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February 14, 2012 1. Help promote Plans for additional guidance materials Overview of new materials Provide feedback Agenda 2.

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Presentation on theme: "February 14, 2012 1. Help promote Plans for additional guidance materials Overview of new materials Provide feedback Agenda 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 14, 2012 1

2 Help promote Plans for additional guidance materials Overview of new materials Provide feedback Agenda 2

3 The Minnesota e-Health Initiative …accelerate the adoption and effective use of Health Information Technology to improve healthcare quality, increase patient safety, reduce healthcare costs, and enable individuals and communities to make the best possible health decisions. Vision….

4 4 Key Contacts Communications & Outreach Workgroup Co-Chairs Becky Schierman and Mark Sonneborn Workgroup Staff Rebecca Johnson 651-201-5092

5 5 Approach For Providing HIE Guidance General Approach Provide guidance to providers & stakeholders on HIE readiness to address HIE information & knowledge gaps Provide consistent, timely and practical information on the HIE options in Minnesota Provide key considerations for evaluating HIE choices for providers & stakeholders Build upon existing resources when possible (e.g., CHIME HIE Guide for CIOs)

6 6 Phased Approach for HIE Guidance Phase one resources focused on basic information for providers on health information exchange and to begin assisting providers in identifying their health information exchange needs. –Released on February 14, 2012 Phase two resources will focus on educating providers on their health information exchange options, with a specific focus on what State-Certified Health Information Exchange Service Providers offer. –Scheduled for release in May, 2012 Compile phase one and two before MN e-Health Summit on June 14, 2012 Ongoing updates as needed

7 7 The New HIE Guidance Materials Find links to materials at health/hie.html health/hie.html Intended to be primarily a web-based resource with PDF/print-friendly version available Not a static resource - materials will be updated as new information becomes available

8 8 Whats Included in the HIE Guidance (1) Table of Contents Introduction What is Health Information Exchange (HIE)? Why HIE Matters to Minnesota Providers

9 9 Whats Included in the HIE Guidance (2) Table of Contents cont. Understanding Health Information Exchange: HIE in Minnesota Types of Data Exchange Data Exchange and Your Practice Minnesotas HIE Service Provider Options Certification of HIE Service Providers

10 10 Whats Included in the HIE Guidance (3) Table of Contents cont. Assessing Your Readiness: Health Information Exchange and Your Practice Technical Infrastructure Your Organizations Workflow and Information Needs Privacy and Security Laws Estimating Costs and Benefits Resources and Contact Information

11 11 Whats Next for HIE Guidance Materials Develop phase 2 materials including more information on the State-Certified HIE Service Providers Materials to be developed: More details on understanding, evaluating and comparing HIE options in Minnesota Expanded profile to allow for comparison of HIE services and functions offered by the State-Certified HIE Service Providers

12 12 Whats Next cont. Materials to be integrated (currently available): HIE FAQ Minnesota HIE Assessment Data Name of State-Certified HIE Service Provider by type (HIO or HDI) Dates of certification and re-certification Original application and re-certification forms Contact Information (HIE Service Provider)

13 13 How to Help Promote Use example blurb (next slide) in your newsletters/emails Use this slide deck at meetings

14 14 Sample Text for Promotion New resource for Minnesota healthcare providers on health information exchange (HIE) now available on the MN e- Health website, health/hie.html. This HIE guidance will be updated and added to over the next few months; it will be a source of current and accurate information for providers. The information can help providers assess their readiness for HIE and better understand the HIE options available in Minnesota. health/hie.html

15 15 Provide Feedback Consider these questions: How is the information useful? What questions do you still have about HIE?/What information do you need to know to make a decision about HIE? What other resources on HIE do you find helpful?

16 16 Get Involved MN e-Health Initiative HIE Workgroup Meeting/Call Friday February 17, 2012 12:30-1:30pm Dial-in#: 1-888-742-5095/Participants Code: 4477200226 Part of call will include discussion of phase 2 of HIE guidance materials

17 17 Contact Information Send Comments and Questions to: Rebecca Johnson Project Manager for Outreach, Education & Technical Assistance Office of Health IT, MDH 651-201-5092

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