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Socio-Economic Benefits of Austin’s Tree Canopy Progress report presented by: Kyle Fuchshuber (Project Manager) Jerad Laxson (Asst. Project Manager) Megan.

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Presentation on theme: "Socio-Economic Benefits of Austin’s Tree Canopy Progress report presented by: Kyle Fuchshuber (Project Manager) Jerad Laxson (Asst. Project Manager) Megan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socio-Economic Benefits of Austin’s Tree Canopy Progress report presented by: Kyle Fuchshuber (Project Manager) Jerad Laxson (Asst. Project Manager) Megan Thomas (Editor & Researcher) Eric Tijerina (Graphic Designer & Researcher) Zachary Dye (GIS Specialist & Researcher)

2 Purpose Progress update for following tasks: ◦ Effects of tree cover on property values ◦ Effects of tree cover on pavement costs ◦ Effects of tree cover on crime rates Scope: ◦ Heavy tree canopy – very limited tree canopy ◦ Adjusted focus areas to fit specific tasks in project

3 Effect of Tree Canopy on Property Values Work Completed ◦ Research and data collection complete ◦ Density analysis  Tree canopy  Market price of single family home parcels

4 Density of tree canopies Density of single family homes with darker values representing higher market price

5 Effect of Tree Canopy on Property Values Problems ◦ Focus areas amended to fit task specifically

6 Effect of Tree Canopy on Property Values Work Scheduled ◦ Analyze independent variables  Viewshed  Distance from businesses and universities  Distance from natural areas  Acreage of parcels ◦ Apply GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model  Analyzes spatial distributions and general trends

7 Effect of Tree Canopy on Pavement Costs Work Completed ◦ Exploring what data is obtained ◦ Buffer of major roadways  Variable for pavement cost

8 Effect of Tree Canopy on Pavement Costs Problems ◦ Need more data  Pavement material, age, typical traffic conditions Solution ◦ Other variables will be analyzed:  UV damage based on viewshed analysis  Condition of road based on type  Highway – Heavy damage  Street – Moderate damage  Road – Least damage

9 Effect of Tree Canopy on Pavement Costs Work Scheduled ◦ Deciding what data to include ◦ Analysis of data using GWR

10 Effect of Tree Canopy on Crime Work Completed ◦ Data collection ◦ Dot map from the APD incidence report ◦ Manually entered income data for neighborhoods ◦ Used a model to calculate percentage of tree cover and number of incidence in each census block ◦ Created a map representing income, percentage of tree cover, and number of crimes in each census block.


12 Effect of Tree Canopy on Crime Work in Progress ◦ Locate target neighborhoods ◦ Compare these neighborhoods to one another to determine the effect of tree cover on crime

13 Effect of Tree Canopy on Crime Work Scheduled ◦ Create a series of maps of focus areas ◦ Calculate statistic significance of tree cover on crime rates ◦ Construct final report

14 Week 7 Finalizing processes Week 8 Analyzing results and develop report Week 9 Finalize and edit Week 10 Project complete and presentation prep Week 11 Final presentation

15 GIS DATA DescriptionFile_NameFeature TypeSource Street CenterlinesSTREETS.zipLine Data/Regional/coa_gis.html City of Austin Parkscoa_parks.zipPolygon Data/Regional/coa_gis.html 2010 Census census2010_blocks_uscensu s.zipPolygon City Limit Boundarycapcog_city_limits.zipPolygonCAPCOG CrimeIncident_Extract.csvPointAustin Police Department Austin Tree and Tax DataTCAD_parcels_2010/zipPolygon Data/PARD/Regina/ DescriptionAttributes Used 2010 CensusIncome data Tracts Austin Tree and Tax Data Percent tree canopy/ Land use tax codes Single family use and commercial use Market value of parcels Acreage

16 Conclusion Tree canopy’s relationship to crime rates has progressed most Focus will now be given to other two tasks Progress is on track and going well Limited future issues

17 Questions or concerns?

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