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 Horsey because I love horses and horse riding  Amazing because my friends like me.

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Presentation on theme: " Horsey because I love horses and horse riding  Amazing because my friends like me."— Presentation transcript:


2  Horsey because I love horses and horse riding

3  Amazing because my friends like me

4  Young because I’m still 12

5  Awesome because my friends have fun when they are with me

6  Adorable because my family adores me

7  Balanced because I’m fair with people

8  Delightful because my cousins say that it is a delight to have me with them

9  Unique because I have a unique way to do things

10  Loveable because all my friends and family love me

11  Artistic because I love art and I love to make creative things

12  Zany because I’m fun

13  Interesting because sometimes I tell my friends some interesting facts about stuff especially fashion and animals

14  I love Zebras

15  I love Animals

16  Lovely because I’m always kind to people and animals

17  Respect because I respect the people around me

18  Astonishing because I always surprise people with greatness

19  Behaved because I’m behaved and I’m not rude to people

20  Brilliant because I am brilliant at horse riding

21  Athletic because I like to go horse riding

22  Nice because I be nice to everyone


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