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St. John Fisher College Cohort 17 July 8, 2011. We are committed to educating students in order to achieve the highest level of District and State standards.

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Presentation on theme: "St. John Fisher College Cohort 17 July 8, 2011. We are committed to educating students in order to achieve the highest level of District and State standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. John Fisher College Cohort 17 July 8, 2011

2 We are committed to educating students in order to achieve the highest level of District and State standards while fostering positive character development in a safe and caring community. We monitor student progress through ongoing assessment, social interactions, and displays of student work. Collaboratively, we evaluate and reflect upon our practices and make adjustments to benefit each child’s overall achievement.

3 LONGRIDGE VALUES Collaboration Community Cooperation Diversity Lifelong Learning Motivation Pride Respect Responsibility Right to Learn Service

4 Student population of approximately 820 students (2) Co-Principals, (1) Assistant Principal 110 professionals and support staff including: –(5) reading recovery teachers, (2) reading specialists, (2.8) math intervention teachers, (2) speech/language teachers, (1) counselors, (2.5) social worker, (3) ESOL teachers and (11) teaching assistants, (.5) half-time behavior specialist for 8:1:1

5 3.7% of the students are English language learners (ELLs) 62% of the students at Longridge qualify for free or reduced lunch. Approximately 6.18% of the students have Individualized Education Plans Special education students are supported by: –(1) 8:1:1 self-contained classroom grades 3-5 (Social/Emotional) –(1) 8:1:1 self-contained classroom grades 3-5 (Autism) –(1) Integrated Co-Teach classroom at each grade level K-5.

6 Longridge contains the following number of sections at each grade level: –(4) Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten classes –(6) Kindergarten classes –(6) First grade classes –(5) Second grade classes –(6) Third grade classes –(5) Fourth grade classes –(5) Fifth grade classes

7 Increase Parental Involvement Increase Communication between School and Home Increase Communication between Home and School Maintain/Recruit Highly Qualified Teachers

8 Early Intervention: (Kindergarten-2 nd Grade) Reading Recovery Teachers (5): Kindergarten Lab (K Lab) Reading Recovery (1 st Grade) Reading Lab (2 nd Grade) Math Intervention Teacher (1) Integrated Co-Teaching (K-2 nd Grade) Leveled Literacy Intervention

9 Academic Intervention Services: (3 rd -5 th Grade) Reading Specialists (2): Intermediate Reading Labs Leveled Literacy Intervention Math Intervention Teacher (1.8) Integrated Co-Teaching (3 rd -5 th Grade) Leveled Literacy Intervention

10 All Grade Levels (2) Social Workers (.5) Social Worker (8:1:1) (.5) Behavioral Specialist (8:1:1) (1)Counselor (1) Psychologist

11 Creating Supportive Learning Environments through Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports School-Wide Initiative Basis for all student behaviors Established common language among students and all adults: Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn


13 All the Time On the BusIn the Hallway: Arrival / Dismissal In the Hallway: Instructional Time In the Cafeteria Classroom Be RespectfulHave a positive attitude Give your best effort Use self control Help out others Respect personal Space/Property Be considerate of those around you Be on time Be honest Follow directions the first time Move safely Be well rested Be accepting of consequences for your actions Stay seated Voice level 1 Stay to the right Voice level 1-2 Keep hands to self. Stay to the right Voice level 0 Voice level 2 Eat and touch only your own food To Be Determined in Each Classroom Be Responsible Stay seated Manage belongings on and off the bus Follow safety rules Walk with a purpose Walk safely Make good choices even when others are not around Walk with a purpose Stay seated Clean up your food Treat toys and materials with care Eat a healthy lunch Be Ready to Learn Be ready to get off the bus Take your belongings with you Go straight to your destination Stop for announcements and pledge Be aware of your environment Have all your materials with you Be ready to leave with your teacher Eat first, then play Longridge School-Wide Rules

