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WIND AND OCEAN CIRCULATION Continent/ Ocean contrasts Land/Sea Breeze Wind Circulation Ocean Currents.

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Presentation on theme: "WIND AND OCEAN CIRCULATION Continent/ Ocean contrasts Land/Sea Breeze Wind Circulation Ocean Currents."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIND AND OCEAN CIRCULATION Continent/ Ocean contrasts Land/Sea Breeze Wind Circulation Ocean Currents

2 DIFFERENCES IN OCEANIC AND CONTINENTAL THERMAL PROPERTIES Land heats & cools more rapidly than oceans. This is why: 1.Specific Heat Water: 4,200 -1.K -1 (4.2 J.Kg -1.K -1 ) Soil (land): 2500 -1.K -1 (0.80 J.Kg -1.K -1 ) = heat energy required to increase the temperature (1 K) of an amount of substance (1 g or Kg.) More energy is required to warm/cool water (high specific heat) than soil (land). p. 45

3 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: O HH Water molecule

4 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds

5 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds 20,000 KJ

6 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds WaterSoil 20,000 KJ 1Kg H 2 O1Kg soil

7 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds WaterSoil 20,000 KJ 1Kg H 2 O1Kg soil Specific heat: 4200 KJ Kg -1 °K -1 2500 KJ Kg -1 °K -1

8 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds WaterSoil 20,000 KJ 1Kg H 2 O1Kg soil T↑~5°K Specific heat: 4200 KJ Kg -1 °K -1 2500 KJ Kg -1 °K -1 20,000 4,200

9 - + + SPECIFICIC HEAT: - - + + O HH Water molecule Hydrogen bonds WaterSoil 20,000 KJ 1Kg H 2 O1Kg soil T↑~5°K T↑8°K Specific heat: 4200 KJ Kg -1 °K -1 2500 KJ Kg -1 °K -1 20,000 2,500

10 2.Latent Heat -more evaporation occurs on water surfaces  more energy is used as Latent Heat (i.e.) delays the warm up of the water/ocean temperature - p. 32 (540 cal/gram) Lower evaporation occurs on soils - not much latent heat used  land warms up faster. p. 45 You can experience the cooling effects of evaporation when you come out of a swimming pool. You feel cold. This is caused by the water on your skin taking energy from your body to evaporate (you eventually dry out)

11 LATENT HEAT FLUX: Ground Heat Sensible Heat Sensible Heat Latent Heat OceansContinents Latent Heat SINKS OF INSOLATION

12 LATENT HEAT FLUX: Ground Heat Sensible Heat Sensible Heat Latent Heat Latent Heat OceansContinents More water available to change the state of over oceans than continents. Thus proportion to Latent Heat Flux is higher

13 LATENT HEAT FLUX: Ground Heat Sensible Heat Sensible Heat Latent Heat Latent Heat OceansContinents If a higher proportion of the available insolation is diverted to Latent Heat, then a lower proportion is available for Ground and Sensible Heat

14 LATENT HEAT FLUX: Ground Heat Sensible Heat Sensible Heat Latent Heat Latent Heat OceansContinents If a higher proportion of the available insolation is diverted to Latent Heat, then a lower proportion is available for Ground and Sensible Heat Ground Heat Changes in surface and air temperatures No changes in temperatures Equal

15 3.Penetration of Radiation Radiation penetrates through the ocean/water: Transparent Radiation does not penetrates land (energy can’t go down further): Opaque p. 45 Land Energy is absorbed near the surface Oceans Energy is transmitted deeper into the water

16 PENETRATION OF RADIATION: OceansContinents Liquid Solid CONTINENTOCEAN Depth Greater depth of penetration in the liquid ocean compared to solid continents Assume equal Ground Heat Flux

17 PENETRATION OF RADIATION: OceansContinents Temperature Liquid Solid CONTINENTOCEAN Depth Equal Areas Equal quantities of energy represent equal areas “heated”. Oceans “deep” but “cool surface” – Continents “Shallow”, but “warm surface” Cool Warm

