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Value of a Coin Unit of Study: Money and Time Global Concept Guide: 1 of 5.

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1 Value of a Coin Unit of Study: Money and Time Global Concept Guide: 1 of 5

2 Content Development  Throughout the money GCGs you may want to expose your students to black and white representations of coins in addition to the manipulatives and color representations shown in the book. The assessment will use 2-D black and white versions of the coins. See Manipulatives on GCG 1 “Coins for Desk”  As students explore the value of groups of coins it is important to connect the content to flexible representations of numbers from Unit of Study 2 - Place Value.  Provide opportunities for students to make real world connections with money. Create real-world problem solving tasks involving money.

3 Day 1  Introduce students to a visual representation and matching amount for the following coins: penny, nickel, dime and quarter.  Students will use this knowledge to count groups of coins less than $1.00.  Consider revisiting skip counting by fives, tens and twenty-fives to get students comfortable with the pattern 25, 50, 75, 100 (one dollar.)  Make sure that students understand that 100 cents is the same as one dollar.

4 Day 2  Students will develop an understanding of why counting coins from largest amount to smallest may be helpful.  Teachers will need to be explicit on how to use the cent symbol and dollar symbol correctly. For example 37 ¢ = $0.37  Students may also notice “making a ten” strategy is sometimes efficient. E.g. The student may pair a quarter and nickel to make 30¢ then count the two dimes.  Create real world scenarios for students to practice counting groups of coins.

5 Day 3  The focus of this day is to represent the same amount of money with different amounts of coins.  Children will use the concept of equivalence to make trades. E.g. 2 nickels could be traded for 1 dime or 10 pennies.  Students can make connections to trading in place value with the base ten system.

6 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention  Enrich  Enrich 7.2 – E67 Students find the missing coin to make a given value.  Enrich 337B  Reteach - TE 337B Tier 1 and Tier 2  If students need extra practice identifying coins and values see the “Coin Match” link under Lesson Ideas in GCG 1.

7 Literature for your Classroom Library Smart Poem

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