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Presenter: Che-Hao Chuang Professor: Dr. Yen-Ting Chen

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1 Presenter: Che-Hao Chuang Professor: Dr. Yen-Ting Chen
Prediction of Enophthalmos by Computer-Based Volume Measurement of Orbital Fractures in a Korean Population Ahn HB, et. al. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008;24:36–9. Presenter: Che-Hao Chuang Professor: Dr. Yen-Ting Chen Date: 2009/12/08

2 Outline Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussions
Problems and Rationale Purpose Materials and Methods Results Discussions Conclusions Future works Reference

3 Introduction Problems and Rationale

4 Problems and Rationale (1/7)
Orbital blow-out fractures are frequent due to popularity of motorcycle traffic accident. Orbital blow-out fracture: 眼窩骨折

5 Problems and Rationale (2/7)
An orbital fracture due to trauma can induce complications: Enophthalmos Ocular motility limitation Diplopia Orbital emphysema Injury to the inferior orbital nerve Vision loss Enophthalmos: 眼球內陷 Ocular motility limitation: 眼睛的能動性限制 Diplopia: 複視 Orbital emphysema: 眼窩氣腫

6 Problems and Rationale (3/7)
Recognized sequelae of orbital blow-out fracture include: Diplopia Enophthalmos sequelae: 後遺症

7 Problems and Rationale (4/7)
Diplopia (Double vision) Pathology Two images of a single object Displace Horizontally Vertically Diagonally Monocular diplopia Binocular diplopia Horizontally:水平地(內外直肌) Vertically:垂直地(上下直肌) Diagonally:對角地(上下斜肌) 複視產生的原理是一隻眼睛的影像落在黃斑部的小凹,而另一眼的影像卻不落在小凹上, 落在小凹上的影像永遠比不落在小凹上的影像清晰,於是形成兩個影像。  Diagram of Diplopia From: Monocular diplopia: 單眼複視 Binocular diplopia: 雙眼複視

8 Problems and Rationale (5/7)
Enophthalmos Pathology: The displacement backward of eyeball The difference of eyes retraction is more than 2mm (3 to 4mm or more). Congenital: Primary enophthalmos Facial asymmetry & Dysplasia Postnatal: Secondary enophthalmos Origin: caused by the reduction of orbital contents or increase of volume of orbit cavity primary enophthalmos:原發型眼球內陷 secondary enophthalmos:繼發型眼球內陷 From:

9 Problems and Rationale (6/7)
Medial wall The most common fracture sites: Orbital floor Medial wall An assessment of the fracture in the orbit and the ethmoidal sinus: CT Clinical findings Orbital floor

10 Problems and Rationale (7/7)
The underlying cause of enophthalmos: A discrepancy between the volume of the orbital soft tissue and the bony orbital cavity Displacement of the orbital tissue from the bony orbit: Entrapped tissue Fat necrosis Posterior soft-tissue fibrosis Entrapped tissue:眼球後方的包埋組織 Fat necrosis:脂肪壞死會減少軟組織體積 Posterior soft-tissue fibrosis:後方軟組織纖維化

11 Introduction Purpose

12 Purpose (1/2) Enophthalmos > 2.0 mm  Surgical intervention
During the acute posttrauma period It is difficult to predict the degree of enophthalmos accurately. It may be underestimated. Orbital edema 如果因為沒辦法準確的預測眼球內陷的量而延遲動手術的時機,不僅程序上變得很困難,而且對手術結果也可能產生不利的影響。 在急性受傷期間,可能因為需要做一些外傷處理,如止血之類的,又因為可能有眼窩水腫現象,所以要預測眼球內陷的程度是很困難的。

13 Purpose (2/2) Using computer-based measurement
Enophthalmos Volume of an orbital wall fracture It may be beneficial in predicting indications for surgery.

