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S519: Evaluation of Information Systems Social Statistics Inferential Statistics Chapter 10: t test.

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Presentation on theme: "S519: Evaluation of Information Systems Social Statistics Inferential Statistics Chapter 10: t test."— Presentation transcript:

1 S519: Evaluation of Information Systems Social Statistics Inferential Statistics Chapter 10: t test

2 Last week

3 This week T test for dependent means How to compute the observed t value Interpret the t value Use TTEST and TDIST function ToolPak tool

4 T test for dependent Means that a single group of the same objects is being studied under two conditions

5 Example Three professors at University of Alabama studied the effects of resource and regular classrooms on the reading achievement of learning-disabled children. A group of children was test before they take the 1-year daily instruction and after they took the 1-year daily instruction. Which statistical test we should use?

6 T test for dependent : the sum of all the difference between groups : the sum of the differences squared between groups n : the number of pairs of observations

7 T test for dependent pretestposttestdifferenceD2 37416 5839 4624 6711 5839 594 4624 5611 374 6824 7811 871 7924 610416 7924 8911 8800 981 94-525 84-416 75-24 761 6939 7811 812416

8 T test for dependent Step1: A statement of the null and research hypotheses

9 T test for dependent Step2: setting the level of risk (or the level of significance or Type I error) associated with null hypothesis 0.05

10 T test for dependent Step3: selection of the appropriate test statistics Following Figure 10.1 T test for dependent = t test for paired samples = t test for correlated samples

11 T test for dependent Step4: computation of the test statistic value t=2.45 How to calculate

12 T test for dependent Step5: determination of the value needed for rejection of the null hypothesis Table B2 df=n-1=25-1=24 One tailed: because research hypothesis is directed

13 T test for dependent Step6: a comparison of the t value and the critical value 2.45>1.711 Reject the null hypothesis

14 T test for dependent Step7 and 8: time for a decision There is the difference between pretest and posttest

15 Excel: TTEST function TTEST (array1, array2, tails, type) array1 = the cell address for the first set of data array2 = the cell address for the second set of data tails: 1 = one-tailed, 2 = two-tailed type: 1 = a paired t test; 2 = a two-sample test (independent with equal variances); 3 = a two- sample test with unequal variances

16 Excel: TTEST function TTEST (array1, array2, tails, type) Type: Independent Two groups with no relationship  The weights of men and women with no relationship Dependent Matched, or paired samples  The weights of men and women in a relationship (one man is matched or paired with one woman based on relationship) Repeated measures  One group is pre- and post-tested

17 Excel TTEST() It does not computer the t value It returns the likelihood that the resulting t value is due to chance Less than 1% of the possibility that two tests are different due to chance  the two tests are difference due to other reasons than chance.

18 Excel ToolPak T test: paired two sample for means option t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means pretestposttest Mean6.327.52 Variance2.9766666673.343333333 Observations25 Pearson Correlation0.050718341 Hypothesized Mean Difference0 df24 t Stat-2.449489743 P(T<=t) one-tail0.010991498 t Critical one-tail1.710882067 P(T<=t) two-tail0.021982997 t Critical two-tail2.063898547

19 Exercises S-p223

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