’S NOTES:
Building Share of Customer
Principle #2: Sustaining dialogue and obtaining feedback What do your customers really want? What does this individual customer really want? What would they purchase from you, if you had it? TRAINER’S NOTES:
Building Share of Customer
Principle #3: Building unique relationships with these customers Demonstrate an active interest in customers as individuals. Communicate on a periodic and frequent basis – Not Just The Sale. Utilise mail, telephone, voic , , social media (facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Blogs, etc.), and website. TRAINER’S NOTES:
Partner Stores Partner Stores
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
Coordinator An UnFranchise Owner who is qualified, activated, and has earned at least their first BV Commission. Must submit Form Executive Coordinator Qualification and Application Form Agreement to accept responsibility of Executive Coordinator Must submit Form Executive Coordinator Acknowledgement & Agreement Agreement to certify your attending all three required trainings and complied with the 70% rule proving a Form 1000 (UnFranchise Owner Sales Report) with at least $200 in retail sales. Both of these forms are part of the Online UnFranchise Registration and have probably already been done. TRAINER’S NOTES: Have students cheque their UnFranchise Owner Qualification Report (UFMS management reports) to make sure Form 1001 & Form 925 are on file.
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
Executive Coordinator An UnFranchise Owner who has accrued a minimum of 5000 GBV on both the left and right sides of a BDC and has earned that $ Commission. Must attend an Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT) – within 28 days of earning the $600 commission Prerequisites for the ECCT are attendance/completion of a NUOT and a Basic 5 UFMS is a requirement for Executive Coordinator and above to continue to earn commissions TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students understand as a Executive Coordinator they should now be teaching NUOT & B5 to downline organisation. You can verify and validate ECCT completion by viewing a respective UnFranchise Owner’s UnFranchise Owner Qualification Report through UFMS.
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
Master Coordinator An UnFranchise Owner who has Triple Flushed (earned the $600 Management Bonus) TRAINER’S NOTES:
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
All UnFranchise Levels beyond Master Coordinator are based on commissions and bonuses received from the MPCP in a four week pay cycle. We are not employees of Market Australia. We are Independent UnFranchise Owners. Our income should not be advertised except as published by Market Australia. Recognition statement of Income earned: “has earned at least ________ in a 4 week pay cycle” TRAINER’S NOTES: This is the only way to state an UnFranchise Owner’s earnings when recognising a UnFranchise Level.
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
Senior Master Coordinator – earned ≥ $3,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Professional Coordinator – earned ≥ $4,500 in a 4 week pay cycle Supervising Coordinator – earned ≥ $7,500 in a 4 week pay cycle National Supervising Coordinator – earned ≥ $10,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Executive Supervising Coordinator – earned ≥ $15,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Director – earned ≥ $18,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Executive Director – earned ≥ $25,000 in a 4 week pay cycle
UnFranchise Levels and Requirements
Field Vice-President – earned ≥ $36,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Executive Field Vice-President – earned ≥ $45,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Senior Executive Field Vice-President – earned ≥ $63,000 in a 4 week pay cycle Field President – earned ≥ $80,000 in a 4 week pay cycle International Field President – earned ≥ $100,000 in a 4 week pay cycle International Field Chairman – earned ≥ $125,000 in a 4 week pay cycle 49
Tools and Requirements
UnFranchise Management System (UFMS) A system of management services and tools designed to help manage your sales organisations, maximise your time, and grow your UnFranchise® business. * Monthly Subscription Charge for UFMS $22. Features of UFMS UFMS – Management Reports Management training audios MARVIN – Market Australia Responsive Voice Information Network. Powerline Voice Link (PVL) TRAINER’S NOTE Make note that UFMS is a monthly subscription. UFMS is critical to managing your organisation. It is imperative that you know how to use it before your organisation begins to grow. UFMS should be on your UnFranchise AutoShip Order UFMS is required to exercise the month-to-month accrual option
Tools MARVIN - Market Australia Responsive Voice Information Network
Designed to answer your basic inquiries pertaining to your UnFranchise business Voice response system Q-date, Annual Renewal date, the date that your Form 1000 was received, etc. Simply call ext. 3 to experience the ease and convenience of MARVIN TRAINER’S NOTES: Have students Call MARVIN to get Q-date. To show how it works.