14 School Improvement Plan GOAL 4: PBIS ACTION School: LRTeam Name:Team Leaders: Team Members: Longridge Staff District Goal(s): To implement a common, pro-active, consistent approach to increase positive student behavior. Section A – Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your previous components identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) School Goal(s): 1.By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 100% of the LR staff will have increased knowledge of PBIS and the implementation program. 2.By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 100% of students will be able to demonstrate the school expectations as outlined by LR PBIS matrix. ACTION STEPSIMPLEMENTATION Section B- Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. Section C – For each of the Action Steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) Strategies and Action Steps Persons ResponsibleTimeline Professional Develop. Evidence of Effectiveness 1. Introduce 2010-2011 overview of implementation of CSLE PBIS to all LR stakeholders. Eileen Antonienko Susan Kalkman Lil Wanzenried Becky Zelesnikar 9.07.10 9.14.10 9.07.10 9.14.10 PBIS Monthly Meetings  Staff feedback survey 2. Conduct weekly 20 minute “Super Kids” lessons within each classroom. Classroom teachers Every Monday throughout the school year PBIS team will provide ongoing interactive training/lessons through a weekly updated common drive  Increase in positive student behavior  Decrease in referral rates  Common language utilized

15 3. Daily review of school expectations (via PBIS posters, verbal reminders, disbursement of dolphin tickets, etc.) All staffDaily9.14.10 PBIS Monthly Meetings  Decrease in discipline referral rates 4. Daily use of reward systemAll staffDaily9.14.10 PBIS Monthly Meetings  Data Wall: Dolphin tickets displayed outside of classrooms.  Number of individual students receiving dolphin tickets. 5. Review SIP  School Improvement Team (SIT)  Sue Streicher  Jeremy Smalline  Shannon Heller 01.11.11  Revised SIP School Improvement Plan

16 PBIS Committees School Spirit Parent Outreach Community Outreach Student Outreach Support Rewards & Celebrations Lesson Committee Asset Team Leaders

17 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Longridge Staff Survey We are working to improve our school in regards to our PBIS program. This survey is to find out what our staff members think as it relates to the implementation of this program and to compile and utilize data as it relates to the effectiveness of our school-wide initiative. Please respond to every item by indicating on a scale of 1-5, where 1 represents I strongly Disagree and 5 represents I strongly Agree. Please circle each of your answers. Thank you for taking time to help us make our school a better place for everybody. 1. I feel that the current Longridge PBIS program is effective. 1 2 3 4 5 N/ A 2. I hear and witness examples of common PBIS language utilized 1 2 3 4 5 N/A by all stakeholders throughout the building. 3. I am utilizing or have viewed the SuperKid lesson plans. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 4. I feel that I understand or have seen our PBIS reward system in use. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 5. I see evidence of the PBIS SuperKid lessons being utilized. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 6. Students treat each other respectfully in the cafeteria. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 7. Students treat each other respectfully in the hallways. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 8. Students treat each other respectfully on the playground. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 9. Students treat each other respectfully in classrooms. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 10. Students treat other respectfully on the bus to and from school. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

18 YESNO 1. I am responsible in the dining hall. 2. I am responsible on the bus. 3. I am respectful in my classroom. 4. I am respectful in the hallway. 5. I am ready to learn every day. 6. I learn about the 3Rs from skits on the imagination stations. 7. I know how to earn dolphin tickets. 8. I see other kids being respectful. 9. My teacher gives out dolphin tickets. 10. I feel safe at Longridge.

19 Dolphin Reward System

20 Buddy System Student/Buddy Data Collection Sheet Student Name: ________________________________________ Teacher Name: ________________________________________ Date: Academic Update: Parent Contact: Attendance:+/- Behavior: Organization Check:

21 Family Events Family Game Night* Minute to “Fin-it”* Tops Cooking School* Greece Public Library Night* Cookies with Rudolph Harvest Night Story Night Open Library

22 Tops Cooking School


24 Teaching with Poverty in Mind Eric Jensen June 2, 2010 School Improvement Plan Feedback from Staff –Significant increase in the social/emotional needs of our students –62% of Longridge students receive Free/Reduced price lunch –Staff requesting more knowledge on how to support our students

25 Our Plan of Action Incorporate “Jensen” strategies into all staff meetings Additional staff attending Eric Jensen Conference on March 30, 2011 with ongoing rollout to staff –Book Study –New classroom strategies –1 staff meeting a month dedicated to this topic PBIS SMART Goal will integrate this work into the action plan for the 2011-2012 school year Distributed Leadership/APPR

26 Communication Dolphin Splash Bulletins Personal Phone Calls Connect-Ed PTA Meetings Sub-Committees

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