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Access All Areas Tracey Priestley Human Resource Officer – Equalities and Well-being.

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Presentation on theme: "Access All Areas Tracey Priestley Human Resource Officer – Equalities and Well-being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access All Areas Tracey Priestley Human Resource Officer – Equalities and Well-being

2 Background RMBC’s desire to employ more people with a Learning Disability Increasing numbers of unemployed – how could the Council help ? Initially an RMBC project but grew Partnership Working

3 Gaining Agreement RMBC’s Chief Executive and Senior Managers Local Strategic Partners Chief Executive’s Job Centre Plus

4 Timeline December 08 RMBC agreement January 09 - Partner organisation ‘buy-in’ - Publicity materials developed February - Links with work preparation providers - Article in Rotherham News March - Publicity materials distributed - Launch Event Ongoing Placements arranged and monitored

5 Publicity Materials Designed by SpeakUp Printed by AdVenture

6 Rotherham News

7 March 2009 May 2009

8 Launch Event - Partner Organisations Placement Providers Work Prep Providers

9 Launch Event 27 March 2009 Attended by 108 people - 73 interested in a placement 18 Information stalls Catering – provided by staff and service users from RMBC’s Learning Disability Day Services Budget £500 - sponsored by:

10 Placement Process One application for all One to one meeting Meeting with Manager CRB, if needed Placement starts Monitoring Evaluation

11 Placements Administration - all organisations CCTV - South Yorkshire Police Community Safety Team - South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service ‘Hands On’ roles - working alongside caretakers, electricians, estates staff, gardeners, plumbers, storekeepers – RMBC & 2010 Rotherham Ltd Reception areas - Rotherham College, South Yorkshire Police

12 Tom Has not worked since 2007 – working with BTCV Has a musculoskeletal problem Asked for NHS admin placement Given IT placement with NHS Rotherham – successful Now working for NHS, via agency, 40 hours a week

13 Quotes from Tom “ This project appeared to be a great opportunity to get myself back in the mainstream work place. It also allowed me to build on my C.V and gain a work reference. Another benefit was that I had a say in what type of work I would be doing.” “[the job] couldn’t have happened without the help and support of yourself and many others who have helped me a long the way. I would certainly advise others who have been out of work for a long time to consider AAA.”

14 Steve Age 55 27 years experience in building industry – mainly domestic Wheelchair user 95% of time Placement – 2010 Rotherham Ltd

15 Rob Age 30’s, Asperger’s Syndrome, working with Remploy Asked for data input work On discussion did not want interruptions that could put him off his tasks Placement – RMBC, transferring information to an IT system – placement going very well

16 Gillian Age 22 Working with Mencap Not sure what she wants to do Placement in a Children’s Centre – varied work – cooking, working with children and admin

17 James Last worked in 2003 Has a mental health condition Volunteers at Voluntary Action Rotherham Wants to work in voluntary sector Clerical placement at a day centre run by a charity Has applied for permanent clerical job

18 David Age 64, wants to work as a cleaner or gardener Learning Disability Day Service Centre – gardening placement Mencap offices – cleaning placement, potential to move onto a work trial

19 Sue  Last worked in August 2008 – senior Manager role  Developed mental health condition  Wanted to move into support/coaching job  Placement found at Drop-In Youth group  Finished placement to start new job with RMBC at the Ministry of Food – a partnership with Jamie Oliver

20 Working with Mencap and Project 400 – an RMBC project in the Learning Disability Service providing horticultural training Wanted a ‘hands on’ placement Caretaking team placement Excellent feedback so far John

21 Karen Age 30, never had paid worked Working with Mencap Has Level 2 NVQ in Business Administration Did a placement in 2008, successful Interviewed for two jobs, but unsuccessful Now doing an AAA placement in a Housing office and in the NHS to increase her experiences

22 What Have We Learned? Positives Well received Willingness to offer and support placements Increasing awareness about what people can do Strengthened partnership working Individual’s feedback and – people are starting to get jobs

23 What Have We Learned? Challenges Time – much more than anticipated Finding placements Placements for ‘vulnerable’ people Funding for adjustments Support – level needed by some people

24 What Next... AAA will continue in current format until March 2010 Evaluation Will always provide placements for disable people but the scale may be different

25 Contact Tracey Priestley 01709 823715

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