Tools PowerLine Voice Link (PVL)
A telephone service that enables an UnFranchise Owner to access weekly sales volume and commissions earned information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ext. 3 (Same as MARVIN) TRAINER’S NOTES Have students call into PVL to hear how it works. Have students call into Patlive to hear how it works. If internet is available show how Patlive can be accessed through
Terms & Conditions Forfeit
This means you have enough volume on the left and right of a BDC to meet a given pay out criteria but you do not get the Commission. TRAINER’S NOTES: To Avoid Forfeit…. Get forms in early. Form 925 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form1001 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form 1000 quarterly Form Annual Renewal Attend all three required trainings. Basic Five (B5) New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT) Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT)
Terms & Conditions Reasons for Forfeit
You do not have your 2 personally sponsored UnFranchise Owners (one on the left and one on the right) when you reach a payout increment. Example: Reaching 1200 BV on the left and 1200 BV on the right before becoming activated. TRAINER’S NOTES: To Avoid Forfeit…. Get forms in early. Form 925 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form1001 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form 1000 quarterly Form Annual Renewal Attend all three required trainings. Basic Five (B5) New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT) Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT)
Terms & Conditions Reasons for Forfeit (cont.)
You have not sent in the required forms 925, They both must be completed after you earn your first $300 BV commission. You have not completed the three required trainings NUOT, B5 and ECCT, All three must be completed after you complete the BV pay cycle the first time (5000 BV/5000 BV). TRAINER’S NOTES: To Avoid Forfeit…. Get forms in early. Form 925 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form1001 one time only (should be during sign-in), Form 1000 quarterly Form Annual Renewal Attend all three required trainings. Basic Five (B5) New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT) Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT)
Terms & Conditions Flush Reasons for Red (bad) Flush
Flushing resets your GBV (or GIBV) banks to zero (0). Good (Green) Flush – Your banks reset because you accumulated 5000 GBV (or GIBV) in the left and right banks of that BDC and received the $600 Commission. Bad (Red) Flush – All of your banks reset because you choose to not exercise the Monthly Accrual Option (BV or IBV). Reasons for Red (bad) Flush You did not exercise the Monthly Accrual Option: Place 50/100/150 BV in your 001 BDC (will affect BV only). Purchase your monthly UFMS subscription (will affect both BV and IBV). Place 10/20/30 IBV in your 001 BDC (will affect IBV only). TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students understand Red Flush. This is your Option to exercise the Monthly Accrual Option. You will not be notified (Alert) of a possible Flush. A BV Flush does not effect the IBV banks. A IBV Flush does not effect the BV banks. Set up your Transfer buy properly (use transfer buy rider to ensure volume is bumped up automatically when you earn a commission.) Keep your credit cards/chequeing accounts up to date. (watch for expiration dates) Don't bounce cheques or max business credit card.
Terms & Conditions Purge Reasons for Purge
Your BV and IBV totals on the left and right reset to zero in all BDC’s. The UnFranchise Owner becomes Inactive Must re-qualify BDCs with 200 PBV before they will begin to accrue GBV and GIBV again. All PBV and PIBV disappears from upline banks. NOTE: This affects everyone upline who has not flushed on your volumes as this purge volume is removed from their GBV and GIBV totals. Reasons for Purge You did not meet your Minimum Activity Requirements: Minimum 150 PBV for the quarter. Submit Form 1000 (UnFranchise Owner Sales Report). Submit Annual Renewal. TRAINER’S NOTES: Make sure students understand Purge and the requirements. Minimum Activity Requirements of at least 150 BV. Submit Form 1000 quarterly before 2pm EST of the week ending Friday that your quarter ends. Submit Annual Renewal before Dec 31st. You will be given a Notice of possible purge for not having satisfied Form 1000 or 150 PBV requirement on the UnFranchise® Business Account (“Back Office”) Alerts and Purge report on Management reports, one month from deadline purge.
