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Designing and Developing WS B. Ramamurthy. Plans We will examine the resources available for development of JAX-WS based web services. We need an IDE,

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Presentation on theme: "Designing and Developing WS B. Ramamurthy. Plans We will examine the resources available for development of JAX-WS based web services. We need an IDE,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing and Developing WS B. Ramamurthy

2 Plans We will examine the resources available for development of JAX-WS based web services. We need an IDE, integrated development environment. It simplifies the development while providing tools for debugging and testing etc. Today we will work with netbeans (you are free to work with Eclipse or another IDE if you have invested time in learning an environment in your earlier classes.)

3 Get started Version6.0, 5.5.x are fine I will work with version 5.5.1 tutorials5.5.1 tutorials We will look at JAX-WS develop, deploy and test cycle

4 Netbeans IDE Netbeans is a comprehensive IDE for enterprise/server side Java development. Lets examine the various regions of the Netbeans IDE.

5 Netbeans5.5 Top line menu (File, Build, Run, Window are commonly used). Source editor area on the right. Project files/folder explorer area on the left. Input/output area at the bottom. Runtime (Window  Runtime)

6 Netbeans IDE Examine the various tools/tabs provided by the IDE. Setup and configure the server (it comes with a bundled Tomcat server). You will be deploying the webservice in this server.

7 Working with Oracle Use the Oracle DBMS on CSE machines. Information about this is available You can access csedb from your laptop as long you have enabled VPN and installed the appropriate driver and connected the data source. (and of course you have an internet connectivity). The driver is available


9 ODBC Architecture Application Class1Class2 Driver Manager DriverType1DriverType2DriverType3 DataSource2 DataSource1 DataSource3 ODBC

10 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Standard ODBC standard is an interface by which application programs can access and process SQL databases in a DBMS-independent manner. It contains: A Data Source that is the database, its associated DBMS, operating system and network platform A DBMS Driver that is supplied by the DBMS vendor or independent software companies A Driver Manager that is supplied by the vendor of the O/S platform where the application is running

11 ODBC Interface It is a system independent interface to database environment that requires an ODBC driver to be provided for each database system from which you want to manipulate data. The database driver bridges the differences between your underlying system calls and the ODBC interface functionality.

12 An Example ApplicationDriverManager Access drivermySQL driverOracle driver odbc standard API

13 Application in Java Application in Java DriverManager Sybase drivermSQL driverInformix driver odbc standard API jdbc API

14 Java Support for ODBC : JDBC When applications written in Java want to access data sources, they use classes and associated methods provided by Java DBC (JDBC) API. JDBC is specified an an “interface”. An interface in Java can have many “implementations”. So it provides a convenient way to realize many “drivers”

15 Java Support for SQL Java supports embedded SQL. Also it provides an JDBC API as a standard way to connect to common relational databases. Java.sql package and an extensive exception hierarchy.

16 Data Source Local relational database; Ex: Oracle Remote relational database on a server; Ex: InfoSource On-line information service; Ex: Dow Jones, Customer database

17 SQL Statements SELECT {what} FROM {table name} SELECT {what} FROM {table name} WHERE {criteria} SELECT {what} FROM {table name} WHERE {criteria} ORDER BY {field} Others Queries are embedded as strings in a Statement object.

18 JDBC Components Driver Manager: Loads database drivers, and manages the connection between application & driver. Driver: Translates API calls to operations for a specific data source. Connection: A session between an application and a driver. Statement: A SQL statement to perform a query or an update operation. Metadata: Information about the returned data, driver and the database. Result Set : Logical set of columns and rows returned by executing a statement.

19 JDBC Classes Java supports DB facilities by providing classes and interfaces for its components DriverManager class Connection interface (abstract class) Statement interface (to be instantiated with values from the actual SQL statement) ResultSet interface

20 Driver Manager Class Provides static, “factory” methods for creating objects implementing the connection interface. –Factory methods create objects on demand When a connection is needed to a DB driver, DriverManager does it using it factory methods.

21 Connection interface Connection class represents a session with a specific data source. Connection object establishes connection to a data source, allocates statement objects, which define and execute SQL statements. Connection can also get info (metadata) about the data source.

22 Statement interface Statement interface is implemented by the connection object. Statement object provides the workspace for SQL query, executing it, and retrieving returned data. Types: Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement

23 ResultSet interface Results are returned in the form of an object implementing the ResultSet interface. You may extract individual columns, rows or cell from the ResultSet using the metadata.

24 JDBC Application Architecture Application Connection Driver Manager Driver DataSource Statement Result Set

25 JDBC Programming Steps Import necessary packages; Ex: import java.sql.*; Include jdbc classes as a jar library. Connect to the data source using “identifying” string, a user name and password. Allocate Connection object, Statement object and ResultSet object Execute query using Statement object Retrieve data from ResultSet object Close Connection object.

26 Identifying Data Sources It is specified using URL format. : : Example(for local source): jdbc:odbc:tech_books Alternatively, for remote connection,

27 Connecting to a database on Netbeans 1. Add the driver jar file to the library for inclusion during compiling and building of the executable. 2. Add a new driver (jdbc:odbc) to the databases tab. 3. Open connection to the data source (in this case to an Oracle 9i instance) 4. On successful connection you can view the data source details (tables etc.). 5. You can programmatically access the content of the database from a Java program. 6. You can execute SQL command from the source editor window.

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