18 4.Mixing Warm water surface layer can mix with cooler water below. No such mixing occurs on land  land heats up faster. p. 45

19 Calm Warm Cooler Coolest MIXING: Least Dense Denser Most Dense Stable Profile – little mixing.

20 Calm Rough Warm Cooler Coolest MIXING: Wave Energy – surface mixing.

21 Global Wind Speeds 28 m.p.h

22 Global Wind Speeds Rising

23 Global Wind Speeds Rising Falling

24 Global Wind Speeds TRADE WINDS

25 Global Wind Speeds 28 m.p.h RISING BUT TURBULENT

26 Global Wind Speeds 28 m.p.h RISING BUT TURBULENT Ocean-Continent Contrast in North “Roaring Forties” “Furious Fifties” “Screaming Sixties”

27 Calm Rough Salty Warm Cooler Coolest MIXING: Saline Waters – more dense, promote vertical mixing.

28 Global Surface Salinity Warm Rising Equatorial Air Rain

29 Global Surface Salinity Cool descending Air. Deserts.

30 Global Surface Salinity Ice melting Most ice formation on land

31 Calm Rough Salty Warm Cooler Coolest Cold MIXING: Cool surface waters – (ice melting) more dense, promote vertical mixing.

32 Calm Rough Salty Warm Cooler Coolest Cold MIXING: Cool surface waters – (ice melting) more dense, promote vertical mixing. No equivalent processes within the continental surfaces.

33 No Mixing 1 4 3 2 Lands heat and cool faster than oceans

34 Atmospheric pressure gradient is produced by the dissimilar heating and cooling characteristics of land and water, - causes local air to flow differently during days and nights. Breeze = a type of daily thermal circulation system developed at the interface land-ocean. LOCAL WINDS (LAND/SEA BREEZE)

35 Daytime development of sea breeze Day: - warm air rises over land  moves to the ocean - surface winds over the oceans bring cool air to the land (H to L) SEA BREEZE

36 Night time development of land breeze. Night: - Land surface cools faster (H)  move to the ocean - Oceans warms up faster and became a warm low center. LAND BREEZE

37 Differences in Specific Heat. Differences in Latent Heat Flux. Differences in the Penetration of Radiation. Differences in Mixing. In a zone or time of EXCESS ENERGY, Oceans warm up more slowly that continents (continents warm faster). In a zone or time of DEFICIT ENERGY, Oceans cool down more slowly that continents (continents cool down faster). THE STORY SO FAR!




41 CAN WE BRING THIS ALL TOGETHER TO EXPLAIN PATTERNS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE? 1.Oceans/Continents 2.Surplus/Deficit Energy 3.Global Pressure Belts

42 CAN WE BRING THIS ALL TOGETHER TO EXPLAIN PATTERNS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE? 1.Oceans/Continents 2.Surplus/Deficit Energy 3.Global Pressure Belts 4.Pressure Gradients

43 CAN WE BRING THIS ALL TOGETHER TO EXPLAIN PATTERNS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE? 1.Oceans/Continents 2.Surplus/Deficit Energy 3.Global Pressure Belts 4.Pressure Gradients 5.Coriolis Effect

44 CAN WE BRING THIS ALL TOGETHER TO EXPLAIN PATTERNS OF GLOBAL CLIMATE? 1.Oceans/Continents 2.Surplus/Deficit Energy 3.Global Pressure Belts 4.Pressure Gradients 5.Coriolis Effect 6.Wind Direction p. 46

45 At Equator (Low Pressure Belt): L intensifies over the continents  hot (warm) Ocean  cool At the SURPLUS REGION: More insolation: “continents heat faster than oceans”. L LL p. 46 L = Low Pressure (warmer air, low density: air rises)

46 At Sub-Tropical H Belt (30° lat.): High pressure is intensified over “cooler” oceans. Oceans become cooler than continents. Oceans  colder Continent  warmer H H H p. 46 H = High Pressure (cooler air, high density: air sinks) At the SURPLUS REGION: More insolation: “continents heat faster than oceans”.