Record Keeping - Expenses
Terms & Conditions Record Keeping - Expenses Advertising & promotional materials Automobile expenses (mileage) Travel expenses (airfare) Lodging and meals Trainings and admission fees (tickets) Freight, Administrative, shipping costs Postal charges Business equipment (computer, fax, furniture) Office supplies (paper, ink) Professional fees (tax preparation etc.) TRAINER’S NOTES: As a Market Australia independent UnFranchise Owner, you are an independent business owner. It is very important to maintain accurate records of all your financial transactions. These transactions include all expenses and income. Here are some examples of expenses you are most likely to incur. It is recommended that you consult your tax preparer for advice.
Record Keeping - Income
TERMS & CONDITIONS Record Keeping - Income Profit from retail sales of products Commissions and bonuses received from the Management Performance Compensation Plan. TRAINER’S NOTES:
Australian GST Registration
Who must register If you carry on a business, you must register for GST if your GST Turnover is at, or above the GST turnover threshold, that is, it is $75,000 or more.* Your GST Turnover includes your Gross Retail (which is GST inclusive) and MPCP commission income plus 10% GST added on top. If you are GST registered you need to lodge the GST registration details with Market Australia. Market Australia will then add 10% (being the GST component) to your commission payment. It is your responsibility to comply with the GST lodgement, payment and any ATO updates. We recommend that you consult your Tax Accountant for any clarification. TRAINER’S NOTES: *
Building a Solid Foundation for Profitability and Stability
The Objective For Every New UnFranchise Owner
Create a cash flow through building a repeat customer base. Base 10 Seven Strong Create distribution through other UnFranchise Owners – earn $300 monthly in commission Short-term goal – Personally sponsor 2 who sponsor 2 each and attain Base 10 TRAINER’S NOTES:
Business Goals Begin with Base 10
Personally purchase and use at least 100 BV and 15 IBV per month Establish 10 Repeat Customers – Base of > 10 purchasing a minimum of 30 BV and 20 IBV monthly within 90 days (2 per week, first 12 weeks) This generates 400 BV and more than 200 IBV each month. Duplicate this within your organisation. TRAINER’S NOTES: Your 100 BV per month plus 10 Preferred Customers each at 30 BV per month is 400 BV per month
Retailing Goal – Base 10, Seven Strong
After Three-Six Months, Earn > $300/Monthly (BV) and Earn $300 every 2nd month (IBV) 1200 BV & 600 IBV 1200 BV & 600 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 400 BV & 200 IBV 64 64
The It is the UnFranchise Owner-only Web site that provides you with all of the tools necessary to measure, monitor, adjust and control your business. Your Profile, Company Information, Customer Data, Order History, Forms, Reports, Marketing Tools, and much more are found on the UnFranchise® Business Account (back office). Your Rep ID or and password are required to login to the UnFranchise Business Account at Do not give your login information to any other UnFranchise Owner or log on to the back office of any other UnFranchise Owner, including upline, crossline and downline because every UnFranchise Owner is responsible for managing his/her own UnFranchise business. TRAINER’S NOTES:
The UnFranchise Business Account (Back Office”) Login
Go to Enter your Rep ID (7 digit) or the address that is on file with Market Australia Enter your password Click “Login”
Go to:
TRAINING MODULES Go to: TRAINER’S NOTES: Almost every aspect of the UnFranchise® Business Account (“Back Office”) is covered in these Modules Training Modules should be reviewed after this training is UnFranchise Owner only website.
Online Website Tools WebCentre –
TLS – Product information – TRAINER’S NOTES: 68
NUOT Review Questions What are the three required trainings?
What is the difference between a Sale Representative & UnFranchise Owner entry? How do you Qualify your BDC? What does the term BV mean? What is your start date? What is your Q-Date? What are your Q-Date Quarter periods? What does it mean to Activate? TRAINER’S NOTES:
NUOT Review Questions What do you need to do to remain “Active”?
What is MPCP? How do you earn a Management Bonus? When do you earn a Re-entry? Where do you find the training modules? What do you need to login to the UnFranchise® Business Account (“Back Office”)? Why did you start your UnFranchise® Business? What is Market Australia?
Your Next Step Develop your “What is it?”
Develop your 2 minute commercial. Develop you Goal Statement. Purchase products for personal use. Develop a customer base of 10 Preferred Customers. Attend all three required trainings. TRAINER’S NOTES:
New UnFranchise Owner Training (NUOT)
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