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SEASONSSEASONSSEASONSSEASONS. sunny[‘s ʌ n ɪ ] солнечно windy[‘w ɪ nd ɪ ] ветрено cloudy[kla ʊ d ɪ ] облачно snowy[snə ʊɪ ] снежно hot [h ɒ t] жарко cold[kə.

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Presentation on theme: "SEASONSSEASONSSEASONSSEASONS. sunny[‘s ʌ n ɪ ] солнечно windy[‘w ɪ nd ɪ ] ветрено cloudy[kla ʊ d ɪ ] облачно snowy[snə ʊɪ ] снежно hot [h ɒ t] жарко cold[kə."— Presentation transcript:


2 sunny[‘s ʌ n ɪ ] солнечно windy[‘w ɪ nd ɪ ] ветрено cloudy[kla ʊ d ɪ ] облачно snowy[snə ʊɪ ] снежно hot [h ɒ t] жарко cold[kə ʊ ld] холодно warm[w ɔ :m] тепло rainy[‘re ɪ n ɪ ] дождливо

3 Autumn Winter Spring Summer

4 The autumn months are: September, October, November.

5 The winter months are: December, January, February.

6 The spring months are: March, April, May.

7 The summer months are: June, July, August.

8 hot rainy snowy windy cloudy

9 sunny cold rainy snowy hot windy

10 cold hot rainy cloudy fine warm

11 cloudy hot sunny cold snowy

12 Autumn Describe autumn using the words: WWWWarm CCCCool RRRRainy WWWWindy CCCCloudy WWWWeather LLLLeaves

13 Find autumn words Novembertreewindcl oudsyellowleavesrain Novembertreewindcl oudsyellowleavesrain NNNNovember TTTTree WWWWind CCCClouds YYYYellow LLLLeaves RRRRain

14 Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.  C _ o u d s  T r e _  _ u t u m n  N o _ e m b e r  F i n  _ e p t e m b e r Autumn word  L _ _ _ _ _ l A v e e S eaves

15 Winter Describe winter using the words: CCCCold FFFFrosty SSSSnowy SSSSkiing SSSSkating PPPPlay snowballs MMMMake a snowman PPPPlay hockey

16 Write the letters in the correct order.  N a m w o n s  L l a b w o n s  E k a l f w o n s  Y r a u n a j  R e b m e c e d  T e r w i n S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e J a n u a r y D e c e m b e r W i n t e r

17 Spring Describe spring using the words: WWWWarm BBBBright CCCCool SSSSunny RRRRainy GGGGreen

18 Write opposites.  1. Summer -  2. Hot -  3. Dark -  4. Warm -  5. Day -  6. Black - Winter Cold Light Cool Night White

19 Summer Describe summer using the words: HHHHot SSSSunny BBBBright PPPPlay volleyball HHHHave a picnic SSSSummer holidays SSSStormy

20 Fill in the gaps. 1. It is _____. 2. The summer months are _____. are _____. 3. It is _____ in summer. 4. The days are____, the nights are ____. the nights are ____. 5. The sky is ____, the trees are ____. the trees are ____. 6. The flowers are ____.

21 What is the weather like in your area? Complete the sentences 1111) It’s sunny in…. 2222) It’s cold in… 3333) It’ rainy in… 4444) It’s snowy in… 5555) It’s hot in… spring winter autumn winter summer

22 Stand up! Hands up, hands down! Hands up, hands down! Hands on hips, sit down. Hands on hips, sit down. Hands up, to the sides, Bend left, bend right. One, two, three, hop. One, two, three, stop. Stand still!

23 Сегодня на уроке я узнал … Было интересно … Было трудно … Теперь я могу … Я научился … У меня получилось … Я попробую …

24 Seasons

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