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З англійської мови та інформатики Підготували: вчитель англійської мови - Чайка В.А. вчитель інформатики – Шатило М.А.

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Presentation on theme: "З англійської мови та інформатики Підготували: вчитель англійської мови - Чайка В.А. вчитель інформатики – Шатило М.А."— Presentation transcript:

1 з англійської мови та інформатики Підготували: вчитель англійської мови - Чайка В.А. вчитель інформатики – Шатило М.А.

2 Текстовий процесор Word: редагування та форматування тексту Topic: «Sport»

3 Warming up

4 hochey

5 skating

6 tennis

7 football

8 swimming

9 fencing

10 volleyball

11 basketball

12 athletics

13 karate

14 running

15 climbing




19 Rewrite the negatives as in the example Example: Jake didn’t do anything. Jake did nothing. I variant 1. There isn’t anything in the bottle. 2. Mary doesn’t want anything. II variant 1. He has met nobody today. 2. I don’t see your book anywhere.

20 KEYS I variant 1. There isn’t anything in the bottle. There is nothing in the bottle. 2. Mary doesn’t want anything. Mary wants nothing. IІ variant 1. He has met nobody today. He hasn’t met anybody today. 2. I don’t see your book anywhere. I see your book nowhere.


22 Choose the correct sentence ‘a’ or ‘b’. Example: a) They are living in Kyiv since 1980. b) They have lived in Kyiv since 1980. I variant 1. a) He is living in London since 1999. b) He has lived in London since 1999. 2. a) They have been here for three hours. b) They have being here for three hours. II variant 1. a) She was here since 9 p.m. b) She has been here since 9 p.m. 2. a) I have a dog for 2 years. b) I have had a dog for 2 years.

23 KEYS I variant 1. a) He is living in London since 1999. b) He has lived in London since 1999. 2. a) They have been here for three hours. b) They have being here for three hours. ІI variant 1. a) She was here since 9 p.m. b) She has been here since 9 p.m. 2. a) I have a dog for 2 years. b) I have had a dog for 2 years.

24 Colour the correct verb ‘play’, ‘go’, or ‘do’


26 Match the words with their translations an event fencing karate a champion фехтування чемпіон подія карате

27 Match the words with their translations athletics gymnastics horse riding a goalkeepen воротар кінна їзда атлетика гімнастика

28 Match the words with their translations a net to win a game to loose a match climbing виграти гру альпінізм сітка програти матч

29 П.І.П.EnglishComputer studies Блищик Анастасія Сінчук Аня Теремико Владислав Ленченко Юля Шкляр Максим Михайлова Софія Партика Даша Петровська Ольга Черкавський Владислав Яковенко Богдан Сорока Марина Хондусенко Даша Яковенко Ярослав Скрипка Анастасія


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