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Yorkshire & Humber Information Skills Training Group Presentation to East Midlands Library Trainers’ Forum Tuesday 13 th July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Yorkshire & Humber Information Skills Training Group Presentation to East Midlands Library Trainers’ Forum Tuesday 13 th July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yorkshire & Humber Information Skills Training Group Presentation to East Midlands Library Trainers’ Forum Tuesday 13 th July 2010

2 Purpose To be a strategic group that focuses first and foremost upon the information skills training needs of health and social care staff and consequently also the library/information staff that support library users in NHS within Yorkshire and the Humber.

3 Role (1)  To develop and agree a programme of work and timetable of information skills training priorities across Yorkshire and the Humber  To work towards information skills training programmes that are consistent and transferable within Yorkshire and the Humber.  To investigate the accreditation of information skills training programmes, and link them/embed them within knowledge and skills frameworks.  To identify for the CPD Group those areas of information skills training that library and information staff are having difficulty delivering due to training needs of their own.

4 Role (2)  To facilitate effective consultation, communication and evaluation of online information resources. Particular attention to be paid to monitoring resources ; most especially with regard to on-going changes and developments related to regionally and nationally procured resources.  To form task and finish groups as required in order to deliver the work programme.

5 The Group  Mix of managers and trainers  Meets quarterly (or thereabouts)  Reports to Y&H Managers’ Group  Strategic overview  Not primarily about hands-on delivery

6 Frameworks (1) Agreed by Y&H Managers  That the Yorkshire & Humber Library Managers’ Network adopt the principle of a common consistent regional framework for the design and delivery of end-user training  That the Network endorse the work carried out thus far by the ISTG in developing model course outlines  That the Network adopt these outlines as part of a regional consistency framework  That the Network mandate the ISTG to undertake further work to complete common model outlines across the topic areas identified by the audit as being delivered across the region

7 Frameworks (2) Model outlines for:  Using the NHS Evidence/Introduction to Athens  Introduction to literature searching  Introduction to evidence-based practice  Finding the evidence: using the Cochrane Library  Critical appraisal

8 Next steps  Further model outlines  Expand outlines into toolkits:  Model guides/course books  Worked examples  Range of specialty/profession-based searches  Pool of “good” articles for critical appraisal  Links to other sources/resources  A house style  Commitment to keep materials updated

9 Contact details Paul Twiddy Library & Information Service Manager Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Old Nurses Home Leeds General Infirmary Great George Street Leeds LS 1 3EX Tel: 0113 392 6590 E:

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