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 Enrollment details  Overview of the Syllabus  My Class Website and Blackboard  What will it take to pass this course?  Testing Rules and Homework.

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Presentation on theme: " Enrollment details  Overview of the Syllabus  My Class Website and Blackboard  What will it take to pass this course?  Testing Rules and Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1  Enrollment details  Overview of the Syllabus  My Class Website and Blackboard  What will it take to pass this course?  Testing Rules and Homework Teams  Homework Format  Participation exercise: Homework Format Math 90 – Elementary Algebra First Day … MrV (David Vandewater) Volunteer Note-Takers Needed: Take lecture notes for a DSPS student to use. Responsibilities: 1. Take clearly written lecture notes during each class meeting, then 2. Provide those notes to the DSPS student. (Copies? E-mail? Other?) Rewards: Upon successful completion of this semester-long activity, you will… - Receive up to 20 extra credit points in this class (5 per major test period) - Feel great that you were able to help others succeed in this class Most note-takers have claimed their own grade improved due to this commitment. If you want to be a volunteer Note-Taker, please see me at the break. You then will go to the DSPS Office to be confirmed as a Note-Taker and paired with a DSPS student.

2 Overview of the Syllabus  Tonight: Read it carefully, take it seriously  Details the class objectives, resources, behavior, drop criteria, grading, schedule & assignments  Acts as a contract between teacher & student What I plan to give you What you have to do to get it  Your grade: 8% Participation 8% Homework 64% Major Tests 20% Final Exam  Absent for a test? Take it in the LRC before next class.

3 Class Webpages and Blackboard  My Website gives you access to The updated Syllabus, (schedule/HW changes, etc) Your current average (detailed grades for HW, Participation, Tests) Printable class handouts for some topics, Executable PowerPoints used in class lectures.  Don’t use Blackboard. It will only have links to my website  Activate your student My MSJC e-mail So that I can contact you (example: class session is cancelled) So that I can offer occasional extra credit opportunities  Let’s find your class on my Instructor Website: (, then Students, then Instructor Websites, then V for Vandewater) or bookmark/favorites

4  Be open to Suggestions: Use new work habits and study skills  Focus – work hard starting TODAY  Don’t miss classes – Absence is a killer  Do daily written homework on time – Timely Practice is key  Arrive in class a few minutes before it starts; I take roll at 1:00 sharp  Take notes on my presentation – mostly I use textbook examples  Work class exercises with me… and put them in your notes  If you “don’t get it”, Ask Questions  If you are repeating Math90, or your basic arithmetic skills are rusty: Try walk-in help in the Learning Resource Center, Building 800 ground floor: Student ID Required! Hours Mon-Thurs 9am-7pm and Fri 9am-Noon Try free on-line help from SmartThinking (see syllabus) Consider hiring a paid tutor  Insist that disruptions by other students be stopped What will it take to pass this course? It’s a 4 credit class with a lot of homework

5 Get a Textbook Right Away ! Your textbook is Beginning Algebra 8 th edition by Aufmann/Barker/Lockwood ISBN-13: 978-1-111-57870-1 The MSJC MVC bookstore has this textbook. Cost new: ? Used: probably not available If you use an outside vendor to buy a new or used book: - It MUST BE the 8 th edition with the above ISBN. - Make sure you receive it by the 3 rd day of class. An E-Text version can be rented for 180 days for $76, but you need to have a suitable PC or tablet to use it. Classroom WI-FI access is not guaranteed. Free trial: (not all exercises are accessible)

6 Why you need your own textbook  Those who don’t buy their own textbook usually fail/drop  The Library and the LRC do not have enough copies  Homework: 40 different assignments (almost every day) Some sections will be handed in for Homework Credit (with major tests)  Note-taking: Less writing. Board Examples are from the text (but DO the exercises)  Absence: Self-study the Textbook Examples before doing the homework  Having Difficulty: You can review any topics at any time at home/school Bring your textbook to the LRC in support of your questions

7 Instructor Absence and Optional Activities  Instructor Absence… (when I’m sick or otherwise unavailable) If a test is scheduled (and I can’t get a proctor), it will be postponed one class day. Use the classroom for study. I will adjust the schedule. Not a test day? Use the classroom for study. I will adjust the schedule  You can get together with one or two other students to form your own Homework Team. Optimal size: 3 students Try to have a range of skill levels Take turns explaining how to do HW problems  Trouble with a difficult concept or with homework? Re-read the textbook section and look at the examples in your notes. Go to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and get walk-in help from a Learning Assistant (they call them “Tutors”) Try SmartThinking on-line help. (See the Syllabus)

8 Highlights - from your Syllabus Important Student Responsibilities  Get the right edition (8 th ) of the text before the 1 st HW Pack submission  Hand in 3 chapter sections on time on Test Days for Homework Credit, otherwise receive minimal default credit. Late HW not accepted.  Follow class rules concerning phone or other distractions.  All Tests count toward your grade.  When absent for a Test: Take the test in the LRC before class meets again, or get a 0 grade.  Only one makeup Test can be taken in the LRC, without penalty. Each additional LRC Test will have a 10% penalty.  If no longer attending, Drop this class yourself. (otherwise an F or D is certain)  I would appreciate a courtesy e-mail when long absences occur.  Read the entire Syllabus.

9 Now for some Math…  First, we’ll review homework procedure, and your first HW assignment. You can even earn a little Participation credit…review homework procedure  Next we’ll look at rules for negative number arithmetic (Math51/55)negative number arithmetic  Finally, we’ll review Section 1.2 (Integers) on the board  If there’s time, then we’ll review some basic arithmetic (Math50/51/55)some basic arithmetic

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