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Advanced statistical methods Michal Jurajda. Statistics What is statistics?

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced statistical methods Michal Jurajda. Statistics What is statistics?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced statistical methods Michal Jurajda

2 Statistics What is statistics?

3 Statistics What is statistics good for? Mass phenomenons/random events –Data management –Data description –Data analysis Statistics helps us to cope with variability of the world we live in.

4 Statistics Decision making. Statistics helps us to separate real effects from effects of random variation.

5 Statistics Descriptive statistics

6 Statistics Statistical induction –Drawing conclusions about population from the sample. –SE standard error SE=SD/√n –CI confidence interval 95% sample mean ± 1,96 SE

7 Statistics Hypotheses testing –Comparing two independent samples –Comparing two dependent variables –Paired/non-paired tests –Parametric/non-parametric tests

8 Statistics p value What the p-value tells to us? (type I error).

9 Frequency tables Chi-square test Fischer exact test

10 Normality testing Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Shapiro-Wilk

11 Multiple samples Multiple comparison procedures –ANOVA –Holm‘s test, Bonferoni method p/number of comparisons –Non-parametric test: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA

12 Survival analysis Kaplan Meier‘s curves –comparison: log rank test

13 Logistic regresion Binary response variable (death/survival or healty/diseased) is related to „explanatory“ variable. Explanatory variable is continuous or categorial.

14 Cluster analysis

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