47 At the DEFICIT REGION: Lack of insolation: “continents cool faster than oceans”. At Planetary Front 45-60 lat (Low Pressure): Low pressure is intensified over the oceans (warm/hot) Continent  cool Ocean  warm L L L

48 At the Poles 90 lat (High Pressure): High Pressure is intensified over continents. Ocean  Warm continent  cold H HH At the DEFICIT REGION: Lack of insolation: “continents cool faster than oceans”.

49 90°N 90°S CONTINENT OCEAN p. 46

50 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S

51 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus 35°S 35°N SURPLUS/ DEFICIT

52 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N SURPLUS/ DEFICIT

53 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N ? PRESSURE BELTS

54 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit LOW 35°S 35°N ? ? PRESSURE BELTS

55 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit LOW HIGH 35°S 35°N ? ? PRESSURE BELTS

56 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit LOW HIGH 35°S 35°N ? ? PRESSURE BELTS

57 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit LOW HIGH 35°S 35°N

58 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit LOW 35°S 35°N ??? OCEAN/ LAND

59 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N LOW ? ? ? ?? ? HIGH OCEAN/ LAND

60 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N LOW ? ? ? ? ? ? OCEAN/ LAND

61 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N LOW ? ?? ? ? ? OCEAN/ LAND

62 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S Surplus Deficit 35°S 35°N LOW OCEAN/ LAND

63 Pressure Gradient LO W

64 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW PRESSURE GRADIENT

65 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW CORIOLIS EFFECT

66 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW Northern Sub-Tropical Anticyclone

67 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW PRESSURE GRADIENT

68 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W CORIOLIS EFFECT

69 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW Southern Sub-Tropical Anticyclone

70 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW PRESSURE GRADIENT

71 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW CORIOLIS EFFECT

72 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW

73 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW PRESSURE GRADIENT

74 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW CORIOLIS EFFECT

75 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LOW 35°N 35°S Winds blowing represent the advection of energy in the form of Sensible Heat from the zone of Surplus to the zone of Deficit.

76 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W Winds blowing consistently in one direction exert friction on the surface of the oceans and move waters in the same direction.

77 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W Winds blowing from a position closer to the equator towards one further from the equator transfer warmer water (+ ground heat flux towards the poles. Warm Surface Ocean Currents

78 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W Winds blowing from a position closer to the equator towards one further from the equator transfer warmer water (+ ground heat flux) towards the poles. Warm Surface Ocean Currents

79 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W Winds blowing from a position closer to the poles towards one closer to the equator transfer cool water ( - ground heat flux) towards the equator. Cold Surface Ocean Currents

80 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W Winds blowing from a position closer to the poles towards one closer to the equator transfer cool water ( - ground heat flux) towards the equator. Cold Surface Ocean Currents

81 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W East Coast of continents 20- 40° Warm Surface Ocean Currents

82 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W West Coast of continents 20- 40° Cold Surface Ocean Currents

83 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W East Coast of continents 50-70° Cold Surface Ocean Currents

84 0° 30°S 30°N 45° - 60°N 45° - 60°S 90°N 90°S LO W West Coast of continents 50-70° Warm Surface Ocean Currents


86 ATLANTIC 0° 23.5° EAST COAST WEST COAST North America South America Europe Africa Antarctica

87 ATLANTIC 0° 23.5° Gulf Stream Canary Current EAST COAST WEST COAST

88 Published by AAAS K. L. Law et al., Science 329, 1185-1188 (2010) Fig. 1 Distribution of plastic marine debris collected in 6136 surface plankton net tows on annually repeated cruise tracks from 1986 to 2008 in the western North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea

89 Published by AAAS K. L. Law et al., Science 329, 1185-1188 (2010) Fig. 2 Average plastic concentration (color shading, units of pieces km-2) computed in 0.5{degrees} bins and smoothed with a 700-km width Gaussian filter