14 Materials and Methods

15 Materials and Methods (1/6)
Sample of research: Thirty-five Korean patients with orbital blowout fractures who were not treated with surgery. Exclude criteria: Bilateral orbital wall fracture Lateral wall and roof fracture Inadequate CT Age less than 18 years Surgical repair of the fracture Lateral wall: 外側壁

16 Materials and Methods (2/6)
Medial wall Inferior wall In 35 patients 25 patients A fracture in the medial wall of the orbit 2 patients A fracture in the inferior wall 8 patients A combined fracture in the medial wall and inferior wall CT scanning system: SOMATOM Sensation 16 Image processing system Rapidia: CT or MRI  3D image

17 Materials and Methods (3/6)
Vol = A x 3 mm Unit: 3 mm: Section thickness Measurement of the fracture area and volume (A–F)

18 Materials and Methods (4/6)
Statistical analysis Pearson correlation coefficient (r) Consecutive correlation between two variables -1 ≦ r ≦ 1, r > 0, positive correlation r < 0, negative correlation r = 0, no correlation Fracture volume and late enophthalmos Linear regression analysis The relationship between Two consecutive variables The prediction of late enophthalmos Statistical software SPSS

19 Materials and Methods (5/6)
Experimental cycle of Ophthalmic examination: First day One week One month Three months later

20 Materials and Methods (6/6)
Examination: Visual acuity Slit lamp examination Pupillary reflex test Goldmann diplopia test by perimetery Extraocular motility measurement Hertel ophthalmometry to measure enophthalmos Slit lamp: 裂隙燈 Extraocular motility: 眼外能動性 Pupillary reflex: 瞳孔反射 Hertel ophthalmometry: 赫特爾突眼計

21 Results

22 Results (1/7) The patient's gender classification
Men: 28 of 35 patients Women: 7 of 35 patients The patient‘s age classification Mean age: years Less than 50 years: 31 of 35 patients

23 Age and gender distribution
Results (2/7) 從表可以知道患者中青壯年人數占大部分,中年到老年人口的比例較少。 Age and gender distribution

24 Fracture volume and enophthalmos
Results (3/7) (ml) 54.3% Fracture volume and enophthalmos

25 Results (4/7)

26 Results (5/7) Mathematical formula of linear regression analysis:
E = enophthalmos (mm) V = fractured site volume (ml) SEE = standard error of estimate It was used to calculate the expected degree of late enophthalmos.

27 Results (6/7) Volume of the orbital fracture Depth of enophthalmos
Less than 1 ml  0.91 mm 2 ml  1.74 mm Depth of enophthalmos 2 mm  2.30 ml 0.84 mm for every 1.0 ml increase in volume

28 Amount of late enophthalmos predicted from the fracture volume
Results (7/7) Amount of late enophthalmos predicted from the fracture volume Enophthalmos of 2 mm or more was predicted with an orbital fracture volume of 2.30 ml.

29 Discussions

30 Discussions (1/5) Why use CT? Many studies have mentioned
E.X. Gilbard et al. Best means of observing the bone structure and soft tissues of the orbit. It’s great help in predicting the prognosis of a patient with a fracture in the orbital floor.

31 Discussions (2/5) Interrelated studies
To predict enophthalmos after an orbital fracture, per ml increase in the orbital volume. Raskin et al.  0.47 mm (per ml) Whitehouse et al.  0.77 mm (per ml) Ploder et al.  0.81 mm (per ml) Fan et al.  0.89 mm (per ml) However, less studies that focused on orbital fracture patients without surgical treatment.

32 Discussions (3/5) Attentive item
Compared with the orbital volume of the normal eye A tilted head positioning during CT scanning Normally, the volume between the right and left orbit may differ by approximately 7% to 8%.

33 Discussions (4/5) In the present study
Measuring the volume of the orbital fracture site. Source: the consecutive coronal CT Rapidia software 2D  3D Area and volume

34 Discussions (5/5) Predicted benefits Decrease mistake
Surgical repair is not always necessary in the treatment of orbital fractures. Underestimation of the amount of late enophthalmos It won’t delay with surgery.

35 Conclusions

36 Conclusions (1/1) A significant correlation
The fracture site volume and the degree of late enophthalmos. Predicting overall enophthalmos and provide useful information to surgeons.

37 Future works

38 Future works (1/1) Proof of orbital symmetry
Find out the relevant parameters Increase the number of sample Statistical verification

39 Reference

40 Reference (1/1) Ahn HB, et. al. Prediction of Enophthalmos by Computer-Based Volume Measurement of Orbital Fractures in a Korean Population. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2008;24:36–9. From: From:

41 Thank you for your attention

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