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Using Ward Data – the Challenges of Staff Recruitment and Retention Alison Bielby, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Ward Data – the Challenges of Staff Recruitment and Retention Alison Bielby, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Ward Data – the Challenges of Staff Recruitment and Retention Alison Bielby, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

2 National Policy Francis Enquiry (February 2013) How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time (November 2013) Hard Truths The Journey to Putting Patients First (January 2014) NICE clinical guideline – Safe staffing for nursing in adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals (July 2014)

3 Requirements of Trusts Ten expectations – 9 providers and 1 commissioner. National staffing data to be published on NHS Choices from May 2014 Staffing data to be published in ward areas Monthly/six monthly board papers to be submitted

4 BHNFT District General Hospital on one site with approximately 450 beds. 20 inpatient areas including critical care, maternity and paediatrics Relatively stable work force Already using safer nursing care tool to assess acuity Use e-roster system to roster nursing staff

5 Challenges Publishing data before the NICE guidance had been published. Validating data Very quick turn around to submission Recruitment Political oversight

6 What did we do? Used e-roster and engaged the lead nurses in ensuring that data is validated Implementation of a new escalation system for staffing issues Triangulate to harms on the board paper including falls, PU, medicines. Developed a red flag system to compliment intentional rounding.

7 Ward staffing board

8 Quality Boards

9 Recruitment and retention Implemented development programmes for senior nursing staff. Staff surveys including FFT, heat checks and through Open and Honest Care Appraisal system linked to Trust objectives Skill mix and staffing requirements reviews Exit interviews

10 Recruitment and retention (cont.) HR officer for recruitment – action plan developed Close working with HEI’s Recruitment open day Updated monthly situation report re vacancies Trust wide Updated preceptorship programme Recruitment campaigns.

11 Conclusion No magic wand Knowing your position Preventing silo working Being open and honest

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