90 ATLANTIC 0° EAST COAST Gulf Stream Canary Current WEST COAST Brazilian Current Benguela Current

91 ATLANTIC 0° EAST COAST Gulf Stream Canary Current WEST COAST Brazilian Current Benguela Current Labrador/ Greenland Current North Atlantic Drift

92 ATLANTIC 0° EAST COAST Gulf Stream Canary Current WEST COAST Brazilian Current Benguela Current Labrador/ Greenland Current North Atlantic Drift West Wind Drift At these latitudes there is no continent to contrast so winds circle globe

93 PACIFIC EAST COAST WEST COAST North America South America Asia Australia Antarctica

94 PACIFIC EAST COAST WEST COAST Kuroshio Current California Current

95 PACIFIC EAST COAST WEST COAST Kuroshio Current California Current East Australian Current Chile/Peru Humbolt Current

96 PACIFIC EAST COAST WEST COAST Kuroshio Current California Current East Australian Current Chile/Peru Humbolt Current Bering Current Alaskan Current

97 PACIFIC EAST COAST WEST COAST Kuroshio Current California Current East Australian Current Chile/Peru Humbolt Current Bering Current Alaskan Current West Wind Drift

98 INDIAN EAST COAST WEST COAST Asia Australia Antarctica Africa

99 INDIAN EAST COAST WEST COAST Agulhas/ Mozambique Current Western Australian Current

100 INDIAN EAST COAST WEST COAST Agulhas/ Mozambique Current Western Australian Current West Wind Drift

101 INDIAN EAST COAST WEST COAST Agulhas/ Mozambique Current Western Australian Current West Wind Drift Too small an ocean basin north of the Equator to establish pattern. Currents driven by seasonal winds

102 ANTARCTIC/SOUTHERN OCEAN HHH Australia Antarctica Africa South America

103 ANTARCTIC/SOUTHERN OCEAN HHH Southern Sub-tropical Anticyclones

104 ANTARCTIC/SOUTHERN OCEAN L HHH LLL Southern Sub-tropical Anticyclones Mid-Latitude Lows

105 ANTARCTIC/SOUTHERN OCEAN L HHH LLL Southern Sub-tropical Anticylcones Mid-Latitude Lows West Wind Drift

106 1. Winds moving westward - warm Equatorial currents 0° 60° 40° 20° N 60° 40° 20° S SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS Cold v.s. warm currents 2. Winds moving eastward - cold currents from the poles

107 Given the strengthening of Anti-cyclones (H) over the oceans at 30° lat., - they control global circulation - feeding trades easterlies toward Equator - westerlies toward higher latitudes. Eastern side of anti-cyclonic cell “sends” cold and dry air to west coasts of continents: Dry Coasts. Western side of anti-cyclonic cell “sends” warm and wet air to east coasts of continents: Wet Coasts. Global Wind Circulation IMPORTANCE OF SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS

108 0° 50° Sub-Tropical High Pressure Cells 30°

109 At Local level: They regulate air temperature on land. e.g. San Francisco Bay Area  cold surface currents cools weather even in the summer. IMPORTANCE OF SURFACE OCEAN CURRENTS At Global level: Exchange of heat between low- and high-latitudes. Weather pattern: p. 47

110 Big 8 p. 47

111 Why did Columbus sail the ocean blue?

112 1492 – Columbus sailed the ocean blue!! just to follow the ocean current !!

113 Slave trade route

114 SEASONAL SHIFTS Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) The zone where northeast and southeast trades meet, usually vicinity of the equator. Features: instability; rising air, low pressure conditions.

115 June 21: northward up to 25°N. December 21: southward up to 20°S. ITCZ Annual Shifts: p. 48-49

116 NH: two high pressure centers: Pacific & Atlantic SH: four high pressure centers: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian oceans. Also over Australia: land cools faster than ocean (SH-winter, ). June 21: ITCZ over northern Africa, Pakistan, south- Asia. 23.5N p. 48

117 NH: High pressure over continents strengthened (cold fronts). SH: 3 large high pressure centers: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans. December 21: ITCZ over Australia, southern Africa and South America 23.5S p. 49

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