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The Story of Environmental Health: Food and Security.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of Environmental Health: Food and Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of Environmental Health: Food and Security

2 Presentation Structure Background: Public Health and Environmental Health Definitions and Importance The Food System Strategies to Protect the Food System Resources

3 Objectives By the end of this presentation, participants should be able to… Explain the term farm to fork Describe two or more ways in which food can be contaminated Discuss environmental health strategies for prevention/risk reduction

4 Mission To protect, maintain and improve the health of Minnesotans

5 Core Functions of Public Health Assessing the publics health Promoting sound policies Assuring effectiveness

6 What is Environmental Health? Public health programs designed to protect the public health from hazards which exist or could exist in the physical environment. --Minnesota SCHSAC Environmental Health Leadership Team, December, 2002, Diagram courtesy of Australias EnHealth. Diagram courtesy of Australias EnHealth.

7 Environmental Links to Health Concerns Drinking Water Food Land Built Environment Indoor Air Emergencies

8 Foodborne Illness Definitions Outbreak the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food. (CDC) Agro-terrorism: [Terrorism] directed against agriculture, livestock, or other food supplies with biological, chemical, or [physical] radiological weapons. (FBI)

9 Importance of Preventing Foodborne Diseases Many are ill or die –76 million US cases each year (estimated) –Of these…, 325,000 hospitalized 5,000 died (CDC) Cost in 2000: $6.9 billion per year for 5 bacterial pathogens (USDA/ERS)

10 Potential Impacts Death and illness Economic consequences Panic/alarm Loss of confidence, or disruption, in food supply

11 Complex System, Many Food Interests Food can be contaminated at any point, from farm inputs to fork. Farm Transport Mill / Slaughter / Food Processor Restaurant/Retail Transport/Imports Consumer Photo: Inputs

12 Potential Contaminants in Food Microbes and microbial toxins –Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum Chemicals –Cleaners, pesticides Physical hazards –Glass, Radioactive contaminants

13 Rajneeshee Religious Group Most successful food terrorism yet... 751 reported cases of salmonella poisoning linked to 10 Oregon salad bars 1984 criminal investigation, but intent actually revealed by ex- follower in 1985 Why? Plan to make certain voters sick, so chosen candidates would win and support group in land dispute


15 Strategies: Community/Retail Standards Protect Consumers Adherence to existing standards 1. Verification and Assurance 2. Common Sense Management Plans 3. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points 4. Active Managerial Control of Risk Factors …BUT…be aware… Complete Safety cannot be assured!

16 1. Verification and Assurance Inspections Investigations Industry education

17 - Do I know my process/product? –Am I aware of what could cause a problem? –Do I understand how to control threats? –Have my key employees been involved in planning? –Has effective training occurred? 2. Common Sense Management Plans

18 3. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) A system for ensuring safe food production May be used from Farm to Fork The objective is to make the product safely and to be able to prove it !-- Bill Schafer, U of M

19 HACCP Principles 1.Hazard Analysis 2.Critical Control Point 3.Criteria/Standards 4.Monitoring 5.Corrective Action 6.Record Keeping 7.Verification/Validation

20 4. Active Managerial Control (AMC) of Risk Factors System for controlling risk Places responsibility on establishment Manager certification On-going worker education Recognizing accomplishment of safe food!

21 Strategies: Surveillance (Finding Illness and Confirming with Lab Testing) FoodElert – 24/7 emergency contacts for the food industry Sharing of food testing results by government labs (FoodNet, PulseNet) Poison Control Centers (FERN)

22 MN Public Phone number: 1- 877- FOOD ILL (1- 877- 366-3455 ) to report foodborne illness Federal: Information Sharing and Assessment Centers ( PDD 63: ) Food Center is one of 8 ISACs Members can report national food threats –fax web form to (202) 323-2079 or (202) 323-2082 Strategies: Public-Private Collaboration

23 Strategies: Communication The Health Alert Network Links all local and state public health agencies Alerts public health contacts, health care providers, emergency workers, etc.

24 Strategies: Health Promotion to Reinforce Community and Personal Norms

25 Strategies: Education for Individual Action

26 Summary Private and public cooperation is required to maintain and strengthen the food system. Following established guidelines will enhance security, including watching for signs and symptoms of: chemical, biological, and physical contamination. Core public health measures help ensure safer food, including: assessing threats, developing common sense and practical policies, communicating, and assuring food safety standards are met.

27 Key Minnesota Emergency Contacts Your Local Health Department Minnesota Department of Health –Acute Disease Investigation and Control: Metro: 612- 676-5414 MN: 1-877-676-5414 –Environmental Health Services: Metro: 612- 215-0871 MN: 1-877-631-8363 Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222

28 For more information, contact your local health department or… Minnesota Department of Health, Environmental Health Division Phone: 651-215-0700, TTD: 651-215-0707

29 Sources CDC: FDA: (gateway site) USDA: Minnesota Board of Animal Health: University Of Minnesota Animal Health and Food Safety

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