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The MEDCAL Sexual Health Tutor Based on and developed from Gives accurate personal sex education any time any where.

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Presentation on theme: "The MEDCAL Sexual Health Tutor Based on and developed from Gives accurate personal sex education any time any where."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MEDCAL Sexual Health Tutor Based on and developed from Gives accurate personal sex education any time any where

2 Sexual Health in the UK Sexually transmitted disease rising £300 million boost to sexual health budget Current health promotion failing to halt rise Potential multi billion cost to NHS

3 The Sexual Health Tutor gives EDUCATION personalised sexual risk advice “fun“ way to learn tool for teachers levels according to need has multiple paths reliable information

4 The Sexual Health Tutor as an Information resource What is AIDs? Can I get pregnant if? Where is the nearest clinic? Was it RAPE or SEXUAL ABUSE? Child line number etc Answers to question on sexual health when you need them without appearing silly to adults or peer group. Major or minor question and you can just look as if you are playing The answer to many teenage worries

5 The Sexual Health Tutor Advert and Message Advertising works (Repeat advertising is better) Advertising to teenagers is expensive The Tutor is an ADVERT with a MESSAGE 1. gives a message that sexual health is important 2. every time you see the tutor you are reminded of the message 3. every time it is used the message is reinforced 4. this gives the power of a long term advertising campaign at a fraction of the cost

6 Evaluation Results Good method of learning this information 92% girls and 61% boys Easy to use 78% girls and 57% boys Would use it if available to them 63% girls and 65% boys

7 Happening Now Expansion in South Yorkshire 20 in Barnsley 6 in Doncaster You see today the first production line version of the Tutor built for us by AI MEC COM Ltd

8 The Future per pupil per year SEX education for all per pupil per year SEX education for all

9 The BITE project Further information The sexual health tutors are available from MEDCAL Ltd www.MEDCAL.CO.UK 01142887264 MEDCAL Ltd The Grange Cote Lane Thurgoland Sheffield S71

10 Project wants and needs Teenagers Research finding suggest knowledge Knowledge comes from education Teenagers want knowledge Don’t want ‘Education’ Want ‘Entertainment’ Professionals Accurate health education Effective outcomes Low costs Population wide access Easy implementation and propagation

11 The health for all plans £1 per pupil per year plan for a tutor in every school in the UK The 20 per person per year plan a MEDCAL Tutor in every surgery offering Teenage sexual health/ CHD prevention and life style advice

12 Schools really enthusiastic lesley

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