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Alan Mayrer, Tom Norris Al Renner, Edward Taylor.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan Mayrer, Tom Norris Al Renner, Edward Taylor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan Mayrer, Tom Norris Al Renner, Edward Taylor

2  What makes a good leader?  Army disqualifying factors.  Is this truly fair?

3  Core Question  Is the Ohio Army National Guard (OHARNG) disqualifying good leaders because soldiers exceed the the OHARNG’s body fat percentage standard?  Secondary Questions  How does a soldier’s percentage of body fat affect his/her job performance in the OHARNG?  Is the OHARNG method of measuring body fat percentage accurate?

4  If the OHARNG’s current method of measuring body fat is inaccurate, what are the negative affects?  If the OHARNG’s method of measuring body fat percentage is accurate, do other more accurate methods exist?  How should the OHARNG revise its promotion process?

5  Why is this important?  How will information be obtained?  What do we want to have happen?  Who do we need to influence to get it done?

6  Ohio Army National Guard – Part of US NG and component of US Army  12,400 personnel in 105 companies  5 Brigade commanders, 1 Commanding General  Vision - When called we respond with ready units

7  Federal Mission - Maintain combat ready units and Soldiers available to mobilize in support of the National Military Strategy  State Mission - Provide organized, trained and equipped units to protect life and property and to preserve peace, order and public safety when ordered by the governor

8  Focused on HR process for selecting & promoting leaders  G-1 manages regulatory controlled process  Setting – Joint Force HQs, Columbus, OH  Outcomes applicable to entire organization  Two possible recommended new practices:  Change method of calculating body fat  Do not consider body fat when selecting leaders

9  Web-based survey  The benefits of using this method  Description of a targeted respondent  Key information to analyze  % of those who were denied promotion  Reason for denial  The effectiveness of current promotion process

10  Type of data to collect  Primary source: web-based survey  Secondary source: Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel  The key stakeholders  Evidence that will influence stakeholders

11  Techniques  Record and sort common data from primary and secondary research  Note any discrepancies in research  Primary research - edited & coded  Secondary research may have opposing results  Cross-tabulation method  Finds relationship between two variables  Introduce elaboration analysis

12  Organization  Body Fat Percentage & Job Performance  Body Fat Percentage & Health  Methods of Determining Body Fat Percentage

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