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6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Discipline Referrals Presented by: Christine Lee Presented by: Christine Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Discipline Referrals Presented by: Christine Lee Presented by: Christine Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Discipline Referrals Presented by: Christine Lee Presented by: Christine Lee

2 Agenda Fields on a referral Office Processing FL SESIR incidents Discipline Reports Referral letters DOE verification reports errors with Discipline data Questions

3 Fields on a Referral

4 To set up the discipline referral for a school, open the Discipline menu and select Referral Form in the setup section. A list of available fields from FOCUS is listed. To add a new referral field, click the plus sign at the bottom of the list of referral fields. Enter a Field Name that will display on the referral form and select a Data Type. The list of available data types is shown below. The Sort Order will determine the order in which the fields are displayed on the referral form from top to bottom.

5 Fields on a Referral A default value can be set for a referral field. The default value will automatically populate in the field when a new referral is created. The user can then edit the value if needed. To set a default value for a referral field, select the Default for new referral checkbox and enter the default value in the Default Code field. The Discipline Code is what is pulled for state reporting. A referral field can be marked as Required. Note*Users cannot submit a referral until all required fields have been completed.

6 Fields on a Referral If the referral field should be displayed on any new referral, select the Display for adding new referrals checkbox. A default value can be set for adding a new referral field. The default value will automatically populate in the field when a new referral is created. The user can then edit the value for a referral field, select Default for new referral- enter the pulldown/select value from the description box in the default space. If the field is a checkbox a check would mean setting the default to yes, leaving it blank sets it to no. The Default Code options (in the code box to the right of the description box is what is pulled for state reporting. If discipline referrals are available to parents and students, only the fields where the Visible on Parent and Student Portal checkbox selected will be displayed. Note*The option to make discipline referrals available on Parent and Student Portals is a profile setting.

7 Fields on a Referral For any referral fields that are text, a Max Length for the field can be entered. The Field Categories field should include Referral. The discipline referral form is school-specific. Whether a referral field is displayed at a specific school or not is based on the School Usage field. Help Text for a referral field can be entered. If help text is entered for field, a question mark icon appears next to the field on the referral form. If a user hovers the mouse arrow over the icon, the help text will be displayed.

8 Teachers & Referrals Adding a new Referral Click the Discipline menu and select Add Referral. The referral form will be displayed and pre-populated with the teacher’s name as the Reporter and the selected student’s name at the top.

9 Teachers & Referrals Form Requirements box will be shown in the lower right corner, denoting all fields that must be completed; simply click each input field listed to go directly to that section of the referral. Once the referral form is submitted by a teacher it locks the form and triggers a Portal Alert for administration.

10 Office Processing Portal Alerts In the Alerts section of the Portal page, there will be an alert indicating the number of new (unprocessed) referrals; click the referral alert to see a list of the unprocessed referrals. The list can be filtered based on the number of referrals (processed and unprocessed) within a specified timeframe. Entering Disciplinary Action Records After reviewing the fields entered by the reporter, complete the administrator portion of the referral. From this screen the administrator will input the date, when the action began, when the action will end, length of the action, who administered the action, and any other pertinent notes.*Note A Discipline Code must be entered and can have more than 1 action.

11 Office Processing The Attendance Code pull-down menu allows for either External Suspension or Internal Suspension to be assigned. By selecting a code, the student’s attendance record will be automatically updated with the specified code on the school days. The attendance codes will populate for the entire school day (all periods). The minimum action length for reporting is 1 day. The attendance codes can be modified for the student if the dates the student actually serves differs from the dates assigned. Checking the reviewed by administrator box processes the referral and removes the portal alert. If the alert is set up, the reporter of the referral will also be notified that the referral has been processed.

12 Office Processing Once the user is inside of the student’s referral, the top left corner displays a summary of the total days of discipline assigned so far. This summary may be useful for administration when assigning 504 and ESE Students Disciplinary actions as there are state limits on the days of certain actions that can be assigned. Administration can also view referrals from All Schools as well as all years.

13 SESIR Incidents SESIR (Florida only) codes relate to incidents that to School Environment Safety Reportable Issues. If a SESIR Discipline Code has been selected in a referral and the referral has been submitted, a Discipline Incident form will automatically be displayed. Select from the list of all students with referrals. If the Discipline Incident applies to a group of students, users can choose multiple students.

14 SESIR Incidents For each SESIR incident tied to students (when pulled for state reporting) Focus will take the SESIR incident ID and filter this ID down to all students linked to the incident as the state only wants one incident id reporting for all related records.

15 Duplicating Referrals In some instances, there is more than one student involved in an Incident. In this case the referral will not have to be rewritten for each student. To duplicate a referral select the duplicate referral button located at the top of the referral form. Selecting this option allows more than one student to be attached to referral therefore creating the same Incident ID for state reporting purposes.

16 Discipline Reports The Discipline menu allows administrators to generate discipline reports, identify discipline trends, and utilize the data to implement behavior management support systems.

17 Discipline Reports Students with Referrals The Students with Referrals identifies students and the number of discipline referrals accrued. In the Search Screen, search for a specific student or a group of students. Note: To view all students with at least 1 referral, leave the Student field blank and simply click the Search button. Use the Display Students with at least pull-down to filter the report by total number of referrals; once a number is specified the page will automatically update.

18 Discipline Reports Category Breakdown The Category Breakdown Report displays graphical representations of conduct data, allowing administrators to track discipline trends. Use the drop-down menus to select discipline categories. Upon selecting a category, a second Breakdown Further drop-down menu displays; this second drop-down can further refine a Student Field to cross-compare the Discipline Category. Note: Categories are based upon the non-text fields that are available in a school’s Referral Form.

19 Discipline Reports Referral Log The Referral Log summarizes referrals and discipline history of a student; usually for official meetings or court appearances. Click Search to generate the report; Focus will generate a PDF file with a single log per page to ensure student confidentiality.

20 Discipline Letters

21 Discipline letters Discipline letters can be created in Print Letters and Send Emails.

22 Discipline letters Creating/Editing Discipline Form Letters 1.Inserts a user/student data fields within the letter. 2.Allows users to assign a specific letterhead. 3.Allows users to pick how letter will be sorted. 4.Opens an existing letter. 5.Saves or overwrite a letter.

23 Discipline letters Discipline Form Letters To save the letter click the icon and a list of previously created letters will appear. User can either overwrite or save a new letter. Once the letter is created/edited and ready to be saved it can be attached to the Discipline category.

24 Discipline letters Discipline form letters will be available for printing from the referral screen. Once the user selects a form, a PDF will be provided for printing. To return to the Referral form, simply click Return to Focus in the upper left hand corner.

25 DOE Verification Reports Discipline Verification Reports display records that will error at the state. These reports should be reviewed often for data cleanliness and quality.

26 Verification Reports Discipline Verification Reports display records that will error at the state. These reports should be reviewed often for data cleanliness and quality. To access these reports users will navigate to the Florida Reports Menu select DOE Verification Reports Select the appropriate tab for the report to be viewed.

27 Verification Reports Once users click on the tab errors will be viewable. A list will be populated with student error records. Click on the students Name to correct the errors.

28 Questions? Christine Lee Software Trainer, Focus School Software Christine Lee Software Trainer, Focus School Software

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