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Introductory Activity What is one piece of technology you have used to help an English Language Learner access class content? How did you know it worked?

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Activity What is one piece of technology you have used to help an English Language Learner access class content? How did you know it worked?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Activity What is one piece of technology you have used to help an English Language Learner access class content? How did you know it worked? Why did you think it worked? Be ready to share out!

2 In support of technology (in supporting ELL students… and everyone) Emilie Amundson English Language Arts Consultant, DPI 608-266-3551

3 Four Solid Rationales for using technology 1. The broadening nature of “Text” rationale Receptive Reading Listening Viewing Expressive Writing Speaking Representing

4 Text is… Anything that can be interpreted…  Books, articles, essays, printed word  Video, television…  Speeches, presentations…  Pictures, photos, art, graphics, charts…  Websites  Multimedia experiences MySpace  Physical spaces

5 2. The 21 st Century Skills Rationale

6 Summary of responses from 421 people: What is 21 st Century Literacy?

7 3. The Increasing Specialization of Literacy Development Rationale Disciplinary Literacy Intermediate Literacy Basic Literacy Shanahan & Shanahan (2008)

8 “ At its core, literacy is the ability to read and write. While this ability remains the nexus of literacy for adolescents, additional abilities are needed to maximize learning in all content areas. In Wisconsin, we must infuse this core with the ability to invent, design, create, compute, and communicate so that adolescents can make critical judgments, identify and solve real-world problems, and become productive citizens who lead rewarding lives.” -State Superintendent’s Adolescent Literacy Plan

9 4. The Brainy Researchy Motivation Rationale Hold on for this one….

10 And why connect to students’ lives? Reuven Feuerstein’s brain research on structural cognitive modifiability  90% Glia- transport nutrients, regulate immune system  10% neurons (dendrites and axons) which process info and connect info Thicker axons= faster conduction of info Building on past strengths, prior knowledge> thickness which > efficiency

11 Translation… Kids get smarter, the more you connect material to what they know, think, feel relate to or are interested in!

12 According to the poster in the Apple store, we don’t just write, we… Blog. Compose. Podcast. Jam. Share. Photocast. Chat. Switch. Play Create. -Jim Burke

13 Technology can help… So here’s a slew of unconnected tools, tricks timesavers, gimmicks. I promise you, I have thought about how to use every one of these in a classroom setting. Maybe you can think of other ways to use these?

14 TeachingBooks (background knowledge) Wordle (word/visual relationships, determining meaning, writing applications etc) Delicious (social bookmarking, reading/writing, collaboration) Poll Everywhere/ Doodle (conversation starters, background knowledge, non threatening ways to participate) Draw Anywhere (visual tool) Animoto/Bubble Share (online slideshow creation, picture/text/voice for digital portfolios and storytelling) Nanogong/ Yabla/Google Talk (voice capturing software) HELEN BARRETT: awesome resource!

15 Questions? Emilie Amundson English Language Arts Consultant, DPI 608-266-3551

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