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Protecting our communities together North Forum Date: 22 nd April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting our communities together North Forum Date: 22 nd April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting our communities together North Forum Date: 22 nd April 2010

2 Data Protection notice When discussing members of the public, all agencies and individuals will agree to respect their confidentiality. The disclosure of information outside this meeting, should not occur unless there is a legal basis for a disclosure.

3 PACT Priorities ASB Baddesley Ensor Speedwell Lane and rec / New St / Hunters Park. (20 targeted patrols agreed) Polesworth Abbey Green Park (20 targeted patrols agreed) Dordon ¼ mile radius of Browns Lane (20 targeted patrols)

4 Community Priorities Warwickshire Police is obliged to protect communities from harm in line with the ‘Police Priorities’. This may mean that in exceptional circumstances SNT officers may be required to work on other policing priorities. If this happens there will be a need to re-negotiate priorities. This will be done in liaison with the Chair and the panel.

5 ASB - Table of Results from Incidents Monthly Document 2009/10

6 ASB comparison 2008/9 to 2009/10 ASB North Forum down from 241 in 08/09 to 111 in 09/10 (54% reduction).

7 ASB – Baddesley Ensor 30 Targeted patrols conducted (target 20) No issues during visits, no alcohol found/seized. No calls received re ASB during three month period. Continued regular meetings with local community.

8 ASB – Abbey Green Park, Polesworth 50 targeted patrols conducted (target 20). 4 calls relating to ASB in area of priority (12 in Polesworth). Problems during evening of 5 th March when approx 60 youths in village. Details Recorded and letters to parents. Detection of Criminal Damage to ‘Bottle Banks’ near Abbey Green Court, utilising CCTV. Continued monitoring of vehicles parking on car park near Nissan Garage. Posters have been prepared and distributed re a Polesworth youth outlining to residents conditions of his ASBO.

9 ASB Dordon 40 visits, no major issues. 11 calls relating to ASB in 3 month period. Small quantity of alcohol seized/disposed of. Liaison with Dog Warden re Dog Fouling in play area. Liaison with NWBC, Parish Council and Church re possibility of youth club and clear up of play area rear of surgery. Youths feel they have nowhere to sit and talk.

10 ASB – Dordon (continued) A meeting was held at Derek Avenue regarding ASB in the Dordon area which is a community priority. Members of the Parish Council,NHW and Borough Council attended along with twenty members of the local community. PC Painter and PCSO Hodson chaired the meeting allowing all who attended the chance to discuss their issues. All issues were noted, many resolved with a reassuring one to one chat with either PC Painter or PCSO Hodson. Officers also attended St Leonards Community Meeting in respect of ASB. They are to support the group which included a clear up date.

11 Visual Audits Highlighting hazards to the people of Warwickshire

12 YOUR COUNTY NEEDS You can make a difference ! Introduction Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service needs your help! Arson, ASB and RTC’s are serious issues that blight our local communities.

13 Visual audits are a mechanism to help identify and manage fire & rescue risk issues You see a hazard You record the details You report it to the fire service What are they?

14 Create safer neighbourhoods Positively affect our community Make a tangible difference Vigilance and active engagement are the essential foundation of the visual audit process Why do them? We shouldn’t just except hazards and poor environmental standards, we can…..

15 Vandalism Void premises Homeless sleeping rough Poor housekeeping Abandoned gas cylinders Road safety hotspots What should you look for? Abandoned cars Blocked emergency exits Breech in premises security Heavy fire loading Fly tipping Antisocial behaviour Arson and ASB go hand in hand. RTC’s cost lives: If in doubt report it

16 A VA1 is an electric form Don’t do anything if your not sure; just report it PolicePCSO Smith 123 01/01/10 Entrance to disused mine 02/01/10 B4573 Long Lane Small Town CV9 1HQ Fly tipping in lay-by used by car cruiser and local youths. Arson risk. Request a form via email Contact address: When completing the form: Make notes at the scene Fill it in later Consider including a picture, a hyperlink to a map etc.

17 What happens with them? Every visual audit matters Email them to your Area Risk Team contact They form the basis of an action plan: -Site visits -Referral to enforcing agency -Media campaigns -Car Clear -Void premises data bases -Hotspot patrols -Road safety initiatives They identify trends and causes of arson They can influence policy and procedures

18 Don’t put yourself in danger Don’t trespass Don’t try and sort the problem without the full facts Who can use them? Observe, Record and Report Answer: Anyone but ………

19 Other Work Warton ASB 12 targeted patrols have been conducted. Youths searched re drugs, one street caution. Shuttington ASB Patrols of Parish Car Park, youths/vehicles moved on. Location tagged on Police computer, (STORM) re attendance. Dordon Parking Letters distributed to parents via schools. Improvement noted especially obstruction of driveways.

20 Following a call from a farmer in the Austrey area, concerned that four males trespassing on his land with dogs may have been hare-coursing. Officers stopped these males resulting in their uninsured vehicle being seized. The males were firmly warned against trespassing on private land. Detection of three burglaries to void premises in Long St., and Browns Lane, Dordon. Further detection in Dordon Rd. Tag Rugby training for Atherstone SNT has taken place. This is to be run in conjunction with North Warks Borough Council in local schools.

21 Community Safety Day – Shuttington A highly successful event was held on Sunday 28 th March. 50+ people visited the crime prevention caravan. 15 vulnerable people visited in person and crime prevention survey completed of each house. 12 new NHW signed up. Smart Water was available for sale (3 purchased). Cycle coding conducted. Similar events will take place in Baddesley, Dordon, Polesworth and Warton during the forthcoming months.

22 Polesworth Sports club road show The aim to increase membership and participation at local sports clubs. The Road Show tackled this by showcasing the activities available to the young people on their doorstep. 15 local sports clubs engaged with over 900 young people, with activities ranging from Boxing, Horse Riding and Football.

23 Speeding issues - policy If speeding is raised as a priority, Police will:- Arrange for analysis of accident statistics in area to be conducted. Investigate possibility of speed survey. Conduct series of speed checks during relevant times to ascertain if speeding issue is genuine or perceived. Report back with results to next forum In addition forum can consider formation of / utilising Community Speed Watch (if sufficient interest from residents and site suitable) as education tool.

24 Anti- Social behaviour minimum standards

25 Number Plate Anti-Tamper Screws

26 In North Warwickshire this year: There were 42 fewer victims of serious violence, a reduction of 13.9%. There were an equal number of aggravated burglaries and robberies. The number of homes burgled and vehicles stolen fell by 20.6% (104 fewer incidents). Theft from vehicles fell by 3.4% (17 fewer incidents). Criminal Damage has fallen by 12.8% (96 fewer incidents).

27 Thank you for your time. Please contact the team should you have any queries or concerns. Tel: 02476483622/23 Email: Web:

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