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Cooking with Combinations Statistics: Chapter 4 Section 1.

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1 Cooking with Combinations Statistics: Chapter 4 Section 1

2 The Scenario ……………… Your family has asked you to host the Fourth of July picnic. Because everyone lives far away, it is impossible for everyone to help bring the food. In order to keep it simple, you have decided to have a cookout.

3 Your first decision is what to grill….  Hot Dogs  Hamburgers or

4 What choices will each person have to make? 1) Type of meat 2) Type of bun 3) Type of condiments 4) Type of toppings

5 Hmmm……………… As you think of all the different groceries you need to buy, it becomes obvious that there are many, many ways that someone could prepare their meal. Your curiosity gets the best of you so you begin to count... and count... and count !!!

6 Hot Dog Choices  Bun –White –Wheat  Condiments –Mustard –Ketchup –Mayo  Toppings –Onions –Pickles/Relish

7 Hamburger Choices  Bun –White –Wheat  Condiments –Mustard –Ketchup –Mayo  Toppings –Cheese –Lettuce –Tomatoes –Onions –Pickles/Relish

8 To answer your question.....  Create a slot diagram for each type of meat.  Multiply the possibilities to calculate the total number of combinations.  Add the combinations for each type of meat to get the grand total.

9 Hot Dog Combinations Bun Condiments Toppings 322 x x = 12

10 Hamburger Combinations Bun Condiments Toppings 235 x x = 30

11 Your curiosity is satisfied!! Total Number of Hot Dog Combinations Total Number of Hamburger Combinations 1230 + = 42 Combination Grand Total

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