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Agenda – 2-13-14 BW Define CW – Notes on post-imperial China CW 2 – You have how many names? (Key People) HW – Timeline QOTD – You ain’t got no legs Lt.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda – 2-13-14 BW Define CW – Notes on post-imperial China CW 2 – You have how many names? (Key People) HW – Timeline QOTD – You ain’t got no legs Lt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda – 2-13-14 BW Define CW – Notes on post-imperial China CW 2 – You have how many names? (Key People) HW – Timeline QOTD – You ain’t got no legs Lt. Dan -Forest Gump

2 EQ – What was post- imperial China like? (How did China become communist?)

3 Nationalists overthrow Qing Dynasty A New Power Kuomintang—Nationalist Party of China—calls for modernization Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) —first great leader of Nationalist Party

4 In 1912, the Nationalist Party (or the Kuomintang) overthrew the Qing Dynasty and took control of China.  Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Kuomintang Flag of the Kuomintang

5 The Nationalists were led by Sun Yat- sen, and later Chiang Kai-shek. Sun Yat-sen (or Sun Yixian)Chiang Kai-shek (or Jiang Jieshi)

6 Shaky Start for the New Republic In 1912, Sun takes control as president Backs three principles: nationalism, democracy, economic security No national agreement on rule; civil war breaks out in 1916 Many peasants opposed Nationalists, believing that they were corrupt.


8 More problems….WWI China enters war against Germany hoping to gain land held by Germans Treaty of Versailles gives German colonies in China to Japan May 4, 1919, angry students protest this agreement - May Fourth Movement— spreads across China Many young nationalists turn against Sun Yixian

9 Rise of a New Leader Mao Zedong—helps form Chinese Communist Party in 1921 In 1923, Lenin helps Nationalists, who agree to work with Communists

10 Peasants Align with the Communists Jiang Jieshi—Nationalist leader after Sun dies—opposes communism Peasants see no gain for them in Jiang’s plans Supported the opposing Communist Party, led by Mao Zedong.

11 Mao Zedong Flag of the Chinese Communist Party 

12 Chinese Civil War In 1927, Nationalists kill Communists, unionists in Shanghai In 1928, Jiang becomes president; Communists resist his rule This led to the Chinese Civil War (1927 – 1949), between the Nationalists and the Communists.


14 War Rages in China By 1930, civil war rages; Mao recruits a peasant, guerrilla army In 1933, Jiang’s huge army surrounds outnumbered Communists Long March—Communists’ 6,000-mile journey to safety in north Of 100,000 Communists, 7,000 or 8,000 survive the march

15 Wait… We should fight Japan.. For now Civil War Suspended Seeing chaos in China, Japan launches all-out invasion in 1937 Nationalists and Communists join together to fight Japan

16 Sun JiangMaoPeasants

17 By 1949, the Communists won the Chinese Civil War and formed the People’s Republic of China. 1 st Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong

18 A major reason the Communists were successful was because they had the support of the peasants after promising them land.

19 Meanwhile, the Nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan and created the Republic of China. 1 st President, Chiang Kai-shek

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